Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2738: In the realm of Pluto, do you want all the five beauties of Tushan?

"Xiaoyao, are you going to go in like this?" Jiang Shengyi, who was wearing a veil, looked at Jun Xiaoyao. Although Jun Xiaoyao said that the Tushan clan are old friends. But now, after all, we are in a foreign land.

Jun Xiaoyao, even though he is already a great emperor.

To use a foreign name, he is the Immortal King. But this is a foreign territory after all.

"Since I came to a foreign land to investigate the situation, I naturally can't alert the enemy." "In the past, I received a lot of benefits as a foreign war **** and a body of chaos."

"Maybe we can do it again." Jun Xiaoyao smiled slightly.

He is full of evil, oh no, full of talent. As Jun Xiaoyao finished speaking.

There was a surge of breath in him.

Her black hair turned into snow-like white hair. 33

There is also a faint dark aura lingering around his body. At this moment, Jun Xiaoyao suddenly transformed into the body of Pluto and came to dominate the night! However, it is worth noting.

The aura of Pluto's body is not that of a great emperor, but is still in the realm of quasi-emperor.

the reason is simple.

Jun Xiaoyao's practice of transforming one qi into three pure states can synchronize the results of his practice. Jun Xiaoyao's Holy Body, Dao Fetus Body, Chaos Body, and Hongmeng Body are all in the realm of the Great Emperor.

But Pluto comes in person at night, which is very special.

With the help of the original power of the Chaos Body, it was also integrated with the power of the Disaster Source Bead of the God of War of the Era tribe.

Therefore, it can be said that the body of Pluto is one Qi that transforms into three pure beings, but not all of it.

Jun Xiaoyao's various evil talents, understanding, including the level of the soul, are all in sync with the Pluto body.

There is only realm, no synchronization.

The Pluto body has its own cultivation route, which is independent of the three pure bodies.

This led to the fact that Pluto is now only in the quasi-emperor realm. But it doesn’t really matter.

Because the body of Pluto was not created by Jun Xiaoyao himself. He got this for nothing, so it's pretty good.

Jun Xiaoyao's Pluto body comes to you at night, and he can achieve enlightenment alone.

His talent potential in the future will definitely not be much weaker than his One Qi Transformation into Three Purities.

Let’s use another analogy.

Night King's Landing can actually be seen as a manifestation of Jun Xiaoyao's dark side. "This is a bit like a foreign creature." Jiang Shengyi smiled slightly. The body of Pluto is related to the Era clan, and the Era clan comes from the source of disaster.

Exotic creatures are the dark power derived from the ultimate disaster. The same is the power of the apocalypse.

The body of Pluto is simply perfectly integrated into the foreign land. Jun Xiaoyao took out another bone mask and put it on his face. "This makes it more like, let's go."

Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Shengyi flashed.

Ignoring the many guards in Tushan, he directly found a main hall. Jun Xiaoyao noticed Wumei's aura.

In the main hall.

The strange man from Pumo clan said: "What are you thinking about?" "Marriage with our imperial clan is the best way to stabilize your Tushan clan."

"We are so sincere, do you still want to refuse?"

Tushan Wumei didn't respond, but there was deep coldness and disgust in her beautiful eyes.

They said they were helping the Tushan clan.

But in fact, everyone knows that these imperial clans also want to carve up the Tushan clan's underlying resources.

In the end, the Tushan Imperial Clan was slowly cannibalized by these Imperial Clan, and finally became a vassal.

The fate of the women of the Tushan clan can be imagined. It will definitely become a plaything-like existence.

Even Concubine Tushan seemed helpless when faced with such a dilemma.

And at this moment, a vague vast aura seemed to come out.

The expressions of the strange man and others changed. That is the breath of the Immortal King.

Coming from the Nine-Tailed Princess, she seemed to be cold, feeling that these imperial clans had gone too far.

The demonic man looked calm: "Why, the Tushan clan is going to take action. What if they do it to me?"

