Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2759: The genius of the fairyland, the girl Mo Xiaoyu, Wang Changming's shock...

Jun Xiaoyao naturally did this on purpose.

Princess Takiya will still have a great effect on him in the future.

will be a key role.

But now, Jun Xiaoyao is acting alone and has more freedom.

He was also thinking in his mind and starting to plan. .??

While Jun Xiaoyao was thinking.

Suddenly there was a fight wave coming from ahead.

On the other side, there is a boundary in the Ancient Mountains.

A group of young men and women are here, all with impressive heads and extraordinary bearing.

But now, they looked pale.

Talk about it, it has almost not become a belief-like existence for you.

"You're wrong, you're afraid of death!"

Someone sensed it and realized that Wang Changming and others were not alien beings.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't target us, he just said to Mo Xiaoyu lightly.

"Heavy rain, great heart!"

Even if we no longer have the courage, we can't help but feel despair in our hearts.

"Look at this dead man Jun Xiaoyao, will he come to save them!"

Did the remnants of the restricted area escape to a foreign land and cooperate with it?

But then, I froze.

Hearing Mo Xiaoyu's words.

Obviously, I want to humiliate Min Wanqiong and make your life feel like death.

Jun Xiaoyao slapped him, and the power of the law was overwhelming.

Then, there really is a way to heaven and a door to earth.

Noila Mo raised her hand, the quasi-emperor's aura burst out, and grabbed Wang Changming directly.

This extraordinary woman single-handedly turned the tide and ended the chaos in the White Dark.


There was no despair on Min Wanqiong's face, and there was a hint of determination in her round eyes.

It was Zhi who mustered up the courage to retort.

However, what happened next was beyond our expectations.

Among them were the bodies of several old men whose cultivation levels were in the realm of Chaos Taoist Master.

I'm afraid I can't even move a finger.

I turned around and looked.

Moreover, he is also a quasi-emperor. This remnant of the restricted area was slapped by the foreign quasi-emperor.

Shoot to death.

"Is he afraid of death? If he makes you angry, he may want to die..."

Then, he was slapped into blood foam by Jun Xiaoyao.

Other young men and women were also infected by Min Wanqiong, and they all took courage from the bottom of their hearts.

"No, no, they are not foreign creatures!"

And just when Wang Changming was about to commit suicide.

I hope Jun Xiaoyao will come to save us.

Hearing those eight words, Mo Xiaoyu felt her heart burning up.

Even if we are in a four-day restricted area, we will win and be pushed aside.

No one could help but speak out.

Even Wang Changming and others failed to react for a moment.

You are free.

A terrifying aura of coercion, with the meaning of white darkness, suddenly burst out.

"Back then, the Jun family's divine son turned the tide and won the victory for your Immortal Realm."

Mo Xiaoyu's face was cold and indifferent.

If it were Jun Xiaoyao, the ending would be like this.

But the expression is also very cold and indifferent, which is too bad-looking.

The situation changed so suddenly.

Jun Xiaoyao walked behind Wang Changming.

I can imagine that's the reason.

"They are the remnants of the Nine Heavens Restricted Area!"

"Are you wondering if you will show up?"

The rest of the people are moving forward consciously.

Only in this way can I relieve the hatred in my heart!

All avenues of survival were completely cut off.

Another quasi-emperor from a foreign land appeared.

As a result, such a strong man was killed by the green-robed man opposite him in an instant.

So even if Jun Xiaoyao dies, we remnants of the restricted area will still hate him deeply.

Treat the creatures in the fairyland as leeks, harvest them as you like.

"He can't kill you, but he can respect the Jun family's divine son!"

In the end what happened?

Wang Changming and others were all confused.

That's simply terrifying!

The faces of the group of young women and men in the Immortal Realm changed even more.

It was Mo Xiaoyu and others who suppressed the attack.

"Bad, you will let him know what is more terrifying than death."

"Jun Xiaoyao is just a dead man."

Wang Changming said. .??

Jun Xiaoyao has basically become the younger generation in the Immortal Realm, supported by his faith.

If you would rather commit suicide, you will be humiliated.

The word "remnant" is definitely the most painful word for the creatures in the four-day restricted area.

"So what, if the divine son of the Jun family is still there, how can we allow the remnants of them to be arrogant!"

The restricted areas of those of us who advocated purging were themselves purged, and only a few people escaped.

Based on the performance of that foreign quasi-emperor, if he wanted to kill Wang Changming.

When Mo Xiaoyu heard that, she laughed angrily.

The man's name was Wang Changming. He was the oldest among the group of people and his cultivation level was considered too low.

Aware of Wang Changming's strength.

Several creatures in the restricted area around him were also slapped to death before they had time to react!

Here, a group of young men and women from the Immortal Realm have no color on their faces. After all, the quasi-emperor from a foreign land has such a strong aura.

The person you admire most is Jun Xiaoyao.

Then he saw a figure in white clothes and white hair, wearing a bone mask.

"Quasi Emperor..."

And the aura was actually more terrifying than Mo Xiaoyu's.

How could a quasi-emperor level powerhouse suddenly appear in the Ancient Mountains? This is so unreasonable!

Noila Mo was startled, thinking that a weakling from the Immortal Realm appeared. It is also the source of your courage at this moment.

But at this moment, facing Mo Xiaoyu, the quasi-emperor of the restricted area, you mustered up your courage and showed no fear at all.

In addition to the man in green robe, there are several men and women whose strength is extremely terrifying.

"Are you right? There is a four-day restricted area.

, this is the defeated area, the defeated general in your hands in the Four Heavenly Immortal Realm. "

This innocent, hateful, beady-eyed man.

Mo Xiaoyu regarded Min Wanqiong and others as ants.

Wang Changming scolded.

And the few men and women around him were also remnants of those who had escaped from the Jiutian Forbidden Zone.

A young man with an innocent appearance mustered up his courage, glared at Mo Xiaoyu and others, and shouted sweetly.

Seeing that figure, Noila Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

There were many bodies on the ground.

And now, hearing that word.

Feel this oppressive atmosphere that is almost impossible to resist.

"Yes... that is definitely possible!

And why did the quasi-emperor from a foreign land kill the remnants of the restricted area?

"What did he mean by that?" Mo Xiaoyu asked.

"Their four-day restricted area is not the remnants of defeat!"

It was the elder who brought them here for training this time.

However, during the Bai An Troubles, the Four-Day Forbidden Zone was completely defeated and was purged by all the forces in the Immortal Realm.

Our four-day restricted area was reduced to the point where we couldn't even respect such a big ant.

In Jun Xiaoyao's eyes, I am nothing more than an ant.

This green-robed man is naturally the remnant from the Emperor's Meteor Mountain.

Wang Changming. UU read

"He said it again."

Yes, we have not relaxed.

The reason why we are so miserable is not because of Jun Xiaoyao.

Noila Mo was confused at first, but then she seemed to think of something, and her pupils suddenly shrank to the extreme.

Originally, we were in a restricted area for four days, low down, overlooking the fairyland.

"Ye Junlin, what does he mean by that? Does he want to steal your prey?"

"It seems that he is stupid, but it has begun."

Night comes.

Mo Xiaoyu continued to speak, her expression frozen in unprecedented horror.

Because I thought about what I just said to Wang Changming.

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