Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2747: The Mingling 1st clan, Princess Takiya, breaks into the hell

The latest website: Heavenly Prison, located in Jiye State, one of the top ten foreign states.

The place of opportunity mentioned by Emperor An Lan before, Daoyuan Ancient Palace, was also in this state.

However, although the Daoyuan Ancient Palace is to enhance the strength of foreign elites. But not all cats and dogs can get in.

Only those who have passed through the tenth level of Heavenly Hell are qualified to enter it and gain opportunities.

Therefore, the opening of Heavenly Prison this time has attracted many elites from foreign lands.

Heavenly Prison is located in the western part of Jiye State.

Looking around, this is a dull black mountain range. There is a dark ribbon of fog hanging around all year round.

And in the center of the black mountain range, there is a huge abyss cave.

It's like leading to the netherworld. This is where Heavenly Hell is. m.

Going deep into it, every level going down contains prisoners of war from the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain.

The further down you go, the stronger the realm is.

And throughout the void outside the Heavenly Prison, there are obscure formation runes that appear and disappear.

Obviously, there is an extremely powerful sealing formation here.

Outside the Heavenly Prison, there are guards guarding the Heavenly Prison. The cultivation level is all in the realm of Chaos Dao Zun.

And deep in the mountains, there are still a few quasi-kings, who are obviously the guardians of the heavenly prison.

At this moment, in the void outside the heavenly prison.

There are already dense numbers of figures stationed here. They are all elites who came from all the major states in foreign lands.

"Have you heard that the young quasi-king of the ultimate imperial clan appeared at the gathering of heroes not long ago?"

"I heard that it seems to be called Ye Junlin. It is indeed a strange name, but the strength is indeed terrifying."

"The quasi-king of the Blood Demon Imperial Clan is not weak in strength. He doesn't even have the ability to resist in his hands."

"This time the King will come that night too."

There were some discussions, all talking about Jun Xiaoyao. Emperor An Lan also appeared.

At this time, a man wearing a black and gold gown approached Emperor An Lan.

"Emperor An Lan, I heard that you met a great person at a gathering of heroes some time ago."

This man also has an extraordinary temperament. "It turns out to be Brother Lishuo." Emperor An Lan said.

This Lishuo comes from the Mingzhao clan, a long-established imperial clan from a foreign land. The natal magical power of his clan is the evil eye of Ming.

In the past, Jun Xiaoyao also killed a young master of the Ming Zhao clan, named Li Jiu Ming.

"You can't guess where the ultimate imperial clan is from that night when King Lin comes?" Li Shuo asked.

Emperor An Lan shook his head slightly.

"Mysterious and unfathomable."

Eight words were enough to express his impression of Jun Xiaoyao. Li Shuo's expression also softened slightly.

He said: "This time I broke into the Heavenly Hell, I also want to use this to show off, maybe it can attract the attention of the princess of the Nether Spirit Clan."

Emperor An Lan said: "The status of Princess Longye is extraordinary. People who pursue her are like crucian carp crossing the river, which is a bit difficult."

The Mingling clan is the ultimate imperial clan and has an extraordinary status. Recently, foreign lands are spreading.

The princess of the Mingling clan, Takiya, is about to hold a birthday party. And she has never had a Taoist partner.

So many people are interested.

If he could please Princess Takiya, wouldn't he be able to join the Ming Ling clan and reach the sky in one step?

You must know that the foundation and resources of the Ultimate Imperial Clan are not comparable to those of ordinary Imperial Clan.

This is equivalent to marrying a golden phoenix, even if you become a wife, you will definitely not lose money. It can be said that let alone ordinary foreign monks.

Even some of the top imperial clan's elites have thoughts about Princess Longye.

Eat soft rice, don't shiver.

However, Takiye is also the princess of the ultimate imperial clan, so she naturally has a high level of vision and is very picky.

If there is nothing special, let alone attracting attention, it will be difficult for her to remember the name.

So this time, Li Shuo came to Heaven Prison, thinking about whether he could show off his name and attract the attention of Princess Longye.

"Although there are many people pursuing Princess Longye, you still have to give it a try." Li Shuo said.

Emperor An Lan didn't say anything. He just thought to himself.

This time, it might not be his turn to express himself. When my heart is thinking.

There was some noise going around. Emperor An Lan looked over. Found a person coming. It's Jun Xiaoyao. "Brother Ye Dao."

Emperor An Lan smiled and greeted him.

Li Shuo also cast his gaze and looked at Jun Xiaoyao. Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly and stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling man.

Emperor An Lan's ability to survive to this day is something special.

Isn't it said that the people of the Anlan Emperor Clan are very arrogant and often speak arrogantly?

This Emperor An Lan understands the ways of the world. Afterwards, after some simple greetings.

A quasi-king guarding the Heavenly Prison appeared.

As he waved his hand, many tokens scattered. A name can be engraved on this token.

Then outside the Heavenly Prison, there is an ancient tablet on which the name can be manifested. In this way, after breaking into a few floors, it will be clearly visible.

Only by breaking into the tenth floor of Heavenly Prison can one be qualified to enter Daoyuan Ancient Palace and gain opportunities.

Jun Xiaoyao also got a piece.

He carved the words "Ye Junlin" on it. Then, the Hell Trial officially started.

Many people filed into the cave of the abyss.

Generally speaking, the frontmost level of Hell has the most casualties. It's not that the passers-by suffered more casualties, but that the prisoners of war in the Immortal Realm suffered more casualties. Because the ones on the outermost edge are all not too strong.

The deeper you go, the stronger the prisoners in the Immortal Realm are and the harder they are to kill. It can be used as a long-term whetstone.

So it won't be replaced at will.

Jun Xiaoyao believes that as long as he goes deep into it, he will definitely meet Luo Xiangling. She should be deep in hell.

Then, everyone started to break through.

Jun Xiaoyao also chose a passage and entered it. He just entered the first floor.

There was a monk from the Immortal Realm who roared angrily and came to kill him. "The ancient Qin family's method?"

Seeing that monk, he used a seal magic power, which was the magic power of the ancient Qin family.

The ancestors of this clan had the First Emperor.

It is also an ancient family with a deep foundation in the Immortal Domain.

Jun Xiaoyao made no move, and the seal landed three feet in front of him and turned invisible.

The Qin family monk's face suddenly changed and turned pale. He knew that he had met someone who was absolutely invincible. And the end is death!


But that Qin family monk, UU read www. gritted his teeth and shot at Jun Xiaoyao without fear of death.

Jun Xiaoyao nodded secretly. "Yes, it's bloody."

After the dark turmoil, the Huanggu family also formed an alliance. The Jun family is naturally the leader of the family alliance.

Now it seems that these members of the ancient family have become bloody. Bujun Xiaoyao casually shot the Qin family monk away with a snap of his fingers.

But that's all, he didn't hurt the Qin family monk. Jun Xiaoyao put his hands behind his hands and entered the next level.

The Qin family monk touched himself with a dazed look on his face.

" not dead?" He was surprised.

This powerful man from a foreign land would actually show mercy to him?

Some people died, but not completely…

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