Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2736: Leaving the Boundary Sea, an accident occurred and landed in a foreign land

[Sign in the Ancient Holy Body at the beginning][]

The edge of the boundary sea.

Space is like a tide, rising and falling, coming and going. There are countless space fragments and world fragments in it.

If you're not careful, you could get caught up in it, or even be trapped forever. And in this eternal tide.

Two figures, a man and a woman, emerged. Naturally they are Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Shengyi.

There is no need to say more about Jun Xiaoyao's current level of cultivation.

When he became emperor, his combat power was completely different from that of other people who became emperor. As for Jiang Shengyi, although he has not yet become emperor.

But after all, he broke the boundary between life and death, united his four souls into one, and possessed the Taoist Immortal Heart.

Although she is not an emperor yet, the gap is not far.

"Xiaoyao, the edge of the boundary sea is very dangerous, should we just cross it?" Jiang Shengyi asked.

The space tide at the edge of the Boundary Sea was formed after the destruction of countless worlds during the Black Disaster period.

This is a natural disaster.

Even if the emperor accidentally gets involved, there will be great danger. Because it is a counterweight to the power of heaven and earth.

The layers upon layers of ancient worlds, small worlds, planes, and star field fragments ebb and flow.

Forming surging waves.

A wave is enough to instantly submerge the quasi-emperor and even the great emperor.

"Of course not, don't forget, in the Boundary Sea, I can use the power of the Holy Tree of Origin to a certain extent." Jun Xiaoyao said with a smile.

He was recognized by Emperor Chuangkai, which was equivalent to being recognized by the will of the Holy Tree of Origin.

Within the scope of the boundary sea, Jun Xiaoyao can rely on the power of the Holy Tree of Origin to a certain extent.

Of course, only within the boundary sea.

After leaving the boundaries of the boundary sea, there will naturally be no more.

"I can build a temporary space wormhole. Although it is unstable, there should be no problem in teleporting to the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain." Jun Xiaoyao said.

Building a space wormhole requires an extremely deep understanding of the way of space.

But don't forget, Jun Xiaoyao owns the empty book.

His understanding of the way of space is also extremely profound. He took action, and his body was filled with light.

The laws of the Emperor's Dao spread out, distorting the void in front of them.

At the same time, vast power descended between heaven and earth, which was the power of the Holy Tree of Origin.

A space passage gradually penetrates and emerges.

It is all kinds of weird and full of chaotic spatial turbulence. "I'm finally going back."

Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Shengyi both felt emotional.

Needless to say, Jiang Shengyi went from death to life.

She wanted to see her relatives and friends again, as well as Luo Li. Jun Xiaoyao also sighed with a hint of emotion.

He also wanted to know how the people he met were doing. And those hostile forces.

If they knew, this Jun Xiaoyao was almost dead.

Not only did he appear again, but he also successfully attained enlightenment and became an emperor. I wonder how he would feel?

All in all, everything is so exciting. Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Shengyi stepped into the space wormhole.

All surrounding matter seemed to be stretched, and the void was distorting. They shuttled back and forth.

But after some time.

Suddenly, the space in front became unstable, and a loud sound came. 33 novel network

It was a surging space wave that directly destroyed the wormhole passage in front.

"What a coincidence." Jun Xiaoyao shook his head slightly. He took Jiang Shengyi's jade hand.

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[Sign in the Ancient Holy Body at the beginning][]

Jiang Shengyi did not show any panic.

With their current strength, even if there is any accident, it should be able to be solved.

"Although it's not accurate, we should have left the boundary sea now. Let's leave the space wormhole first." Jun Xiaoyao said.

He could no longer sense the aura of the Holy Tree of Origin, which proved that they had left the boundary sea.

And if you continue to move forward at risk, you may be sucked into the depths of the turbulent void.

If you want to find the exit, you don't know how much time it will take. Jiang Shengyi nodded slightly.

