Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2937 Yuan Mo was shocked. Could it be that he was a chaotic body and destroyed the Tianlan S

Hearing Jun Xiaoyao's words, Sang Yu's bright eyes lit up and he looked at Granny Lian.

Granny Lian even showed a hint of gratitude.

Their current situation is indeed not safe.

Jun Xiaoyao's proposal was undoubtedly a timely help for them.

Although Granny Lian also knew that Jun Xiaoyao was helping them like this.

It is probably also related to the inheritance of Sang Yu and Tianshi.

But so what?

This is also a normal transaction.

And Jun Xiaoyao is already very kind.

If it were another strong person, he might even forcibly kidnap Sang Yu and at the same time demand the secrets of the Heavenly Master's lineage.

"Thank you very much, sir."

Granny Lian thanked her again.

If we talk about ordinary forces, they cannot deal with the Huntian Clan.

On that day, Yuxian Dynasty was a prosperous immortal dynasty.

Rao is one of the top ten Huntian clan, and he will not easily become an enemy.

If they go to Tianyu Immortal Dynasty, they don't have to worry about their own safety.

"Okay, then you can make preparations." Jun Xiaoyao said.

in the subsequent time.

Everyone in the Lotus Temple also began to prepare, pack up, and leave this place.

Because Lotus Temple is a small Source Master sect, the number of people is not large, so it is easy to transfer.

And just when the Lotus audience was about to leave.

the other side.

Yuan Mo once again led a group of people back to the location of the Blood River Burial Star.

I want to explore the Chaos Crystal Mine veins again, and also want to discover its deeper secrets.


When Yuan Mo came to the Blood River Burial Star again.

He was stunned.

The entire mine is bare.

The entire chaos crystal mineral vein has been drained away!

Yuan Mo entered it again.

It was discovered that there was a formation at the bottom of the deepest part of the mine.

However, the formation has long been obliterated, and the contents within it are also missing.

"Who dares to pick peaches behind my back!"

Yuan Mo couldn't help but shouted angrily.

That's a whole vein of chaos crystal minerals!

For the people of the Huntian tribe, it is a priceless treasure!

Not to mention, there may be even rarer and more precious treasures deep in the mines that he has not discovered.

But all this has been peach-picked.

After being angry, Yuan Mo temporarily calmed down.

Suddenly, a look of surprise and uncertainty flashed in his eyes!

"This the power of chaos!"

Yuan Mo felt some residual power here.

It is the power of chaos.

"How is that possible? Could it be that other members of the clan came to take it away?"

Yuan Mo thought subconsciously.

But on second thought, I rejected it.

Because that aura of chaos is extremely pure.

Even more innocent than some of the ancestors of the Huntian clan he had met before.

"Could it be..."

Yuan Mo suddenly thought of a possibility!

Chaos body!

Even Yuan Mo himself found this possibility too shocking.

Could it be that a chaotic body was born?

This is definitely no small matter.

The birth of a chaotic body is enough to stir up the storm and cause big waves.

Not to mention, their Huntian Clan has a great relationship with the Chaos Body.

Their own Chaos bloodline is an invincible Chaos body inherited from their ancestors.

It can be said that if a chaotic body is really born, it should stand out from their Huntian clan.

Yuan Mo's expression was a little uncertain.

There are also extremely monsters among the Huntian clan.

There are high hopes for it, and it is hoped that it will transform into a chaotic body.

But now, an existence that looks like a chaotic body appears directly.

If it can be determined.

That would definitely cause huge waves in the Huntian clan.

"Either way, my opportunity was taken away."

"If that existence is really a chaotic body, then he will definitely show his flaws later."

Yuan Mo's eyes changed.

It is impossible for a chaotic body to remain nameless forever.

It will surely rise strongly in the future and compete for this great opportunity.

"No matter what, if the Chaos Body is born, it will have a profound impact on our clan."

Yuan Mo did not stay here any longer and left the Blood River Burial Star.

On the Lotus View side.

After a period of sorting.

The Lotus audience members were also ready to leave.

But they didn't feel disappointed.

After all, they are going to the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty later.

That is the overlord of one side.

And just as they were leaving.

Jun Xiaoyao said: "It seems that there is still a small matter that has not been resolved."

"Sir, what's the matter?"

Sang Yu turned around and asked.

"Tianlan Sect." Jun Xiaoyao said calmly.

In an extremely vast mountain range, palaces are scattered and filled with spiritual energy.

This is where Tianlan Sect is stationed.

As for the Tianlan Sect Master, he was sitting at the deepest part of the hall, his expression not very good-looking.

This time, he originally wanted to use Yuan Mo to establish a relationship with the Huntian clan.

Who would have thought that in the end, the benefits were not obtained, but all was lost.

Yuan Mo didn't anger them, so that's good.

"what on earth is it?"

"Besides, the bones of the Lotus Temple group were not found before..."

Sect Master Tianlan was thinking deeply.

And at a certain moment, he suddenly felt something, and his figure suddenly disappeared from where he was.

Above the void outside Tianlan Sect.

An ancient boat emerged.

A figure, standing with hands behind his back, dressed in white, stands at the front.

"Who dares to offend our Tianlan Sect!"

A group of cultivators gathered in Tianlan Sect, and several quasi-emperor cultivators in the lead shouted coldly.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were indifferent.

At this time, the figure of Tianlan Sect Master emerged. Seeing Jun Xiaoyao, his expression suddenly condensed.

He could not detect Jun Xiaoyao's breath at all.

But it brought him an inexplicable sense of danger.

He bowed slightly and said: "I wonder if you are..."

All the people in Tianlan Sect around were a little stunned.

Tianlan Sect Master, the tone is so gentle?

And behind Jun Xiaoyao, the figures of Grandma Lian and others emerged.

There was a hint of coldness on their faces.

When Tianlan Sect Master saw this, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Lotus Temple Master, what are you doing..."

Tianlan Sect Master, his throat was blocked, as if he thought of something, and suddenly realized.

He understood.

It should be the young man in white in front of him who took away Yuan Mo's opportunity!

Jun Xiaoyao, said nothing.

Raised his hand and a palm fell.

It was like the collapse of the sky!

That mighty force was so vast that it was like a world-destroying millstone, crushing down!

The entire mountain range collapsed almost instantly.

Even the protective formation was useless. It could not withstand the pressure and was directly crushed!

"Stop it!"

The Tianlan Sect Master was screaming and resisting with all his might.

Apart from him, the several quasi-emperors of the Tianlan Sect had almost no power to resist. They exploded into blood mist with a bang.

Needless to say, the rest of the Tianlan Sect monks.

The entire broken mountain range was instantly dyed red.

"Lotus Temple Master, please let this gentleman stop for the time being!"

The Tianlan Sect Master could not bear it anymore and made a horrified voice.

Granny Lian, however, showed a sneer.

"This is a different time."

"Master Tianlan, when you drove us, you were so high and mighty."

"Have you ever thought that you would become an ant one day?"

Master Tianlan showed extreme regret on his face.

If I had known earlier, I would not have gotten involved in Yuan Mo's affairs.

But now, regret is useless.

Jun Xiaoyao crushed down with one hand.

The sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

Even if he was an emperor, it was difficult to resist, as if facing the vast power of heaven.

There was an immortal force with an emperor.

It was destroyed by Jun Xiaoyao.

The entire mountain gate was flattened and turned into a dead end!

Jun Xiaoyao waved his sleeves and said calmly: "Let's go."

It is more casual to destroy a sect than to crush an ant.

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