Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2762: The fierce battle, the strength of Jun Lingcang and others

Chapter 2646 Fierce battle, physical duel

It can be said that whether it is Jun Xiaoyao or the son of the Sansheng Emperor.

Their abilities are extraordinary.

What he controls are also extremely terrifying ancient magical powers.

Coupled with their own cultivation strength, it is enough to use various methods to the extreme.

The Sansheng Emperor reached into his hands, picked the stars from the sky, and then poured out his magic power to refine it, directly suppressing Xiang Jun Xiaoyao.

This is a certain ancient art that harvests stars from the sky for one's own use.

What an ability this is, reaching for the stars and the moon is already extraordinary.

But Jun Xiaoyao looked indifferent, and struck out with his palms, like a Kunpeng flicking its tail, or like a golden-winged roc spreading its wings.

This is the evolution of Kunpeng's great magical power. It seems that the ancient Kunpeng is really reappearing, attacking the Nine Heavens upwards and the Nine Nethers downwards.

It can be said that even ordinary magical powers can turn decay into magic in the hands of Jun Xiaoyao and Sansheng Emperor.

Not to mention, what they control are all kinds of ancient arts and rare magical powers.

Now that it is displayed, if this place is not the core of the world, it will definitely destroy the world.

"Show your true power, your chaotic body, the innate holy body."

"Let's see if the two most powerful physiques are really invincible when combined!"

The Sansheng Emperor's tone was calm, with a hint of madness.

No matter how evil Jun Xiaoyao is, he has no fear and wants to witness Jun Xiaoyao's true strength.

"I also want to see if your Hongmeng Dao body is as weak as Ji Taisui."

Jun Xiaoyao also competed with each other.

He stepped out, and as he walked, chaos and mist filled the air, and every strand was extremely thick.

He activated the vision of the Chaos Body, the power of Chaos to open the sky, and figures of gods and demons appeared behind him, standing tall against the sky and the earth.

Then the power of the sky suppressed the Sansheng Emperor, breaking open the lotus buds on his body.

When the Sansheng Emperor saw this, he raised his hand, and the power of Hongmeng spread out, colliding with the power of chaos.

These two powers are both extremely high-level special powers.

Colliding together, it was as if they were back before the beginning of the sky, where chaos and Hongmeng were intertwined.

And in this mist, the two seemed to be two gods and demons in chaos, fighting each other.

When Jun Xiaoyao waved his hand, the Chaos True Fire started a prairie fire, and the Chaos Fire Lotus condensed in his palm, and he threw it out.

The Son of the Three Lives Emperor mobilized the power of Hongmeng and condensed it into the Hongmeng Aquarius.

The purple-gold treasure bottle rotates in the void, and the mouth of the bottle blooms with regular divine light.

The vast chaos true fire was absorbed and refined by it.

Even the Chaos Fire Lotus was refined into it and then annihilated.

"If the Chaos Body only has this means, it would be disappointing."

The Sansheng Emperor's tone was calm and nonchalant.

"This has just begun, what are you so anxious about?"

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flashed slightly.

This Third Life Emperor seems to particularly want to enter the Gate of Origin.

It seems that the Gate of Origin contains a great secret.

Jun Xiaoyao, naturally cannot let the Sansheng Emperor succeed.

He took action again, chaos and mist filled the air behind him, and rules emerged.

Fairy spirits emerged one after another, true dragons, divine phoenixes, weapon spirits, Xuanwu, Suzaku and so on.

These innate beings each control different avenues, overwhelming the sky and the earth, and surge out with the chaotic mist.

It is the second vision of the Chaos Body, the Ten Thousand Dao Pagoda!

Many immortal spirits followed Jun Xiaoyao and suppressed them.

That power was earth-shattering!

It seems that all the ways are flowing with Jun Xiaoyao's thoughts.

Seeing Jun Xiaoyao's methods.

The Sansheng Emperor did not dare to be careless.

