Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 14 Quasi-Knight Assessment (2)

Li Xin stood aside and was also very curious. As the master of the Haoyue Branch Hall, Nalan Shu was an out-and-out earth knight with a fifth-level profession. He is also a rare strong person in the Temple Alliance. Just a letter can actually make him, who is usually carefree, become so respectful. There must be something wrong with this.

But when she wanted to go over and read it, Nalan Shu had already put the letter away. Then he nodded towards Long Haochen and said, Come with me. As he said this, he turned around and walked out.

Long Haochen followed Nalan Shu to the third floor, and Li Xin, who was full of curiosity, also followed.

The first floor of the Haoyue Branch Hall is mainly for reception, the second floor is for offices where various matters are handled, and the third floor is for trials and assessments. The knights who belong to the Haoyue Branch Hall live in a special chapel behind the branch hall.

The third floor was already above the dome of the first floor hall. As soon as he walked in, Long Haochen suddenly felt something strange in the air. The third floor is an extremely wide hall, five meters high, with no furnishings as far as the eye can see. On the surrounding walls, there are symbols and patterns, and there is a faint flow of brilliance.

Nalan Shu walked to the center of the trial hall before stopping. A soft blue light emitted from his right hand, and a stone pillar-like existence suddenly rose from the ground. The whole body is pitch black, and you can’t tell what material it is made of.

Nalan Shu said to Long Haochen, Do you know what your teacher asked you to do here?

Long Haochen shook his head and said, The teacher said you would tell me.

Nalan Shu nodded and said: Master Xingyu asked you to come here for the quasi-knight assessment. Let's start now. You attack this black stone pillar with all your strength, from any direction.

Hearing the words prospective knight assessment, Li Xin next to her thought there was something wrong with her ears.

How old is Long Haochen? Eleven or twelve years old at most, right? He is already known as the strongest genius in the history of Haoyue Branch Hall, and he only passed the quasi-knight test when he was thirteen years old. Judging from Nalan Shu's appearance, it didn't look like he was joking, and judging from his tone, could this teacher of Xiao Haochen be of a higher rank than the master of Nalan Hall? Could it be that he is a sixth-level radiant knight? Oh my God! The Brilliant Knight can already be called the master of the knight halls in the major cities of the Temple Alliance. Why would he let his disciples go to the Haoyue Branch Hall for assessment?

Li Xin was filled with doubts, but Long Haochen on the other side had already taken action.

Black light flashed, and Long Haochen drew out a fine iron sword. The moment he took the long sword into his hands, his whole temperament suddenly changed drastically.

The boy who was originally a little shy suddenly became cold and stern, his eyes were firm and persistent, and his whole body gave people a feeling of stability like a rock, and he actually exuded a bit of power. He still looks like a ten-year-old child.

Forward step and slash, the two simplest knight offensive movements complete the attack.

With a muffled bang, the fine iron sword struck the black stone pillar hard.

With a buzzing sound, a soft blue halo lit up directly from the walls around the trial hall, and then, an accurate number appeared above the black stone pillar.

One hundred and seven.

With one hundred and seven spiritual powers, both Nalan Shu and Li Xin could not help but widen their eyes at this moment. One hundred spiritual power means breaking through to the second level profession. Even if one hundred and seven points of spiritual power is only the second and first level, it is still the second level! Moreover, don't forget that Long Haochen did not use any skills to enhance himself during the test. It was just a pure slash.

Not only them, but Long Haochen himself was stunned. Is my spiritual power already one hundred and seven? This was his first test since he tested out twenty-five points of spiritual power in Odinzi Palace, but he did not expect this result. In one year, only one year, his spiritual power has reached this level. Quasi-knight, I am actually already a quasi-knight.

The feeling of excitement spread throughout his body instantly. At this moment, Long Haochen felt that all the efforts he had made in the previous year were worth it.

It only takes one year for a child to increase his spiritual power from twenty-five to more than one hundred, and to break through to a second-level profession. Although it cannot be said to be unique in the Holy Demon Continent, it can definitely be described as a miracle.

There is no doubt about Long Haochen's own efforts, but the hot spring medicinal soup that Xingyu soaks him in every day and the strong man from the Assassin Temple who previously unblocked his body's meridians also had a great effect. How could Long Haochen continue to practice without soaking in the hot spring medicinal soup every day? I'm afraid just one coma is enough for him to rest for more than a week.

One year has already laid a solid foundation for him physically.

Nalan Shu gradually came back to his senses, and his eyes suddenly changed dramatically when he looked at Long Haochen, as if he was seeing a rare treasure. His chubby face even showed a bit of flattery, Your name is Long Haochen. Chen, right? How old are you this year?

Long Haochen said subconsciously: Ten years old.

Nalan Shu and Li Xin gasped again, a ten-year-old quasi-knight? This can no longer be described with the word genius. It should be more appropriate to say that it is a genius.

Master Nalan, have I passed the examination? Long Haochen asked.

Nalan Shu said: It's like this. According to the general procedure, as long as the spiritual power is reached, the prospective knight will pass. But the master said in the letter that you must challenge a knight and persist for a moment under the attack of this knight. 10 minutes or above, otherwise the assessment will not be considered successful.

Nalan Shu felt that this requirement was too harsh. Even a quasi-knight above level 5 may not be able to last a quarter of an hour under a real knight, let alone a young man like Long Haochen who has just entered the quasi-knight level.

Okay, then please designate a knight. Long Haochen said as he took out another fine iron sword with his left hand.

I'll come, I'll come. Li Xin came over almost without hesitation. The handsome young lady in front of her really aroused too much curiosity in her. A ten-year-old quasi-knight, what kind of concept is this? She must test how much fighting power this little quasi-knight has.

Nalan Shu glanced at Li Xin, nodded, and said, Be careful.

Li Xin smiled and said: Don't worry, Uncle Nalan, I'm not willing to hurt him either. He is the younger brother I just recognized.

As she spoke, Li Xin also drew out her two swords from behind. Compared with the simple fine iron sword in Long Haochen's hand, her two swords looked much more gorgeous. The swords exuded a light golden luster and were three feet and two inches long. , the engraved runes exude a strong sacred aura.

Li Xin, who was holding two swords, looked at Long Haochen intently, but was secretly surprised, because when he held the weapons, his temperament changed extremely obviously. He was no longer the shy young man before, he was cold and stern. It was a bit fierce, and it made me feel a bit of pressure.

Nalan Shu took a few steps back and said in a deep voice, Let's get started. With him as the referee, he was confident that both sides would not hurt each other.

Sister, be careful.

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