Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2917: Two major dynasties collide, Lingxi has a master

When Yu Huatian made a move, the golden imperial robe fluttered.

The surrounding void twisted, the aura blurred, and a vast law of divine power surged out.

He just stretched out one hand and suppressed Ye Yu.

The terrifying and powerful law of divine power turned into a giant claw that seemed to include everything and crush the stars.

It was one of the magical skills of the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, the Tianyan Rama Claw.

When a claw stretched out, it seemed that the entire space was included in it.

To trap Ye Yu in it and crush him directly!

The elders of the Shengxuan Academy all changed their faces.

Even though he had the realm of the Nine Tribulations Quasi-Emperor, his strength was not bad.

But at this moment, feeling Yu Huatian's move, he also felt a palpitation, which could threaten his life.

However, the elders of the academy didn't even have the opportunity to intervene.

And Ye Yu also reacted and took action quickly.

His realm was not as good as Yu Huatian's.

After all, Yu Huatian is the prince of the Immortal Dynasty, and his cultivation resources are not comparable to Ye Yu.

But you have to know that Ye Yu has a golden finger.

He has the spirit of the Creation Heaven Gate in his body.

Ye Yu used the magical skills he learned in Shengxuan Academy.

The fingers pinched the seal, and an extremely dazzling light emerged, like a bright sun, emitting endless scorching light.

The dazzling sun seal collided with Yu Huatian's Tianyan Rama claw.

A huge wave suddenly broke out here.

The terrifying law wave shook the people around, and some even vomited blood and broke bones.

The people of Shengxuan Academy, protected by the elders, retreated safely.

The entire Tianfang City is reinforced with special formations, so it did not cause too much damage.

In the distance, there is a team of law enforcers from Tianfang City to sort out the order.

But at this moment, they did not dare to intervene at will.

For ordinary forces, they would naturally step forward to stop them.

But the one who attacked was the prince of Dayan Xian Dynasty, so they dared not stop him.

In everyone's eyes, Yu Huatian's attack was basically to take someone's life.

Many people even looked at Ye Yu with sympathy.

But then, many people were stunned.

Because Ye Yu actually withstood Yu Huatian's attack.

Although his figure retreated again and again, he did not suffer any serious injuries.

Not to mention death.

A strange light appeared in Yu Huatian's eyes.

Before, he did not pay too much attention to the man next to Lingxi.

Now it seems that there is indeed something special.

Ye Yu's face was also cold.

This Yu Huatian's strength is indeed good.

The time for the spirit of the Creation Heaven Gate to awaken is too short.

Ye Yu has not yet fully developed.

So at the moment, it is impossible to deal with Yu Huatian.

If the power of the spirit of the Creation Heaven Gate is used, if someone finds out something, it will be troublesome.

So Ye Yu did not dare to use the power of the weapon spirit at will.

"Can it block the move of the tenth prince?"

Not to mention the many cultivators around.

Even the people from Shengxuan Academy were all surprised.

Ye Yu's strength is indeed good, otherwise, he would not have been directly selected as a core disciple.

But no matter what, the opponent is the tenth prince of Dayan after all, who can be said to be a very prestigious figure in the entire East Cangmang.

"It's interesting. I didn't expect that there are also hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this Shengxuan Academy."

Yu Huatian's eyes were also very deep, looking at Ye Yu.

Originally, he was only interested in Lingxi.

And now, Ye Yu also attracted his attention.

"Same here."

Ye Yu's face was cold.

In his heart, the weapon spirit of the Creation Heaven Gate secretly reminded him.

The origin of this tenth prince seems to be a little unusual.

This unusualness does not refer to his identity as a prince of the Immortal Dynasty.

But this person seems to have another secret.

So Ye Yu was secretly alert in his heart.

"However, there is nothing that this prince wants that he has never failed to obtain."

Yu Huatian put his hands behind his back and did not make any more moves.

His identity was there.

If he wanted to get Lingxi, no one could stop him.

Even the Shengxuan Academy did not dare to be stubborn.

"It is impossible for me to go with you." Lingxi said firmly.

She had already determined that there was only one person she would follow in this life.

"It is not up to you."

Yu Huatian said, and was ready to use his means to subdue Lingxi.

Ye Yu also frowned.

Now, he could not openly use the power of the spirit of the Creation Heaven Gate.

His strength was a little stretched, and it was difficult to fight against Yu Huatian.

And just when Ye Yu was thinking about how to save Lingxi.

Suddenly, a loud voice sounded in the distance.

"As a prince of the Immortal Dynasty, it is despicable to act like a robber."

"But if it is the Dayan Immortal Dynasty, it is understandable."

As the voice came out, all the cultivators around were speechless.

Who is it?

Who dares to ridicule the tenth prince of Dayan in public?

Yu Huatian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked over.

A group of people came from afar.

The speaker was a man with a handsome face and a tall figure.

It was the fifth prince of Tianyu Xian Dynasty, Jiang Tianlan.

"It's the fifth prince of Tianyu Xian Dynasty, no wonder!"

Seeing Jiang Tianlan and others, everyone present suddenly realized.

Because everyone knew.

Tianyu Xian Dynasty and Dayan Xian Dynasty were at odds with each other and often had conflicts and frictions.

The direct royal families of the two great immortal dynasties were naturally on the wrong track.

However, everyone looked at it with a hint of surprise in their expressions.

Because Jiang Tianlan, Jiang Wanyi and other princes and princesses were not at the forefront.

The person walking at the front was a young man dressed in flawless white clothes and as handsome as an immortal.

"Who is that prince in white? It seems that the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty does not have such a prince?"

"Even the fifth prince, the seventh princess, and the young master of Guantian Pavilion are accompanying us."

Many people's eyes fell on Jun Xiaoyao with surprise.

What is the identity of the prince and princess of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty?

Who is qualified to accompany them?

Lingxi glanced at it, her eyes froze, and she could no longer look away.

Jun Xiaoyao also looked at Lingxi with a faint smile on his face.

"Lingxi, how have you been during this time?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.


Lingxi dodged almost instantly and landed in front of Jun Xiaoyao, with a pair of enchanting eyes trembling.

"Not bad, it seems to have improved a lot compared to before."

Feeling Lingxi's aura that was stronger than before, Jun Xiaoyao was also quite satisfied.

It is indeed a clan of time and space demon spirits that once defied the heavens.

In addition, he helped Lingxi initially explore the potential of his bloodline.

Therefore, Lingxi's progress is also rapid.

And with Jun Xiaoyao's appearance.

The faces of the two people in the field changed.

"It's you!"

Yu Huatian looked around.

Sure enough, I met him again.

On the other side, Ye Yu saw Ling Xi, who was standing in front of Jun Xiaoyao, looking cute and admiring.

His expression changed somewhat.

During this period of time, he had various relationships with Lingxi, trying to gain her trust.

As a result, Lingxi still had a sense of distance towards him, which was better than that of a stranger.

But now, Ye Yu can't think of it.

This girl has always been wary and distant from others.

At this moment, she actually showed such a sincere smile to a man.

The admiration and admiration in his eyes can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

This made Ye Yu feel very uncomfortable and felt like a clown.

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