There is also Hongmeng Qi flowing behind him, turning into a large void.

There are changes in everything, and the artistic conception of the passing of the world is permeated.

It is the vision of the Hongmeng Taoist body, the Hongmeng universe!

The Son of the Three Lives Emperor seemed to be crushing out with a piece of the world and the universe.

That terrifying aura is enough to suppress Qiankun.

Normally, even a quasi-emperor, if their body is suppressed by this pressure, it will instantly disintegrate and explode!

The Hongmeng Taoist body and the Chaos Divine Body are both the strongest physiques in ancient and modern times.

Now that the visions collide, the fluctuation is simply terrifying.

The aura of this place instantly became astonishing, enough to make even the emperor tremble.

All kinds of regular avenues, divine chains of order, and ancient runes burst out, filling the space between heaven and earth.

Even Yi Zhou retreated a lot to avoid being involved.

It can be said that if an ordinary quasi-emperor is involved in this terrifying collision wave, they will definitely die, and they will be destroyed physically and mentally.

If this place were not the core of the world, the rules of heaven and earth would be special and very stable.

If it had been anything else, a large area of ​​the star field would have collapsed, and the world would have been ruined.

And in the midst of such shocking fluctuations.

Jun Xiaoyao and Sansheng Dizi collided and then separated.

The two men fought to a fever pitch.

Beside the Sansheng Emperor, purple Hongmeng lotus bloomed.

That is the pure embodiment of the Hongmeng Rules of the Great Dao, and represents the Sansheng Emperor's understanding of the Hongmeng Way.

It is far from comparable to Ji Taisui's half-hearted and half-empty attitude.

Jun Xiaoyao also pushed the power of chaos to the extreme, the sounds of heaven and earth rumbled, and the sounds of sacrifices came from the chaos.

The two men shook each other hard, causing the universe to shake and the stars to surge.

But as if he felt that the speed was a bit slow, the Sansheng Emperor used another powerful move.

In front of him, three sticks of incense appeared.

It is not a real incense, but transformed by the power of law.

Smoke curls filled the air.

The sound of sacrifices, Sanskrit singing, and prayers suddenly rang out between heaven and earth.

The vast power of faith flows and blesses the Sansheng Emperor.

"Burning incense for three generations, worshiping heaven and earth!"

The Sansheng Emperor once again used his blessing technique.

This is a terrifying amplification technique.

After blessing this move, the aura of the Sansheng Emperor became even more terrifying, as if he had been blessed by the gods and respected by all living beings.

He has a majestic attitude, as if he is a universal god.

Immediately, the Sansheng Emperor fired a seal.

It is the Dharma Seal of all living beings, extremely powerful and mighty.

When Jun Xiaoyao saw this, divine flames suddenly erupted from his body, blessed by the Fourth Supreme Technique.

His aura also surged, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com's all-round attribute increase.

Then, the vision of the six holy bodies emerged, and along with the power of six reincarnations, all the worlds revolved around him.

This is a great reincarnation technique that directly obliterates the dharma seal of the Three Lives Emperor's son.

And he suppressed it with all his strength and left.

"Reincarnation, use reincarnation in front of me?"

Seeing Jun Xiaoyao's methods, the Sansheng Emperor sneered.

The next moment, a mysterious mark appeared between his eyebrows, filled with the meaning of reincarnation.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes narrowed when he saw this!

Because that mark is exactly the three-life reincarnation mark that appeared on Lu Yuan, Chen Xuan, Long Qingxuan and others!

"I know that you have been following the clues of this mark, hoping to find out something."

"Now, let me directly show you the power of the Three Lives Reincarnation Seal."

The son of the Three Lives Emperor, the Three Lives Reincarnation Seal between his eyebrows is generous and bright.

Immediately, behind him, overlapping figures emerged.

Jun Xiaoyao glanced at it and his eyes froze!

Because among the numerous figures, figures of Lu Yuan, Chen Xuan, Long Qingxuan and others appeared!

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