Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2753: Gathering in the ancient city, creatures in the restricted area, demons from the Mosh

Young Master Mo Lie left, and this little trouble was solved by Jun Xiaoyao.

The two girls, Kagura and Huang Quan, looked at Jun Xiaoyao with gratitude, as well as hidden admiration and admiration.

The great elder of the Yixie clan didn't say anything.

At least the Yixie clan did not directly offend the Moshi clan.

Moreover, the Great Elder was also curious about this mysterious Ye Junlin. It should be a blessing for the two women to have a relationship with such mysterious beings. Jun Xiaoyao did not stay with the Yixie clan for too long.

Because he has to go to Princess Takiya's birthday party. Kagura was reluctant to let go of Jun Xiaoyao, but there was nothing she could do. Looking at Jun Xiaoyao's leaving figure.

They even pushed us outside the latrine before the beating was over. "I heard that he has no objections to people in your restricted area?"

Although they are both in the quasi-emperor realm, Jun Xiaoyao is rumored to be unable to fight against the little emperor.

"It turns out to be Mr. Ye, please.".??.

"Am I not the Lord of the Night? Looking at it that way, it turns out that there is nothing ordinary about it." "The creatures in the restricted area, a group of bereaved dogs, have also come to your realm to beg for food."

"It's a creature that only offended the restricted area. I heard that he was still in the Yixie clan and drove away Young Master Molie from the Moshi clan."

I am one of the few survivors who escaped from the Emperor's Meteor Mountain, and my cultivation level is also in the quasi-emperor realm.

Many young people looked at it with strange expressions on their faces.

That alone is enough to awe foreign creatures. I have no enthusiasm for Jun Xiaoyao.

"Nearly god-level? A few bereaved dogs who were severely injured, sealed, and escaped by chance. What kind of threat are they?"

Jun Xiaoyao retreated into it, and there was no one behind to guide me.

Obviously, as the ultimate imperial clan, the Mingling clan has a deep and measurable background and an ancient background.

Jun Xiaoyao took out the invitation. I reminded.

Jun Xiaoyao still spoke calmly.

Jun Xiaoyao, I have already found out the location of the Mingling clan, so I went straight back.

>It is the young quasi-king of the Moshi clan, Mo Xietian!

But for those forbidden creatures, people from foreign lands still have some feelings. There is a way. The eight characters "Ye Junlin" have become so popular in foreign lands recently that countless people are spreading the word.

Emperor An Lan secretly sent a message: "Brother Ye Dao, people from Shangmo Shi's clan will also come when we wait, and they will probably cause trouble for him."

This guide led Jun Xiaoyao to a magnificent mansion in the deepest part of the ancient city.

Occupying an extremely vast area.

"Ye Junlin, it's true that he can make trouble wherever he goes." The place was already full of people.

As soon as Jun Xiaoyao retreated into the mansion, he immediately attracted countless gazes. But there is a woman beside me, with a demonic power and unparalleled power. But now, Jun Xiaoyao is ignoring the dangers in the foggy area.

At most, they must be the elites of the Imperial Clan. "Brother Ye Dao, he is finally here."

In the ancient city, palaces stand tall and pavilions stretch out. "Isn't he Ye Junlin?"

When the creatures of the Mingling clan saw this, they immediately raised their hands, with a hint of awe in their eyes.

When he was too young, Jun Xiaoyao came to the depths of the Ming Ling clan. "he is"

And at the edge of the chaotic sea of ​​demons and the unspeakable land.

There are many dangers in it, and ordinary creatures would not dare to enter at will.

The majestic giant cities are like ancient behemoths, crawling under the small ground.

"Are you right?"

He is considered very young, but he is also considered to be a generation older.

The Mingling clan is located in an area within the land that can be said. The person who spoke was none other than Emperor Anlan, and I was also here.

In the courtyard of the mansion, many foreign creatures were whispering,


Jun Xiaoyao said lightly.

No matter what I do, I am still a creature in the restricted area. It is the place where foreignness can be spoken of.

Jun Xiaoyao suddenly understood.

Of course, special guests can only stay in the ancient city.

Some are made of star debris, and some are cast from well-known metals, all of which exude an ancient atmosphere.

Those creatures of the Nether Spirit Clan are very rude. Jun Xiaoyao also went to an unspeakable place.

Jun Xiaoyao is a monster with a natural talent, no strength, and no means. At the quasi-king level, he can fight against a being at the level of the King of Decay.

At that time, a heavy laugh sounded.

Jun Xiaoyao still remembers the last time he came. A voice sounded from nearby. .??.

The ancestral lands of several ultimate imperial clans from foreign lands, such as the Moshi clan and the Mingling clan, are all here.

I don't care whoever troubles me.

Wang Changming could only endure it, suppressing the anger in his heart, and his face turned blue. "He's so presumptuous. There's no god-level existence behind you!" Wang Changming's expression was intense.

That makes Young Master Mo Lie extremely embarrassed. You are free and easy, crossing the foggy area.

"It is indeed terrifying to be able to break the record of the Heavenly Hell and fight against an existence at the level of the King of Decay at the quasi-king level."

There is no other grand ancient city with towering walls. A voice sounded faintly.

Wang Changming's nose almost turned crooked with anger.

On the one hand, I am afraid of Jun Xiaoyao's strength.

"My ability to cause trouble is directly proportional to my strength." Jun Xiaoyao had just stepped into the realm of the Mingling clan.

There was a thick gray fog, covering the sky and the earth. "The King of the Emperor's Meteor Mountain is Changming."

I wanted to take action, but restrained myself.

Although the creatures in the restricted area are currently in alliance with foreign lands,

status. But it wasn't me who stood out the most.

In the ancient city, there were lanterns and colorful decorations, and people were coming and going, all coming to attend the birthday party of Princess Takiya.

The foreign land is not that kind of place, where the strong eats the weak, and the weak are respected, which is vividly reflected.

Mahuluo and others from the Moshi clan came to greet them.

Then she can directly follow Jun Xiaoyao, even if she just becomes a subordinate.

Jun Xiaoyao just slapped the faces of the creatures in our restricted area. Wang Changming stared at Jun Xiaoyao with enthusiasm.

This is because the very few people here are all foreign creatures. If their entire clan takes refuge in Jun Xiaoyao.

And on the other hand. "He" can be described as extremely humiliating.

"Just to know where I am"

If I take the initiative to take action against Jun Xiaoyao, it would be inappropriate. That is, no creature from the Nether Spirit clan appeared. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Kagura thought to herself.

The arrival was none other than Young Master Mo Lie from the Mo Shi clan. Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly.

Behind the sight, a vast white and dark continent appeared. Those who can be invited here are all mortal beings. After leaving the Yixie clan.

Only guests who have not received an invitation or are of ordinary status can retreat to the mansion in the ancient city and have dinner with Princess Takiya.

At this moment, some foreign creatures around him looked at Liao Jinghe with warmth.

With his current strength, he can travel to the entire foreign land, and there is no place he cannot go.

Jun Xiaoyao's mouth was poisonous, but it could kill people. Jun Xiaoyao looked around and found that it was a woman in green robe. It is the foggy area that isolates the outside world from the unspeakable place.

After that, the news about me being taught a lesson by Jun Xiaoyao in the Yixie clan has not spread yet.

The woman named Wang Changming said indifferently.

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