Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2919 Extremely dangerous person, Ye Yu is frustrated

A storm has come to an end for the time being.

The elder of Shengxuan Academy stepped forward, smiled at Jun Xiaoyao and said with cupped hands.

"Thank you so much for this young master's intervention. Otherwise, it would be a big trouble for our Shengxuan Academy."

Although the elder of the academy is a Nine Tribulation Quasi-Emperor.

But it seems that Jun Xiaoyao can injure Yu Huatian at will.

His strength is unfathomable.

However, because Jun Xiaoyao looks too young, it is difficult for many people to immediately associate him with an emperor-level powerhouse.

Jun Xiaoyao said lightly: "You're welcome, Lingxi is mine, and I naturally want to protect her."

"Thanks to Shengxuan Academy for taking care of him."

"Where..." The elder of the school apologized.

Afterwards, everyone had a little exchange and introduced each other.

"Sir, this is Ye Yu."

"A common friend I met when I joined the academy before." Lingxi said.

She was afraid that Jun Xiaoyao would misunderstand something, so she deliberately emphasized ordinary friends.

This four-character title made Ye Yu's eyes twitch slightly.

Why do you feel hurt?

Jun Xiaoyao looked, and there was something subtle in his eyes.

Because he also noticed something special about Ye Yu.

But there seems to be something hidden, and it can’t be seen yet.

"Is this the case that luck attracts each other?"

Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

Lingxi is considered a girl of luck.

There will also be some lucky people around her.

Such as Yu Huatian who was interested in her before.

And this Ye Yu is obviously the same, with a secret.

He approached and got to know Lingxi, perhaps on purpose.

Jun Xiaoyao paid attention in his heart.

But that's all.

As long as Ye Yu doesn't attract Lingxi's attention, Jun Xiaoyao won't take the initiative to do anything.

Although leeks are abundant, Jun Xiaoyao also harvests them selectively.

One of Jun Xiaoyao's rules is not to offend him.

If this Ye Yu has any thoughts about Lingxi or wants to make any moves, Jun Xiaoyao will not let him go.

Jun Xiaoyao glanced at Ye Yu, nodded lightly, and then looked away, as if he was not very interested.

Although Ye Yu felt a little unhappy, he was not stupid. He looked as usual and showed nothing unusual.

He was actually surprised.

Because Ye Yu is still unable to deal with Yu Huatian on his own.

As a result, Yu Huatian was injured by Jun Xiaoyao's move.

Doesn't that mean that the gap between him and Jun Xiaoyao is as big as a chasm?

Under such circumstances, Ye Yu would naturally not be stupid enough to show any hostility towards Jun Xiaoyao.

But at this moment, Ye Yu's heart resounded the voice of the creation Tianmen weapon spirit.

"Ye Yu, you have to be careful about this person. He is extremely dangerous. Don't get too close to him!"

"Where did this person come from?" Ye Yu asked in surprise.

He has never seen the creation Tianmen Artifact Spirit express such a tone.

After all, it is well-informed.

"I don't know. This person is difficult to spy on, but it can be said that he is definitely an emperor-level existence."

"That's fine if that's the case, but he seems to be very young."

"If he is the Young Emperor, his origin is very unusual."

"If he has thoughts about this girl Lingxi, maybe the time and space ancestral tree and other opportunities will fall into his hands."

"At that point, we have nothing."

The creation Tianmen weapon spirit warned.

It didn't emit any detection waves, but it could still detect the terrifying nature of Jun Xiaoyao's strength.

"What, he is so strong?"

Ye Yu naturally also knew what the so-called Young Emperor's name actually meant.

He also didn't expect that the man in white was so strong.

If this was the case, how could he win over Lingxi?

"No matter what, we should first improve our own strength."

"When I recover a little more, I will be able to use more methods." Good Fortune Tianmen Artifact Spirit said.

Ye Yu's expression remained unchanged.

But my heart was filled with emotions.

In the Xuanji Star where he was before, Ye Yu was considered one of the best people.

The result is in this vast starry sky.

But he was frustrated.

First, he was targeted by Yu Huatian.

Now there is another person who is so unfathomable and whose strength far exceeds him. He is probably a young emperor.

This made Ye Yu feel a little uncomfortable.

Jun Xiaoyao naturally didn't know, in this short moment.

What pressure he brought to Ye Yu.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't care either.

"Lingxi, come with me for a walk." Jun Xiaoyao said.

"Yes, young master!" Lingxi smiled.

Then, Jun Xiaoyao and the others left.

Before leaving, Jiang Chen in the crowd secretly glanced at Ye Yu from the corner of his eye.

He showed a hint of thoughtfulness.

After Jun Xiaoyao and others left.

Some disciples from Shengxuan Academy also started to communicate.

"Tsk tsk, you are indeed a big shot in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty, and even the Tenth Prince of Dayan had to give in."

"But to be honest, the young man in white is truly outstanding. No wonder Junior Sister Lingxi has such an attitude."

While talking, some people also glanced at Ye Yu secretly.

Ye Yu's previous initiative towards Lingxi was noticed by many people.

They all mistakenly thought that Ye Yu was pursuing Lingxi.

But just now, Ye Yu stepped forward and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty.

As a result, Lingxi already belongs to someone.

I have to say that Ye Yu's behavior is a bit clownish.

"Elder, I want to go shopping alone." Ye Yu said.


The elder of the academy also waved his hand, knowing that Ye Yu was in a bad mood.

After leaving, Ye Yu said in his heart.

"Spirit of the weapon, go find opportunities and become stronger."

Ye Yu was first suppressed by Yu Huatian, and then was hit by Jun Xiaoyao.

He was naturally strong-willed and was once one of the best people.

Now he is naturally unwilling to become mediocre and lost in the crowd.

"Don't worry, with my help, your progress speed is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people."

"And you are one of the nine sons of fate, and your fate will also be extraordinary."

The spirit of the weapon of the Heavenly Gate of Fortune comforted.

Now Ye Yu just has a short development time.

If he is given enough time, he will not be weaker than those top monsters in the vast starry sky.

After that, Ye Yu also looked for opportunities alone in Tianfang City.

In Tianfang City, there are also many trading markets, and some monks selling treasures, etc.

Various ancient artifacts, treasures, and magical medicines are countless.

However, most of them are not particularly rare.

Some ancient artifacts are just for show.

It is like looking for a needle in a haystack for ordinary people to find real rare treasures.

But Ye Yu is different.

He has the spirit of the Fortune Heaven Gate.

The spirit can find many hidden treasures.

For example, a broken ancient array diagram, ordinary people can't see any clues.

They just think it is a broken thing with some history, but it has been completely abandoned.

The spirit of the Fortune Heaven Gate asked Ye Yu to accept it.

Because this array diagram is a rare ancient array diagram of ten thousand calamities. If it is repaired, it will have amazing power.

In addition, a cultivator is selling the elixir he got in a secret realm.

Many people went to see it and shook their heads.

Because the elixir is basically useless.

The spirit also asked Ye Yu to accept it.

Because there is a rare elixir, the Hundred Apertures Golden Pill, which can help Ye Yu cleanse his body and reshape his bones.

Although it looks like a waste pill, in fact, the effect of the pill can be restored by adding a few medicinal ingredients.

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