Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2716: Covering the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, the Imprint of the Supreme Being, and the

Hearing this, countless people were horrified!

Eliminate Jun Xiaoyao's existence from the rules of the Great Dao.

What kind of heaven-defying catastrophe is this?

It can be said that this is not only a catastrophe, but also a collision of Dao.

What is the Dao.

If Jun Xiaoyao's Dao is not firm, there will be big problems!

The blood-stained spear, the ancient bronze bell and other utensils are all coming to kill Jun Xiaoyao, carrying natural Dao patterns.

The spear vibrates, as if it can penetrate the vastness.

The bronze bell vibrates, and the ripples it emits can easily shatter the ancient stars.

Jun Xiaoyao raised his hand and struck horizontally with his palm.

The sound of the Great Dao burst out.

Even Jun Xiaoyao was retreating.

These ancestral artifacts are indeed not simple, as if they are the embodiment of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Each ancestral artifact represents the Great Dao engraved between heaven and earth.

Jun Xiaoyao, to prove the Dao.

Naturally, he must bear the baptism of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Then, all kinds of heavenly tablets, Dao seals, long spears and other instruments fell down at the same time.

It can be said that the emperor will be pierced in an instant, his flesh will be shattered, and the Dao will be worn away.

But Jun Xiaoyao, his eyes were arrogant, and his hair was fluttering.

He had an invincible Dao heart and an extremely tough mind.

Not to mention, his Dao was his own way.

It was transformed from his divine origin.

The divine origin turned into his inner universe.

This is the world universe that belongs to Jun Xiaoyao alone, and it is also the Dao that belongs to Jun Xiaoyao alone.

It is different from any other rules.

Jun Xiaoyao thought of this, and sacrificed the original power of the inner universe, and bombarded it with the ancestral instruments and Dao instruments transformed by these thunder and lightning.

The light of the Dao burst out, and the original power collided!

This is Jun Xiaoyao, colliding with the Dao of heaven and earth with his own Dao!

How can human power defeat heaven?

But Jun Xiaoyao wanted to strike the sky with his own strength and suppress the great Dao of heaven and earth!

His fist, with the brilliance of the origin of the universe, directly bombarded the ancient bronze bell, smashed it, and the great Dao in it was also worn away.

Then, he reached out again, imprisoned the blood-stained spear, and then broke it alive!

This is Jun Xiaoyao, fighting back with his own Dao!

Seeing this amazing scene, everyone was stunned by shock.

Others survived the tribulation.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, suppressed the heavenly tribulation!

And then, Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flashed slightly, and he once again sacrificed the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things.

A tripod came out, shaking the vastness.

The mother qi of all things fell, making the void boil.


Jun Xiaoyao said a word, and the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things burst into infinite light.

Those ancestral instruments, Dao instruments, etc. were all suppressed by the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things.

The Dao depicted in these vessels were all refined by the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things.

"Isn't this the best material?" Jun Xiaoyao thought.

He once again offered up the Daluo Sword Embryo.

The Daluo Sword Embryo seemed to have self-awareness.

Like a lively little girl, it rushed out directly.

The two weapons, like wolves entering a flock of sheep, collided with the ancestral weapons and Dao weapons transformed by lightning.

After smashing them, they can be transformed into their own resources.

And at this moment, the heavenly tribulation changed again!

There was a dazzling lightning, emerging from the vast sea of ​​lightning, with a creepy breath.

The lightning, unexpectedly condensed into a human-shaped creature.

Although it was blurry and hazy.

But among them, there were men and women, all of whom were extraordinary beings.

There were hazy figures, with supreme majesty, like an emperor.

Some figures were ethereal and traceless, like immortals from the world, transcendent and incomparable.

There are also hazy women, like nine-sky flying fairies, shrouded in colorful clouds, exuding earthly charm.

There are also strong and domineering figures, with vast auras, rolling up the clouds in the sky!

"Those are..."

When seeing those figures appearing in the depths of the sea of ​​thunder, the expressions of countless people were frozen!

Although the catastrophe of proving the Tao is terrifying, it is not as terrifying as Jun Xiaoyao.

"Those figures are all former supreme beings, and their cultivation is not only the emperor realm."

"Because they are too strong, it is possible that they will leave a trace of their own brand in the catastrophe."

"Among the figures there, there may really be an existence that has set foot in the realm of immortals!"

A strong man said with extreme shock.


Hearing this, all the creatures in the sea of ​​​​boundaries were stunned.

In other words, those hazy figures that emerged were all former supreme beings.

Some have achieved mythical emperors, and some have even set foot in the immortal way!

Of course, these figures are just a trace of marks left by those supreme beings when they proved the Tao.

But even so.

It is equivalent to Jun Xiaoyao fighting with the young myth emperor, or even the young immortal!

What is the concept?

In other words, Jun Xiaoyao needs to be strong enough to suppress the immortal-level evildoers to survive this catastrophe.

Becoming an immortal is difficult.

Those who have the appearance of becoming an immortal are even rarer.

Jiang Shengyi, after experiencing life and death, and various special conditions, has the appearance of becoming an immortal.

It can be seen how difficult it is to deal with such an existence.

At least in the sea of ​​​​boundaries, no one has ever triggered such a catastrophe when proving the Tao.

This is an existence that creates history.

The Three Lives Emperor, seeing this scene, was silent.

Even though he was also a person of destiny nothingness at the beginning, he was also a three-life Taoist body, an unparalleled evildoer.

But when he became an emperor, he did not trigger such a catastrophe.

"It's all fate, why is he..." The Three Lives Emperor was unwilling to accept it.

At this time, Jun Xiaoyao had already made a move.

His face was indifferent, even when facing the mark of such a supreme being.

He was also fearless.

He had an invincible heart and was not afraid of any challenge.

Jun Xiaoyao attacked and directly killed into the endless sea of ​​thunder.

It must be said that the marks of these supreme beings are indeed extremely powerful and terrifying.

What's even more evil is that these marks can actually display some magical powers!

This is like cheating, deliberately making things difficult.

However, it is also because it is just a mark, so these magical powers naturally cannot exert 100% of their power.

But even so, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.


The terrifying fight was extremely fierce, and at the same time, various thunder tribulations fell on Jun Xiaoyao.

Only those ancestral artifacts transformed by lightning were blocked by the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things and the Daluo Sword Embryo.

Jun Xiaoyao seemed to be fighting against various beings in ancient history.

Among them, there were many beings with immortal qualifications.

Even Jun Xiaoyao could hardly erase these marks in an instant.

At this time.

The thunder tribulation that poured down turned into a terrifying thunder and lightning cage, directly imprisoning Jun Xiaoyao in it!

Those many supreme marks also attacked at the same time, bombarding Jun Xiaoyao!

Countless people exclaimed when they saw this scene.

The heavenly tribulation actually cheated, relying on this method to directly and neatly erase Jun Xiaoyao, an outlier who defied the heavens.

This is simply unethical and against the rules!

Countless creatures in the sea of ​​​​boundaries held their breath.

Jun Xiaoyao, is he going to fail?

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