Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2898 Ye Yu's doubts, Qin Qiong's transformation, the bloodline of the war clan

When he said this, he also looked at Ye Yu and Qin Qiong.

The two of them can be regarded as the most outstanding disciples of Guhua Dongtian.

Therefore, Guhua Dongtian had great expectations for them during this spiritual enlightenment ceremony.

If they can transform, they may be able to make Guhua Cave Heaven surpass other caves.

"I will definitely live up to the elders' trust."

Ye Yu, Qin Qiong and others also nodded slightly.

Then, all the five cave heaven elites who participated in the spiritual enlightenment ceremony entered the Star Luo Spiritual Sea.

"Brother Ye, this spiritual enlightenment ceremony is a bit like the awakening ceremony on the Xuanji Star in our previous life."

Qin Qiong said to Ye Yu.

On Xuanji Star, there is a so-called awakening ceremony.

It is also to discover the potential of the human body, open the secrets of the human body and embark on the path of ancient martial arts cultivation.

And the current spiritual enlightenment ceremony, to a certain extent, can be regarded as having the same purpose but the same purpose.

After that, the two of them went deep into the Star Luo Linghai.

Finally, the spiritual pool was found.

"I wonder if I can awaken some heaven-defying physique?"

Qin Qiong was a little excited and curious.

To him, their experience was so extraordinary.

He should be the so-called chosen one.

In the story, it is like a protagonist.

So Qin Qiong is looking forward to it.

Instead, Ye Yu shook his head and smiled: "It's not that simple."

Ye Yu understands that in this vast starry sky, evildoers are rampant and strong men emerge in large numbers.

Even if you awaken some heaven-defying physique, you may not be able to push it all the way.

So it’s better to be more steady.

They entered the Lingtan and began to practice.

The extremely terrifying energy essence surged crazily into their bodies.

You know, the three-star treasure land is enough for the emperor to practice.

Not to mention these junior quasi-emperors.

In an instant, Qin Qiong's already swollen muscles swelled even more.

The blue veins swayed like a horned dragon, as if they contained explosive muscles.

And Ye Yu is also absorbing and refining the energy of Lingtan.

However, he frowned secretly.

Because, Ye Yu discovered that the energy essence he absorbed into his body.

It disappeared without even realizing it.

As if being swallowed by some kind of existence.

"What's going on? Is it an illusion?"

Ye Yu was stunned for a moment.

Then, he focused on his body, held his breath and concentrated, refining the energy of the spirit pool.

However, it is still the case!

All the energy he had refined disappeared!

"what is going on?"

Ye Yu frowned deeper.

Is there something weird about his physique that prevents him from absorbing energy?

Just when Ye Yu was thinking.

Qin Qiong on the side suddenly had some strange movement.

From his body, an unprecedented breath spurted out.

It was as if a sleeping god of war was awakening.

Every cell seemed to be vibrating, bursting out with unprecedented energy.

At the end, Qin Qiong's entire body shone brightly, and an extremely magnificent beam of light shot directly into the sky.

It caused the entire Star Luo Realm to shake, and even affected the surrounding star fields.

"This is!"

The five cave elders in Xingluo Linghai were all trembling when they saw this scene.

"This vision, could it be that someone has awakened a special physical talent?"

The elders of the five caves were all frightened, and then they hurriedly escaped into the sky and entered the Xingluo Spiritual Sea.

All the elders came to the Lingtan.

Seeing Qin Qiong with endless brilliance rising from his body.

The elder of Guhua Cave Heaven was shocked at first, and then his face showed unprecedented joy.

"Haha, you are my disciple of Guhua Cave Heaven. I wonder what kind of special physique he has?"

Generally speaking, some special physiques can be discovered at the beginning of cultivation.

Even as soon as he is born, visions will fill the sky.

But that's not all the case.

There are some special bloodlines, constitutions, etc.

It may take special methods or opportunities to awaken and be discovered.

And as time goes by.

The vision on Qin Qiong became more and more transcendent.

Mysterious divine patterns began to appear on his body.

At the same time, his already strong figure became taller and taller, with exaggerated and bulging muscle lines that shone like immortal gold and divine iron.

What shocked the five cave heaven monks even more.

They saw a purple rune mark appearing between Qin Qiong's eyebrows.

It's like some kind of pattern mark or engraving.

It's like a purple eye in the sky, about to open.

"This...why does it feel a bit like..."

The elders of the five caves were all so surprised that they were speechless when they saw the strange change in Qin Qiong's eyebrows.

Because it reminds them of a certain racial force that is unimaginable.

Such unusual movements even alarmed the cave masters of the five caves.

Not for long.

In the void, five figures appeared.

One of the figures is the Cave Master of Guhua Cave.

Guhua Cave Master looked at Qin Qiong with a divine light in his eyes.

"Is this... really related to that clan?"

The other cave masters looked at each other with surprise.

"Qin Qiong, you..."

Ye Yu on the side was also alarmed and looked at Qin Qiong.

"Brother Ye, going on? Is my identity really extraordinary?"

Before, Qin Qiong even joked about whether they would be the chosen ones.

Now it seems that it might be true!

And at the same time.

Far outside the Xingluo Realm.

A large number of ships are traveling in the void.

They belong to a certain hegemonic clan.

They usually help the hegemonic clan to transport, plunder, and obtain resources in various places.

At this moment, in a ship in the center of the team.

A figure is sitting cross-legged in it, meditating quietly.

This is a middle-aged man with a deep breath.

At a certain moment, he suddenly sensed something and opened his eyes.

A pair of pupils were as blazing as the sun, but with a little surprise and uncertainty.

"That breath is the breath of the master's clan, but why does it appear here?"

The middle-aged man showed doubts.

The hegemonic clan they are loyal to is in the depths of the vastness.

It stands to reason that it is generally impossible for the clan members to appear here.

Soon, the middle-aged man gave an order.

The team turned to another direction.

It was the direction of the Xingluo Realm.

And in the Xingluo Realm, the Xingluo Spiritual Sea.

Qin Qiong's transformation is still continuing.

Including the five cave masters, all eyes fell on him.

"I didn't expect it. If he is really related to that clan, it would be a good thing for our five caves."

A cave master smiled lightly.

"This is indeed a little unexpected."

Guhua Cave Master also shook his head. He didn't expect that his disciple would have such a background.

His eyes turned to Ye Yu again.

However, unlike the brilliant light on Qin Qiong.

Ye Yu did not have any special fluctuations and reactions.

Even the aura of cultivation did not seem to have a significant increase.

Seven days passed.

Qin Qiong's transformation is still continuing.

The purple rune mark on his forehead is becoming more and more obvious.

It is like a clan pattern engraving, blooming with infinite brilliance and exuding a palpitating aura.

"It seems to be true..."

The five cave masters are all paying attention.

At first, they were not completely sure, after all, it was a bit unbelievable.

However, now, they are 80% sure that Qin Qiong is really related to that clan.

At this moment.

Suddenly, a line of ships descended on the void of Xingluo Realm.

A middle-aged man stepped into the air and descended on Xingluo Spiritual Sea.

He saw Qin Qiong at a glance and was surprised.

"It's really the bloodline of the Zhan Clan!"

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