Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2893 Princess Zi Mei surrenders, the mysterious and powerful time and space demon clan

For princes from the Immortal Dynasty like Yu Huayan.

This is absolutely humiliating.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, looked at Yu Huayan and was thinking.

Should we get rid of him or what?

Just when Jun Xiaoyao was thinking.

Na Yu Huayan suddenly offered another amulet and crushed it.

Suddenly a ball of extremely bright and blazing light burst out.

It was as if the blood was burning.

And in that blazing light, a towering figure vaguely emerged.

He seems to be the supreme being who governs all realms.

That hazy figure thrust its hand toward Jun Xiaoyao, as if it were the hand of a god trying to suppress everything.

Jun Xiaoyao's expression remained unchanged and he took action as well.

When the two collided, boundless brilliance burst out, and the essence of heaven and earth boiled, making the entire Red Moon Realm seem to be trembling.

After realizing that it couldn't be solved, the hazy figure seemed to show a strange color.

Then, Yu Huayan's figure was directly wrapped around him, turning into a bright and fast stream of light and flying away into the air.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't stop him, he simply thought it was unnecessary.

The amulet Yu Huayan crushed may contain a power left by his father, Emperor Yan.

That was also Yu Huayan's life-saving method.

It has to be said that as the leader of the Immortal Dynasty, Emperor Yan's strength is indeed extraordinary.

Jun Xiaoyao's figure flashed and appeared in the fairy furnace.

Princess Zimei is still performing.

She also used some means of protection, but they were all useless in this fairy furnace.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were as calm as an ancient well.

Although Princess Fangxianchao performed in person, it was indeed very attractive.

But Jun Xiaoyao has seen too many stunning beauties.

Already immune.

"What do you think I should do with you?" Jun Xiaoyao said.

Princess Zimei, barely able to gather her thoughts, said in a daze.

"I...will never do anything to the Scarlet Moon Realm again..."

"I...can compensate..."

Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly: "That's okay."

Although Jun Xiaoyao doesn't mind dealing with them.

But offending two immortal dynasties at the same time is indeed a bit troublesome.

Jun Xiaoyao doesn't like trouble the most.

Unless someone else really wants to make him unhappy.

Then, Princess Zimei was released.

Her face was bright red.

Thinking of the scene in the fairy furnace just now.

She almost wanted to scream, go crazy.

And most importantly.

They were all looked at by Jun Xiaoyao.

Princess Zimei bit her red lips and looked at Jun Xiaoyao.

She should have been furious and hated Jun Xiaoyao.


He is so handsome.

The feeling of being noticed by a handsome guy is completely different from that of being noticed by an ugly guy.

If it were anyone else, Princess Zimei would go crazy and want to dig out their eyes.

But when it was Jun Xiaoyao, Princess Zimei had a strange experience in her heart.

Why do you feel so high?

"Should you fulfill your promise?" Jun Xiaoyao said calmly.

Princess Zimei glanced at Jun Xiaoyao.

"Who are you, and why do you control the Fairy Furnace?"

"Master Fengyue, Jun Xiaoyao."

"Jun Xiaoyao..."

Princess Zimei murmured and repeated, then took a deep look at him.

"This princess will remember you, Jun Xiaoyao."

After all, she gave out many resources from the space magic weapon.

Then leave.

At this point, the crisis in the Scarlet Moon Realm is finally resolved.

The old patriarch and others were naturally grateful.

Jun Xiaoyao also gave many of the resources given by Princess Zimei to the old patriarch and others.

"Young Master Jun, there is simply no way I can repay your kindness to our clan..." The old clan leader was also touched.

To be honest, in this vast starry sky where the jungle prevails.

There are too few people like Jun Xiaoyao.

"Clan leader, there is no need to thank you. I have already said that Lingxi's matter is my matter." Jun Xiaoyao said.

Hearing this, the old patriarch also showed a touch of relief in his eyes.

He seemed to have confirmed his previous decision.

Jun Xiaoyao is Lingxi's best entrusted person.

He thought for a while and said: "Master Jun, are you curious about the strange changes in the Red Moon Realm?"

Jun Xiaoyao said calmly: "It would be a lie to say that there is no such thing, but this is a secret that belongs to you, the clan leader."

The old patriarch was stunned when he heard this.

It turned out that Jun Xiaoyao had known for a long time that the changes in the Scarlet Moon Realm were related to their clan.

However, Jun Xiaoyao didn't take the initiative to mention it.

This made the old patriarch even more relieved.

"Young Master Jun is such a magnanimous person, but we have so many things to hide, which makes me feel ashamed." The old patriarch also shook his head.

"The clan leader and others may have something to hide, but that's understandable." Jun Xiaoyao didn't mind.

"Master Jun, come with me and I will tell you everything."

Later, the old patriarch also took Lingxi, Jun Xiaoyao, and Su Jinli into the depths of the continent.

That is the ancestral land of their clan.

On the way, the old patriarch also revealed some secrets.

Even Lingxi doesn't know these secrets.

"Actually, Mr. Jun must have noticed that our bloodline is somewhat special."

"That's right, in fact, the source of our bloodline is the time and space demon spirit clan." The old patriarch sighed.

"What, the space-time demon spirit?!"

Jun Xiaoyao had no reaction yet, but Su Jinli on the side seemed to know something and couldn't help but whisper.

"It seems that Miss Su knows something." Jun Xiaoyao said.

Su Jinli nodded and said, "I do know a little bit. This clan is not bad, and there are many records in ancient history."

Su Jinli likes treasure hunting the most.

And if you want to find some traces of treasures and relics, you naturally have to look through ancient history.

So Su Jinli also knows a lot of things because of this.

For example, the Space-Time Demon Spirit Clan is a race that was once extremely evil in the vast starry sky.

This clan is related to time and space as the name suggests.

Its earliest origin has long been a mystery and cannot be investigated.

It is only known that there are not many pure-blooded people in this clan, and it can even be said that they are very rare.

In their blood, they have the talent to control the power of time and space.

This can be said to be a talent that makes countless races jealous.

After all, time and space can be said to be the top power attributes.

Once upon a time, the Space-Time Demon Spirit Clan was also extremely powerful, and each of its pure-blooded people was the strongest.

The only pity is that the number is rare.

Otherwise, there would definitely be a place for the Space-Time Demon Spirit Clan among the Ten Tyrants.

But even so, this clan is still very strong.

And perhaps this clan is too evil and was envied by the gods, and then various changes happened.

For example, there was news that the blood of the Space-Time Demon Spirit Clan could be refined into an essence that could comprehend the power of space-time.

As a result, the Space-Time Demon Spirit Clan attracted the attention of many ethnic forces.

There is also a supreme being who has thoughts about the Space-Time Ancestral Tree, the treasure of the Space-Time Demon Spirit Clan.

In the end, a terrifying strong man took action and wanted to snatch the Space-Time Ancestral Tree, which led to the loss of the Space-Time Ancestral Tree and its whereabouts were unknown.

There are various other twists and turns, so there is no need to say more.

In the end, this clan finally declined.

And they had to hide their identities and not be discovered by others, otherwise they might suffer disasters.

The lineage of the old patriarch was the branch left after the Space-Time Demon Spirit Clan declined.

Over time, generation after generation, the blood became thin.

This clan has never had a pure-blooded Space-Time Demon Spirit again.

Until Lingxi appeared.

She has a rare atavistic bloodline and is a pure-blooded space-time demon spirit.

Her bloodline has not yet fully awakened.

If it truly awakens, the speed of progress will be even more terrifying!

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