Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2913: Winning over at all costs, Jiang Chen's sense of crisis

To make a person feel a sense of belonging and to integrate into it.

What's the easiest way?

Naturally, it is a marriage.

Jiang Yunran is his daughter, the ninth princess of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

He is also the most evil person among the younger generation of Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

Although he is not yet at the Young Emperor level, let alone comparable to Jun Xiaoyao, he has a promising future.

Coupled with his appearance, temperament, and identity, he is perfect in every aspect.

It matches Jun Xiaoyao very well.

Just now, during a casual chat with Jun Xiaoyao, Jiang Tailin also learned about it.

Jun Xiaoyao married two women from the Jiang family.

"Achieving the rank of Young Emperor at the age of fifty, tsk tsk, if such a monster can become a son-in-law, why worry about the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty not being prosperous?"

Jiang Tailin sighed.

The reason why he was like this was to win over Jun Xiaoyao at any cost.

It's because Jun Xiaoyao's monster is beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

Don't say he wants to win over.

If it were any hegemonic force, or even Heaven, who knew of the existence of such monsters.

I will definitely win over you at all costs.

Jiang Tailin is quite reserved in his approach...

After meeting Jiang Tailin.

Jun Xiaoyao also temporarily settled in Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

Tianyu Immortal Dynasty held a grand banquet for Jun Xiaoyao.

Although Jun Xiaoyao has temporarily refused to be crowned king.

But he obviously has a very special status in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

At the banquet, Jiang Tianlan, Jiang Wanyi and other princes and princesses also treated Jun Xiaoyao with respect.

It wasn't just because Jun Xiaoyao was in Daosang Ancient City to rescue them from the siege and deal with the Blue Demon Clan.

Instead, they also vaguely heard some news.

Jiang Tailin seemed to have wanted to give Jun Xiaoyao the title of King Xiaoyao, but Jun Xiaoyao declined.

In addition, Jun Xiaoyao does have the blood of the Jiang family and comes from the Jiang family in the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain.

In this way, we are indeed the same family as them.

In addition, Jun Xiaoyao preached for three days before, so that they all benefited a lot.

Therefore, it is normal for Jiang Wanyi and others to respect Jun Xiaoyao.

And the surprising thing is.

The master of Guantian Pavilion also came.

You must know that the master of Guantian Pavilion has an extraordinary status in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

Even Jiang Tailin respected him very much.

The master of Guantian Pavilion usually meditates and retreats in Guantian Pavilion.

Basically not involved in anything.

Let alone attending any banquet.

But now, the master of Guantian Pavilion appeared in person, smiling and chatting with Jun Xiaoyao.

That attitude is nothing short of warm.

"Is this still the master of Guantian Pavilion?"

Jiang Tianlan, Jiang Wanyi and others looked a little stunned.

This somewhat refreshed their outlook.

On the side, Jiang Chen also followed the master of Guantian Pavilion.

His face was calm, showing nothing strange.

But deep in his eyes, there was a hint of coldness.

He also heard about it.

Jiang Tailin seems to want to make Jun Xiaoyao a king with a different surname.

A person who had just come to the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty for the first time was so valued by Emperor Jiang that he was even given the title of King with a different surname.

This made Jiang Chen feel a little unbalanced.

He also relied on that mysterious thing to reach his current position step by step.

Jun Xiaoyao, who didn't do anything, could be so valued and even wanted to be crowned king.

This is a bit much.

Of course, he also had some scheming thoughts, but on the surface he was calm and didn't show any strange expression.

"My little friend Xiaoyao, if you have the opportunity in the future, you must discuss the secrets of heavenly secrets and magic with me."

The master of Guantian Pavilion chuckled and looked like a kind old man.

"That's natural. It's the junior's luck to be able to discuss secret techniques with the seniors." Jun Xiaoyao's tone was also very appropriate.

"Okay... okay." The master of Guantian Pavilion smiled.

