Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2896 Two time travelers, Ye Yu and Qin Qiong, a world called Xuanjixing

"Hall of Heroes..."

Jun Xiaoyao murmured.

It seems that the power of this heaven and the vast starry sky is indeed unimaginable.

Not to mention anything else, the Hall of Heroes, the institution that cultivates evil spirits and heroes, is so well-known and has such a deep foundation.

It can be said that they have gathered a group of the most outstanding evil spirits in the vast starry sky.

No wonder Heaven is so prosperous.

After all, there is a steady stream of new generations of evil geniuses joining.

However, Jun Xiaoyao felt that in that kind of place, there would probably be a lot of leeks that could be harvested.

"It seems that those heroic palaces are indeed somewhat extraordinary." Jun Xiaoyao said.

Su Jinli said: "Of course, the Hall of Heroes can be regarded as a place where all the monsters in the vast starry sky gather."

"Only the monsters among monsters may be qualified to enter."

"However, the Hall of Heroes has not opened enrollment yet, so it may take some time."

The Hall of Heroes is not accessible to ordinary people and must meet very high standards.

There was a hint of interest in Jun Xiaoyao's eyes.

He was a little curious about the Hall of Heroes.

There must be some young emperor-level figures among them.

Only this kind of existence could attract his attention.

However, this Shengxuan Academy is obviously far from being comparable to the Hall of Heroes.

Jun Xiaoyao is not in any good mood.

However, on the side, Lingxi's eyes seemed to be twinkling, thinking about something.

Then, she opened her lips and said, "Sir, I want to go to Shengxuan Academy to practice."


Jun Xiaoyao glanced at Lingxi.

In fact, sincerely speaking, Lingxi naturally didn't want to leave Jun Xiaoyao.

But she also knew that being with Jun Xiaoyao now was a burden and would not have the slightest effect on Jun Xiaoyao.

She needs to improve herself before she can repay Jun Xiaoyao.

"I want to practice and practice on my own."

"In this way, we can better follow the young master and play a role for him in the future." Lingxi said seriously.

Jun Xiaoyao thought for a while and nodded slightly.


Lingxi is by his side, and with his guidance, progress will be rapid.

However, it lacks the experience of independence.

Moreover, there is no sense of crisis or oppression.

This is not good for practice.

After Lingxi has practiced it on her own, and then asks Jun Xiaoyao to give guidance, the effect will be better.

"Okay, be careful yourself."

Jun Xiaoyao also pointed out and injected a force into Ling Xi's body to form a talisman.

You can save Lingxi's life at the most critical moment.

However, he felt that Lingxi was a woman of luck, and she should not be in danger of her life.

Then, he took out some cultivation resources, elixirs, holy medicines, etc. to Lingxi.

They are all resources in Huangquan's secret treasure.

"Thank you, sir!"

Lingxi was naturally moved again, no need to say more.

After that, Lingxi also separated from Jun Xiaoyao and Su Jinli.

Go to Shengxuan Academy alone.

After Lingxi left, Su Jinli smiled at Jun Xiaoyao and said, "Master Jun, it seems that you are still going to hang out with me."

"How about we go treasure hunting together?"

Jun Xiaoyao also smiled calmly.

As its name suggests, this Su Koi is a lucky little Koi.

Maybe you can really gain a lot by following her.

The vast starry sky and the endless realms.

There are countless great realms, as countless as the number of sands in the Ganges.

The Xingluo Realm is one of the vast realms.

Its scope is hundreds of times larger than the previous Daozhen Realm, Tianyao Realm, Chiyue Realm, etc.

It can already be said to be an extremely grand world.

And those who rule this world are the five caves.

The five great caves are the blessed lands of the five caves.

It is said that the ancestors all came from the same powerful force.

Later, five strong men emerged from among them and established the Five Directions Cave Heaven respectively.

The Five Directions Cave Heaven has also become the ruling force in the Star Luo Realm.

If there is only one cave in the five directions, it may not be very strong.

But if the five caves are united, they will be a force that cannot be underestimated.

At this moment, we are in Guhua Cave, one of the five major caves.

Here the sacred mountain stands tall, the vegetation is lush, and there are pavilions and pavilions dotted among them.

There are flowing springs and waterfalls, ancient cranes spread their wings, and the spiritual mist is thick. It is truly an auspicious pure land for cultivation.

deep in this area.

There are two figures sitting cross-legged on a mountain peak with curling aura.

These are two men.

One of them has a well-proportioned figure and a delicate appearance.

It's not the kind of handsome that makes people feel amazing at first glance, but it gives people a very comfortable feeling.

"Brother Ye, do you think we have traveled through time or taken possession of our bodies?"

Next to this handsome man, another man said.

He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, a square face, a very tall and muscular figure, and high muscles.

He is nearly two meters tall.

"I don't know very well, but the time here is not short. We can only adapt to this world now."

The handsome man sighed slightly.

His name is Ye Yu.

The burly man next to him, named Qin Qiong, is his best brother.

The two of them are now the core disciples of Guhua Dongtian, and their cultivation is considered to be very good.

However, only Ye Yu and Qin Qiong knew what secrets they were hiding.

They are not from this world!

They come from a planet with extremely advanced technology called Xuanji Planet.

However, after the development of technology reaches a certain bottleneck.

They accidentally discovered some relics and sorted out some so-called cultivation methods from them.

They called them "ancient martial arts".

Then, the people of Xuanji Star combined technology with ancient martial arts to develop human potential.

Not only did they discover the treasures of the flesh, but they also comprehended the method of soul cultivation.

Ye Yu, Qin Qiong and others are outstanding talents from the highest-level institutions on Xuanji Star.

In a later opportunity, this group of elites from the academy were sent to participate in the investigation of a certain ancient relic.

They found the remains of many unknown creatures in it.

According to the investigation, the life strength of some of the remains was so strong that it exceeded the range of living beings, and was almost the same as the legendary gods!

Or in other words, when the practice reaches the peak, the living beings will become as powerful and omnipotent as gods.

This brought a great impact to the three views of Ye Yu and others.

Originally, this group of people wanted to continue to dig deeper.

But afterwards, all kinds of weird, incredible and incomprehensible things happened in the ancient ruins.

Some people lost their lives and some fled in a hurry.

However, Ye Yu and his group did not.

At that time, in Ye Yu's mind, it seemed that there was a voice calling him to go deeper.

Of course, this was only one of the reasons.

There was another reason because.

She was walking in the front.

Ye Yu could not leave her alone.

That one was his goddess, Bai Yueguang, and it could even be said that she was the goddess of the entire Xuanji Star, the best, most perfect, and impeccable existence.

And Ye Yu could not remember the memories after that.

He only knew that some mysterious and strange things happened.

When Ye Yu regained consciousness again.

He had come to this strange world and became the core disciple of Guhua Dongtian.

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