"You can't afford this price." The strange man was confident.

Standing behind him was Demon King Pu, a veteran immortal king from a foreign land.

If Concubine Nine-Tailed Princess really dares to attack them, the trouble will only become bigger in the future.


Tushan Mingfei has an ice-like face.

Unexpectedly, one day, the Tushan clan would find themselves in such a difficult situation.

"Well, then let me choose. I want the smallest one that suits my taste."

The strange man pointed at Tushan Chunchun.

"Then I want this." The man from the Fudou clan pointed at Tushan Xiaoxiao. "I want her, it should be quite exciting."

The proud son of the Ji Meng clan looked at Tu Shan Yueyue, he indeed had a very impressive figure.

The five beauties of Tushan are all covered with frost.

Tushan Chunchun couldn't help but shed tears in her big, delicate eyes because of her grievance.

"It would be great if Mr.

Tushan Chunchun thought of that figure in white.

Since he can end the ultimate disaster and quell the dark turmoil, he must be able to help them.

It's a pity...and right now.

Suddenly, there were footsteps in the hall. "who?"

The strange man and others looked at him.

Just saw a man and a woman appear.

The woman's face was covered with gauze, and her appearance made the enchanting man and others suffocate. Even if she wears a veil, she can't hide her stunning beauty.

The five beauties of Tushan are already considered to be stunningly beautiful from a foreign land.

But compared with the woman with white hair like snow and a veil covering her face, she still looked a little bleak.

However, it is even more eye-catching.

It was the man in white next to her, who also had white hair and wore a forest-white bone mask on his face.

The most important thing was that there seemed to be strands of dark aura lingering around him, giving him a vaguely palpitating feeling.

The feeling was like staring into a bottomless abyss, with a dead silence of nothingness.

The proud men of the Imperial Clan present looked at the sudden appearance of this person with strange expressions.

Jun Xiaoyao glanced at him.

Plus some news I heard before.

I also roughly understand what happened.

He looked at Tushan Wumei, but it was the same as in his memory, no different.

It seems that my figure has grown a lot. "Who are you?"

The strange man looked at Jun Xiaoyao.

Being from the Imperial Clan, he has a good vision and knows that this white-haired man probably has some background.

So he didn't come up and provoke without thinking. However, what made the monster man's expression slightly change.

The white-haired man ignored him at all and just looked at Tushan Wumei.

The strange man suddenly realized, could this be the one who also attracted Tushan Wumei's attention?

If that's the case, then we're on the same page. Thinking of this, the strange man calmed down.

It’s better not to mess with such mysterious people.

He said: "Could it be that your goal is also Tushan Wumei? In that case, you can choose one first. We are not in a hurry."

The men from the Fudou and Ji Meng clans didn't say anything. Jun Xiaoyao was a little surprised when he heard this.

Are you so sensible? He looked at Tushan Chunchun. "I want her."

As soon as the sound came out.

Tushan Chunchun's little face was suddenly stunned. How do you feel about this voice? Does it sound familiar?

"Oh, you have good eyesight, and heroes see the same thing." The strange man smiled. This was originally what he wanted to choose.

But the next moment. Jun Xiaoyao said again. "I want her too."

As Jun Xiaoyao pointed out, UU Reading www. is Tushan Wanwan. The strange man frowned slightly.

There are only five in total, but this white-haired man wants two. Is he a bit greedy?

But soon.

Jun Xiaoyao said again: "I want them all too." As soon as he finished speaking, the hall fell silent.

Jun Xiaoyao opened his mouth and asked for all five.

This is a bit bold. Do you want to pack it up and take it away?

Concubine Tushan Ming's expression changed. This man wouldn't even want her, would he? Beside him, Jiang Shengyi glanced at Jun Xiaoyao slightly strangely. Jun Xiaoyao is still very domineering in this regard.

The face of the strange man slowly darkened.

He still doesn't understand that Jun Xiaoyao is deliberately looking for trouble and causing trouble!

Some people died, but not completely…

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