Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2903 Tianyu Immortal Dynasty, Guantian Pavilion, Jiang Chen

Before coming to the vast starry sky.

Someone had already told him.

In the vast starry sky, Jun Xiaoyao also has backers.

People from the Jun family, the Jiang family, the Yun clan, etc.

And now, has he run into them?

If the Jiang family of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty is that Jiang family.

Then wouldn't he, Jun Xiaoyao, be considered half of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty?

After all, he has half of the Jiang family blood.

He is also the young master of the Jiang family of the Jiutian Immortal Realm.

But no matter what, Jun Xiaoyao still has to go there in person to find out.

"Is Mr. Jun interested? That's great, we can go and join in the fun." Su Jinli smiled.

In addition to treasure hunting, Su Jinli also has the hobby of watching the show as a spectator.


The Tianyu Immortal Dynasty was once the absolute overlord of East Cangmang.

Although its historical heritage and foundation may be slightly inferior to the Ten Hegemons, the Heavenly Court and other forces.

But this Immortal Dynasty was founded by a top family.

In the tribe, there have been more than one great figure whose name shook the vast starry sky.

Such figures, even the Ten Tyrants would treat with courtesy and would not offend easily.

Therefore, the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty once had an extremely transcendent status.

Later, due to various reasons, the top-level powerful person left.

Coupled with some other changes.

As a result, the prestige of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty is no longer at its peak.

But even so, the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty is still a behemoth, shocking all forces, and people dare not underestimate it.

Although the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty controls endless territories.

But its most important core area is the Tianyu Realm.

This is the base camp of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

From the name of the Tianyu Realm, it can be heard that this is an extremely vast and rich realm.

It is definitely not comparable to the previous Dao Realm and Tianyao Realm.

In the core area of ​​the Tianyu Realm.

There is an extremely vast continent.

A majestic and vast imperial city stands on the continent.

It is the Tianyu Imperial City.

Tianyu Imperial City is magnificent and full of vigor.

It is the core capital of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

The royal Jiang family lives here.

And in this Tianyu Imperial City, which is as vast as a world.

There is a special area.

A towering pavilion stands here, as if piercing the sky.

This pavilion is called Guantian Pavilion.

And Guantian Pavilion has a special status in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

It is an institution for observing luck, deriving astrology, peeping into mysteries, and measuring fate.

The person who established this institution was also the strongest existence of the Jiang clan in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

At this moment, in the Guantian Pavilion, there are two figures sitting opposite each other, one old and one young.

The old man, with white eyebrows and long beard hanging down to the ground, is hunched over, sitting cross-legged on a cushion, and his face is a little thin.

He is the master of Guantian Pavilion.

His own realm strength is not too outstanding.

But the Lord of Tianyu Immortal Dynasty was very respectful to him.

Because he had comprehended some of the divine arts of heaven and could deduce various secrets of heaven.

He looked thin and weak.

It was also because he had peeped into the secrets of heaven and helped Tianyu Immortal Dynasty, so he suffered an inexplicable backlash.

So the Lord of Guantian Pavilion was respected by the people of Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

Sitting opposite the old man was a young-looking man.

His face was like jade and he was wearing a feathered Taoist robe.

He looked mysterious and his eyes were very deep, as if he could see the trajectory of the stars in the sky.

"Master, I wonder why you asked me to come here?"

The young man said respectfully.

The Lord of Guantian Pavilion glanced at the young man.

"Jiang Chen, I seem to have seen that in the future, Tianyu Immortal Dynasty will usher in a turning point because of one person."

"It's just that I can't see who that person is, as if it's unpredictable and unpredictable."

"But no matter what, one thing we can know is that there will be a big storm next."

"This storm is not only about our Tianyu Immortal Dynasty, but also about other immortal dynasties, powerful clan forces, and even the entire East Cangmang situation."

"So next, you have to be careful in what you say and do, and be careful in doing anything, and think twice before you act."

The master of Guantian Pavilion warned.

The young man named Jiang Chen opposite him smiled slightly.

"Master, don't worry, our Tianyu Immortal Dynasty has experienced all kinds of storms, and we should not be afraid of such variables."

"You are just too arrogant. You must know that there are people outside people and there are heavens outside heavens."

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't seem to care, the master of Guantian Pavilion also shook his head slightly.

"Disciple understands."

Jiang Chen nodded.

"Okay, you go down first." The master of Guantian Pavilion said.


Jiang Chen retreated.

"The Tianyu Immortal Dynasty will change because of one person, who is it?"

"Even the divine art of heaven cannot deduce it."

"But it shouldn't take too long..." The master of Guantian Pavilion muttered to himself.

On the other side, Jiang Chen left Guantian Pavilion.

There was also a glimmer of inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

"Master said that the future fortune of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty will be changed by one person."

"That person, could it be me?"

Jiang Chen said to himself.

Although the master of Guantian Pavilion said that he couldn't see the person clearly.

But Jiang Chen felt that it should be him.

It's not that he is too arrogant and overestimates himself.

But he thinks that he does have this ability.

As for why.

Only Jiang Chen himself knew that this was a secret of his, and he had never told anyone.

However, in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty, when it comes to Jiang Chen, everyone knows him, and he is very famous.

The reason why he is famous is that his experience is somewhat legendary.

Jiang Chen was originally a member of the Jiang family of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty. He was talented. He was not particularly evil, but he was not incompetent.

Among the young and middle-aged people in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty, he was also a figure.

However, it was obviously impossible for him to stand out.

What made Jiang Chen take off was.

He went to the Tianji Holy Mountain of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty and activated the Guantian Ancient Stele.

Tianji Holy Mountain is a holy place in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

Among them is the Guantian Ancient Stele, which was once the strongest existence of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty, the divine object left by the Emperor Tianji.

Before, even some of the direct descendants of the Jiang royal family, the princes and princesses, could hardly arouse the resonance of the Guantian Ancient Stele.

But Jiang Chen, however, aroused it.

This directly shocked the entire Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

The Lord of the Immortal Dynasty personally met Jiang Chen.

Even the Master of Guantian Pavilion showed up and accepted Jiang Chen as his disciple, making him the Young Master of Guantian Pavilion.

His status was equal to that of the princes and princesses.

Even the princes and princesses had a subtle desire to please Jiang Chen.

After all, if nothing unexpected happened, Jiang Chen would naturally be the next Master of Guantian Pavilion.

Moreover, he aroused the resonance of the Guantian Ancient Monument, and he would definitely be an important figure in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty in the future.

So far, Jiang Chen has completely taken off.

And he did not disappoint the others.

He had observed the celestial phenomena and the mysteries many times, helping the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty to find many treasures, treasure lands, etc.

His status was even higher.

Jiang Chen was even considered to be one of the most outstanding figures in the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty, enough to be compared with the most core royal family monsters.

However, only Jiang Chen knew.

What is the reason for all this?

Jiang Chen thought, subconsciously touched his brow, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was not his power that activated the ancient monument of Guantian and deduced various opportunities.

It was because of that thing.

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