Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2878 A group of beautiful races joined, and seeing Xiaoyao ruined their lives

"What, join Fengyue Ancient Sect?"

The women present looked at each other in bewilderment.

They came here to attack Fengyue Ancient Sect.

How come they are about to join now?

What's going on?

However, what everyone didn't expect was that.

The Mermaid Queen was the first to nod slightly and said, "Yes, I am willing to join and try."

"Your Majesty!"

The five mermaid sisters were all surprised.

How did their queen become so unrestrained?

In fact, compared to dealing with Fengyue Ancient Sect.

The Mermaid Queen cares more about her own realm breakthrough.

She has been stuck in the early stage of the second level of the Emperor Realm for thousands of years.

Jun Xiaoyao may be the key to her breakthrough.

And she can also feel that Jun Xiaoyao's strength is unpredictable.

Even if she takes action, she may not get any benefits.

Instead of fighting to the death, why not choose a result that makes both parties comfortable?

And after the Mermaid Queen.

The Saint of the Moon Clan also said, "I think this method is feasible."

"There is no eternal good and evil in the world. Good people may become bad people, and bad people may reform."

"Not to mention Mr. Jun, he should not be that kind of person."

The Saint of the Moon Clan said, looking at Jun Xiaoyao.

But she hid a glimmer in her eyes.

I wonder if she will win Jun Xiaoyao's favor by saying good things now?

On the other side, the Lotus Fairy of the Lotus Clan secretly glanced at the Saint of the Moon Clan.

Biting her red lips lightly with her pearly teeth.

How could she not know what the Saint of the Moon Clan was thinking?

This is to get ahead.

The Lotus Fairy was not to be outdone, showing goodwill and agreeing to temporarily join the Fengyue Ancient Sect.

In this way, there are several leaders.

The other proud girls naturally agreed one after another.

The girls who originally came with murderous intent and the intention of eradicating the scourge.

Now, they have joined the Fengyue Ancient Sect.

It can only be said that it is really dramatic.

Jun Xiaoyao was not stingy.

He also started preaching directly.

There was a rain of light falling from the sky, shining brightly.

This was formed by the pure rune rules, and it was the rain of enlightenment.

All the women looked at Jun Xiaoyao with joy and gratitude.

There were even proud women with longing in their eyes and a secret love.

A man like Jun Xiaoyao is really the synonym of perfection.

No, maybe he is perfection itself.

There is no flaw at all.

Once you see Xiaoyao, you will be ruined for life.

Jun Xiaoyao conquered all the women with his perfect charm, making it difficult for them to think of getting rid of him.

Not far away in the city.

Su Jinli, Dragon Girl Hai Ruo, Kongxu Gongzi and others appeared.

Kongxu Gongzi was stunned when he saw this scene.

Then he gave a thumbs up.

"High, this move of the young master is really high!"

Kongxu Gongzi was speechless.

Can you still play like this?

It can be said that if it were any other man, it would never succeed.

Because only Jun Xiaoyao has such charm.

If it were him, Master Kongxu, he would definitely kill him without saying anything.

This guy looks so annoying.

But Master Kongxu thought of something else.

The Lotus Clan, the Moon Clan, the Mermaid Clan, and other races actually did not have a deep grudge against the Fengyue Ancient Sect.

The one with the deepest grudge against the Fengyue Ancient Sect.

It was the Nishang Clan, one of the ten great clans.

It could even be said that they were deadly enemies with the Fengyue Ancient Sect.

I wonder what would happen if the Fengyue Ancient Sect attracted the attention of the Nishang Clan in the future?

But Master Kongxu thought, maybe with Jun Xiaoyao's charm, he could really conquer the entire Nishang Clan?

In that case, it would be a feat that the ancestors of the Fengyue Ancient Sect had never accomplished.

Because once, the first rule of the Fengyue Ancient Sect was.

Conquer all the women of the Nishang tribe!

In Duankong City, the sound of Taoism lingers.

Outside Duankong City, there is a vast void.

The onlookers saw that there was no movement in Duankong City for a long time, and they couldn't help showing strange expressions.

Ling Shang, Yao Longzi and others felt that something was wrong.

"Come closer and take a look..."

The cultivators from all sides came closer to observe.

They were stunned.

Because the women who came, Yingying and Yanyan, surrounded Jun Xiaoyao.

His face was full of infatuation, as if he was listening to the emperor's sermon.

All the cultivators were stunned.

They never thought that this could happen.

Ling Shang and Yao Longzi's faces were stiff.

They wanted to see a conflict and blood flow.

In the end, Jun Xiaoyao was surrounded by the gentle women.

Jealousy makes people twisted!

Seven days after this incident.

Jun Xiaoyao's sermon ended.

The women still looked unsatisfied and unsatisfied.

Even the mermaid queen was like this, showing an unsatisfied look and licking her moist lips.

If she came a few more times, maybe she could break through directly.

Even if she stayed with Jun Xiaoyao all the time.

Maybe she could even impact the third level of the emperor realm and become a peak emperor!

Seeing the unsatisfied look of the mermaid queen.

Even Jun Xiaoyao was stunned.

Why does it feel like this mermaid has turned into a piranha?

Not only her, but the other women too.

All stared at him with burning eyes.

Jun Xiaoyao now believes it.

Even if he wants the women to leave Fengyue Ancient Sect, the women will probably be reluctant.

After all, they have tasted the sweetness.

"Mr. Jun, will there be a chance to see you again?" The Saint of the Moon Clan hesitated for a moment and said.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will preach again." Jun Xiaoyao said.

"Okay, we will wait for you, Mr. Gong." The girls nodded again and again.

The look on their faces was like the female fans who were obsessed with their idols in their previous lives.

Then, after some dealings.

The group of girls finally left with reluctance.

Although they temporarily joined the Fengyue Ancient Sect, it was only because of Jun Xiaoyao.

It is naturally impossible for them to really regard themselves as Fengyue believers.

But for Jun Xiaoyao, as long as they do not hinder the development of the Fengyue Ancient Sect, it is enough.

Maybe, they can even spread the name through this.

Let others also know that the Fengyue Ancient Sect is no longer the notorious evil sect before.

Then, Mr. Kongxu and others came.

Looking at the group of girls leaving, Mr. Kongxu secretly swallowed his saliva.

Rather than saying that they are willing to join Fengyue Ancient Sect, it is better to say that they are willing to make friends with Jun Xiaoyao.

Mr. Kongxu even felt that this Fengyue Ancient Sect might belong to Jun Xiaoyao alone.

He was envious, and estimated that in the future, all the female disciples of Fengyue Ancient Sect would only be interested in Jun Xiaoyao, the leader.

"Mr. Jun, are you selling out your male beauty?"

On the side, Su Jinli's eyes were rolling, with a hint of ridicule.

Jun Xiaoyao said: "As long as the problem can be solved, what does it matter if I sacrifice this."

Su Jinli seemed to have thought of something, and her bright and beautiful face showed a painful expression.

"Yes, I also sacrificed those fine wines and delicacies, as well as the happy water for home girls."

These are all her reserve food.

"This time, thank you Miss Su for your help, Jun Mou will remember it in my heart."

"Next time I have the opportunity, I will treat Miss Su to a luxurious banquet." Jun Xiaoyao smiled and thanked.

"I'll remember this, don't regret it!"

Su Jinli's pointed chin slightly raised, her eyes and eyebrows showing her charm.

She was very happy to have someone to pay for her meal!

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