The two figures left directly through the space crack. ...

This is a silent land, the sun is dim. There is a band of black fog that lingers all year round, spreading here.

There are continuous black mountains in the distance, like the skeletons of ancient ferocious beasts. From time to time, there are horrifying roars of beasts, carrying a heart-stopping ferocious aura.

at some point. Boom!

The void in this area suddenly became chaotic, with wind and clouds swirling around. Then, the void seemed to split open.

Two figures arrived here.

The power radiated caused the demons and ferocious beasts in the surrounding area to tremble, wondering what kind of existence was coming.


Jun Xiaoyao felt the breath of heaven and earth. This breath felt familiar to him.

"This is not the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm." Jiang Shengyi also looked around with her beautiful eyes. "Indeed not." Jun Xiaoyao said.

" a foreign land."

Jun Xiaoyao has been to a foreign land before, stayed for a long time, and experienced many things.

Therefore, he is naturally familiar with the aura of foreign heaven and earth. Unexpectedly, there was a problem with the space wormhole.

They did not come to the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm. Instead, he fell into a foreign land. "It turned out to be a foreign land..." Jiang Shengyi was also surprised.

It was because of the chaos in the foreign land that they wanted to return to the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm quickly. Unexpectedly, he came directly to the enemy camp.

"Now that it's come, let's make peace with it. I think this might as well be an opportunity." Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

"Xiaoyao, what do you mean..."

Jiang Shengyi also thought of going together with Jun Xiaoyao.

"Yes, the reason why we came back so quickly is to investigate the chaos in the foreign land."

"Now, doesn't it just give us an opportunity." "We can take advantage of this to find out various situations in foreign lands."

"In addition, I have some connections in a foreign land, so I can just go and see old friends." Jun Xiaoyao smiled slightly.

What he was referring to was naturally the group of foxes from the Tushan Imperial Clan.

Maybe we can get some information from them.

Afterwards, Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Shengyi also began to wander around this area. Jiang Shengyi took out a veil and put it on his face.

She was so beautiful, so striking.

And Jun Xiaoyao, the divine light loomed on his body, and the mist was rising. He wasn't afraid that anyone would notice him.

With his current cultivation level and the concealment method of stealing the sky and changing the sun, even the emperor of the same level would not be able to see through him at all.

In addition, he has been away from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm for so long. Presumably his name, UU Reading has long since fallen silent.

The two of them just wandered this land.

After that, Jun Xiaoyao knew where he had landed. The foreign territory is vast, with ten states in total.

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[Sign in the Ancient Holy Body at the beginning][]

And the big state he came to happened to be the Yamanzhou where the Tushan Imperial Clan was located. It can only be said to be a coincidence.

After some time.

A black city appeared in front of Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Shengyi. There were many foreign creatures among them, and they seemed to be discussing something.

"Hey, it's really miserable for the five beauties of the Tushan Imperial Clan to be forced into marriage by various clans. I'm afraid they will be treated as playthings in the future."

"That's what the Tushan Imperial Clan deserves. Who made them get too close to the Jun family's divine son?"

"The divine son of the Jun family is my great enemy from a foreign land. He has ended the existence of disaster."

"What's the point of talking about this now? Didn't the divine son of the Jun family also fall in the end?"

"Actually, the other imperial clans have long disliked the Tushan Imperial Clan. Back then, the Nine-Tailed Princess Da Fei helped the Jun Family Divine Son."

"It's just because the Tushan Imperial Clan is quite powerful. If we take action, it will be thankless."

"But now, there are some sleeping supreme powers in our world, and the ancestors of natural disasters are about to wake up."

"Some imperial forces have also paid attention to the Tushan Imperial Clan." "Not only can you get beauties, but you can also divide the resources of an imperial clan. Isn't it wonderful?"

After hearing these comments, Jun Xiaoyao's eyes changed slightly.

Some people died, but not completely…

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