He was also a little sad, if Jun Xiaoyao had appeared earlier.

Then he will definitely become the young master of Guantian Pavilion, or even the next master.


On the side, Jiang Chen also noticed the harmonious atmosphere between the conversation between Guantian Pavilion Master and Jun Xiaoyao.

This made his fists clenched secretly.

The master of Guantian Pavilion and Jun Xiaoyao chatted for a while and then left.

Jiang Chen did not leave.

Here, Jiang Tianlan and others came forward again to chat with Jun Xiaoyao.

"Mr. Jun, in fact, some important figures from our Tianyu Immortal Dynasty were not present at this banquet."

"For example, the Nine Emperor Sisters, the First Emperor Brother and others are still cultivating in a certain place."

"If they see Mr. Jun, they will definitely be shocked." Jiang Tianlan said with a smile.

Jun Xiaoyao also said: "If there is a chance later, we can meet him."

On the other hand, when Jiang Chen heard this, his heart suddenly sank.

Jun Xiaoyao, if it threatens his status, forget it.

From this point of view, in the future, maybe the goddess in his heart, Jiang Yunran, will also meet Jun Xiaoyao.

To be fair, although Jiang Chen didn't want to admit it.

But I have to say that Jun Xiaoyao is too outstanding.

Even in front of all the princes and princesses of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty, he still stood out from the crowd and was extraordinary.

What if Jun Xiaoyao really meets Jiang Yunran later.

What will be the result?

And what if Emperor Jiang Tailin wants to make Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Yunran a couple?

Then Jiang Chen, who has always been secretly in love with Jiang Yunran, isn't he just a pure clown?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen's eyes had a hint of calmness.

"Why did you show up, and why did you come to Tianyu Immortal Dynasty?"

Jiang Chen murmured with coldness in his heart.

He finally got the opportunity and became a master, preparing to marry Bai Fumei in the future and reach the pinnacle of life.

As a result, Jun Xiaoyao appeared as a roadblock.

He couldn't just sit there and wait, he had to do something.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen subconsciously touched his eyebrows.

He believed that with the blessing of that mysterious thing, he might not lose.

Jun Xiaoyao noticed Jiang Chen's subtle expression from the corner of his eye.

His eyes are deep.

If this Jiang Chen were honest, he wouldn't do anything.

Jun Xiaoyao will naturally not touch him.

Even if Jiang Chen has a secret, he is still a member of the Jiang family, and Jun Xiaoyao will not cut off his family's leeks.

But if Jiang Chen insists on causing trouble and going against him.

That Jun Xiaoyao will not be merciful.

He is not a saint at all.

My family will not go against him.

Those who are against him are not members of his own family.

After the banquet.

Jun Xiaoyao temporarily stayed in Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

Sometimes he talks with the master of Guantian Pavilion and discusses the secrets and magic of heaven.

Sometimes he preaches to Jiang Tianlan, Jiang Wanyi and other direct descendants of the Jiang family.

Invisibly, Jun Xiaoyao's influence in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty also gradually expanded.

Many people in the Immortal Dynasty are aware of Jun Xiaoyao's existence and know that he is a descendant of the Jun family and the Jiang family in the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain and has an extraordinary status.

After that, Jun Xiaoyao also went to the cultivation treasure land of Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

As a vast Immortal Dynasty, Tianyu Immortal Dynasty naturally has more than one treasure.

Some high-star treasures, even direct descendants of the royal family such as Jiang Tianlan, have a limit on the number of times they can enter.

You can't just enter at any time.

But there is no restriction on Jun Xiaoyao.

He can go to any treasure land to practice at will, without any quota or qualifications.

Jun Xiaoyao naturally kept it in mind as Tianyu Xianchao treated him like this.

He came to a treasured place in the Lingshan Mountain, where the spiritual energy was rich and the mist was thick.

Deep in the Lingshan Mountain, there is even more immortal material permeating the air.

Jun Xiaoyao began to practice with the help of treasure land.

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