Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2950: The spiritual body shocked the four parties, and all forces retreated to monopolize t

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Shocked, horrified, unbelievable!

Even the Blue Demon King and the Holy Son of Spirit Horn were stunned for a moment, and their heads were buzzing.

Zi Hengyang's face suddenly changed and it was difficult to remain calm!

He was vaguely aware of the exchange of blows just now, but he couldn't be sure, let alone believe it.

A group of figures descended here.

The first person to speak out is none other than the tenth prince of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, Yu Huatian!

He looked at Jun Xiaoyao with a look of calmness.

Because of his special soul induction, he was able to sense it.

Jun Xiaoyao is not coming in his true body, but just a spiritual body.

And it was this that made Yu Huatian's expression even more gloomy.

During the previous auction in Tianfang City, Jun Xiaoyao forced him to apologize to Lingxi and injured him with a sword finger.

At that time, Yu Huatian just thought that Jun Xiaoyao was a little unfathomable.

But he wasn't sure exactly how strong it was.

After all, not everyone can pry into Jun Xiaoyao's details.

Even if he has a special spiritual sense, he can't detect it.

But now, seeing Jun Xiaoyao's spiritual body, he has swept away the Blue Demon King, the Holy Son of Spirit Horn and others.

Only then did Yu Huatian understand.

Jun Xiaoyao's true strength was beyond his ability to fathom.

This feeling of not being able to find out the bottom is very scary.

Everyone present exploded because of Yu Huatian's words.

He looked at Jun Xiaoyao as if he had seen a ghost, his face filled with shock and disbelief.

He acted so powerfully that he swept away the Blue Demon King and other monsters.

It turned out to be just a condensed spiritual body!

If other people said this, they would definitely attract a burst of ridicule and think it was a fantasy.

But the one who spoke was Yu Huatian, whose own reputation was enough to rival Zi Hengyang and others.

Naturally, he won't tell lies.

Many people can't believe it.

The Blue Demon King, the Holy Son of Spirit Horn and others also realized it later and felt like they were being humiliated.

It's really because the combat power displayed by Jun Xiaoyao makes it impossible for people to think that he is just a spiritual body.

Holy Son Lingjiao couldn't even accept that even Jun Xiaoyao's spiritual body couldn't solve the most powerful death curse in their clan!

Zi Hengyang's face wasn't too good either.

Although he only made one move, he was still repelled by Jun Xiaoyao.

Even if there is no Blue Demon King, Spirit Horn Holy Son and others, it is definitely not decent.

"What exactly is going on?"

Zi Hengyang's expression was constantly changing.

Fortunately, he didn't try his best.

Otherwise, if word spreads, he and a spiritual body will be inseparable, and may even be at a disadvantage.

Wouldn't that mean all face and reputation were lost?

Seeing Zi Hengyang and others, no one refuted.

Everyone finally understood.

That's true.

What I saw today has refreshed everyone’s outlook.

"As expected..."

Jiang Haomiao also sighed.

He had vaguely noticed before that there seemed to be something wrong with Jun Xiaoyao's aura.

However, he was not sure, because the strength shown by Jun Xiaoyao was not like what a spiritual body could possess.

But now it has been proven that Jun Xiaoyao's strength is indeed unfathomable, and even the spirit body that can be gathered at will far exceeds that of all monsters.

Jiang Yunran's pair of beautiful eyes were also fixed on Jun Xiaoyao, with a hint of surprise.

I am more curious about this clan brother who I have just met not long ago.

As for Jun Xiaoyao himself, his expression was indifferent.

Indeed, he is only here in a spiritual body.

It’s not the clone of the Three Purities, it’s not the body of Pluto.

Just a simple condensed, the most ordinary spiritual body.

Because Jun Xiaoyao felt that there was no need to waste time in a place like this.

He didn't even bother to come here in person. His spiritual body was enough to handle everything and solve any problem.

It can be said that Blue Devil King and others should be lucky.

Jun Xiaoyao is here only in spirit body.

If they were to come here in real form, they might not even have the power to struggle.

All geniuses and evildoers are nothing but ants and dust in Jun Xiaoyao's eyes.

The Blue Demon King, the Holy Son of Spirit Horn and others had ugly expressions on their faces, and their eyes were full of unwillingness.

This is a top opportunity comparable to a five-star treasure land, and no one would be willing to give it up.

But there was nothing they could do.

Jun Xiaoyao's strength lies here.

The Holy Son of Lingjiao took the Lingjiao clan members and left without daring to say a harsh word.

The Blue Demon King took a deep look at Jun Xiaoyao, then turned and left.

He suffered today's humiliating loss, but he was not willing to accept it.

Zi Hengyang let out a breath.

He only had one move with Jun Xiaoyao and did not use his full strength.

But he was still injured, and he was injured by his spiritual body.

This is indeed not a small blow to a peerless monster like Zi Hengyang.

But fortunately, Zi Hengyang's Taoist heart is not that fragile.

He glanced at Jun Xiaoyao and said, "I didn't expect that there would be people like you in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty."

"My prince looks forward to meeting you in person."


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