Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2734: Preparing to return to the Nine Heavens Fairyland, one family bids farewell

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Chapter 2734 Preparing to return to the Nine Heavens Fairyland, the family bids farewell

"The harvest this time is too great."

Feeling the terrifying power filling the body.

Jun Xiaoyao also sighed.

The experience package of the Three Lives Emperor is really valuable.

But thinking about it on the other hand, if the Sansheng Emperor really succeeds.

The value provided by Najun Xiaoyao is equally unimaginable.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why those with nihilistic destiny devour each other like poison.

"I hope the next person with an empty destiny will be more understanding, otherwise, I can only accept it with a smile." Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

The value of a person with a void destiny is much greater than that of a child of fate or destiny.

He sorted through the results of his retreat during this period.

The cultivation of Hongmeng body is completed.

The realm of Yuanshen has broken through to the Sky Tribulation level.

He has understood the secret method of attacking the soul, the Third God-Slaying Sword, and can use the Sword of Reincarnation in the Past Life.

Breakthrough in talent and qualifications, reaching the level of the Ancestor of Strange Numbers.

It can be said that each of these achievements would be difficult for other evil characters to succeed without a long time.

There are even some things that cannot be polished by time, such as the Hongmeng body, the qualifications of the ancestors of the strange numbers, etc.

But Jun Xiaoyao completed everything in this short period of time.

"The cultivation matters are almost done, and now it's time to leave."

Jun Xiaoyao's matters have almost been dealt with.

It’s time for him to return to the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

After all, there is the hidden danger of a foreign land over there.

Although Jun Xiaoyao doesn't think that foreign lands can truly threaten the survival of the Jun family.

But he always had to go back in person to feel at ease.

And he also promised that he would definitely go back and take Jiang Shengyi with him.

After Jun Xiaoyao proposed to return to the Nine Heavens Fairyland.

The news spread throughout the Yun Imperial Clan, causing a huge shock.

Jun Xiaoyao now doesn't need to say anything more about his status in Jiehai or in the Yun clan.

His every move, word and deed will receive countless attention.

"Xiaoer, you are leaving, why?"

The first time she heard the news, Xuantian Empress Yue Zhilan appeared.

He hugged Jun Xiaoyao tightly, as if Jun Xiaoyao would disappear in the next moment.

"Mom, I just have some things that need to be done."

You are helpless.

He is obviously already the Xiaoyao Emperor who is famous in the world.

But in Yue Zhilan's eyes, he is still her doting son.

"Xiao'er, did something happen in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm?"

Yun Tianya also appeared.

He has been recuperating before and is doing well now.

Jun Xiaoyao nodded.

Yun Xi also appeared, looking at Jun Xiaoyao, his expression also showed a hint of worry.

Their small family is finally here.

"Father, you should have known for a long time that my origins are unusual."

"I am a member of the Lord's family in the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain. Because of some things, I was reincarnated into the Realm Sea."

"Now that everything has been done, something else has happened in the Nine Heavens Fairyland."

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"I need to go back and find out some things."

Now, Jun Xiaoyao has nothing to hide and has told everything.

In fact, even if they didn't say it, Yue Zhilan, Yun Xi and the others knew it.

Yue Zhilan knew how extraordinary Jun Xiaoyao was when he was born.

But she didn't care, because he was always her child.

Yunxi later learned that her brother was the reincarnation and had the blood of the Jun family.

Having the blood of two races at the same time is different from her.

"It's a pity, Xiaoer, you haven't

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Take a good rest, our family hasn't been reunited for long yet. "Yue Zhilan said.

"Maybe it's really an important thing. Xiao'er also has his relatives in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm." Yun Tianya said.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere became quiet.

Jun Xiaoyao has real relatives and another home in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

"I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. You are also my favorite..."

Jun Xiaoyao hasn't finished speaking yet.

Yun Xi stepped forward, stretched out his jade fingers, and pressed Jun Xiaoyao's lips.

"Brother, there is no need to explain anything, we all understand."

"That's right, Xiao'er, we all understand your affection for us." Yue Zhilan also said.

Yun Tianya also nodded slightly and smiled.

There is no flaw in the family relationship between them.

As for Jun Xiaoyao's thoughts, they already knew it.

Just to fight against the source of disaster priest, Jun Xiaoyao was willing to give up the fatal blow for the sake of Yun Tianya's life.

From there, it can be seen that Jun Xiaoyao treats them with absolute sincerity, without any impurities.

"Father, mother, Xi'er, don't worry, this is not a farewell."

"After the stable space wormhole is established, you can all go to the Nine Heavens Fairyland. We will see you then." Jun Xiaoyao smiled lightly.

"Really? I must go and see it."

A beautiful smile broke out on Yunxi's face.

She wanted to see the family where Jun Xiaoyao originally came from and where she grew up.

In this way, we can also understand Jun Xiaoyao better.

She really wanted to know what kind of person Jun Xiaoyao was before he became her brother.

"By the way, if my brother is from the Jun family and becomes a member of the Jun family, to a certain extent, he has no blood relationship with Xi'er."

Yun Xi suddenly thought of something, blinked his eyes and said.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes paused for a moment, then said: "What, Xi'er, are you dissatisfied with Brother Wei? You don't want Brother Wei to be your brother?"

Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

Yunxi's head shook like a rattle.

"Of course not. Xi'er is lucky to have a brother."

Yun Xi's eyes were fixed on Jun Xiaoyao, shining brightly, and said very seriously.

But at the same time, I also murmured something in my heart.

"It's just that Xi'er seems to be a little greedy..."

after. UU Reading

In a main hall of the Yun Imperial Clan.

Many characters from the Yun clan, including the Yun Sheng Imperial Palace, appeared.

Jun Xiaoyao is sitting in the first seat, sitting with Yunmo Patriarch and others.

From a seniority perspective, this obviously shouldn't be the case.

But now, it is strength and status that matters.

It can be said that Jun Xiaoyao's current reputation in the Yun clan is even comparable to that of the mythical emperor, the ancient ancestor of the Yun clan, Yun Zhongzi.

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"Yun Xiao, are you sure?" Ancient Ancestor Yun Mo asked.

"Of course, but I'll go first this time."

"After that, when the space wormhole is established, we may need your help."

Jun Xiaoyao also told the truth and didn't hide anything.

"Why would you say such nonsense?"

The senior officials of the Yun Imperial Clan present all laughed.

Jun Xiaoyao once said that as long as the Yun family did not let him down, he would definitely live up to the Yun family.

Now Jun Xiaoyao has done it.

He successfully made the Yun family the most famous and highest-status family in the world.

The Yun family would naturally reciprocate the favor.

If Jun Xiaoyao needs anything in the future, they will naturally help him.

Even with Jun Xiaoyao's current reputation in Jiehai, it's not just the Yun family.

If Jun Xiaoyao opens his mouth, the entire world sea will tremble.

Countless forces will agree with it.

Because Jun Xiaoyao is the savior of Jiehai and the Xiaoyao Emperor of Yongping Black Disaster!

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