Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2712: Difficult choices, one person alone against the priest of the source of disaster

The broken mask fell off piece by piece.

And the exposed face was heroic and extraordinary, with sword eyebrows drawn into the temples, and eyes like the sun and the moon!

That face, once engraved in the hearts of countless people, is their belief and goal-like existence.

It is the Emperor Tianya, Yun Tianya!

"How can this be!"

There was a sound of shock, from the Zhenmo Pass of the Jiehai Army.

Zhenmo Pass is the pass led by Yun Tianya.

And at this moment, the commanders and generals of Zhenmo Pass.

General, sergeant.


Everyone was so shocked that their souls were trembling, and their bodies were the source of disaster. It turned out to be Yun Tianya!

Did Jun Xiaoyao answer?

"Damn, there is such a trick!"

The figure of the priest of the source of disaster suddenly stopped!

Qi Jiejing is considered to be one of the most outstanding existences among the predecessors of the Yun Clan.

Yunxi is also feeling ups and downs.

But Emperor Yun never returned.

However, Jun Xiaoyao said: "The villain of the ancestors, that is your business, let them advance."

Collided with the priest of the source of disaster and the evil **** of devouring the world.

"The Priest of the Source of Disaster..."

Yes, I'm still insulting Jun Xiaoyao's opinion, so let's move forward for now.

In the end, he confronted me and caused me a life-and-death crisis.

From Xuantian Empress Yue Zhilan.

It can't even be said to be a pillar.

As soon as it was over, when they saw that it was Emperor Yun, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Jun Xiaoyao is so evil that he can speak.

On one side is your most beloved son.

to find.

But because of the Battle of the White Calamity, there was no energy left for Yunxi to do the same, with no tears falling on her big face.

"But I thought about it..."

That's how I act too.

But just such a senior.

Then, on the Jiehai side, everyone also reacted.

However, the situation was indeed frustrating.

I saw it, a very serious look, looking at me.

"The End of the World!"

There was a heartbreaking cry.

That's pretty much anyone's reach.

I also thought that the body that was fused at the beginning has now become a means to check and balance the opponent.


The expressions of countless people are all frozen, not sad,


If the siege continues, the priest of the source of disaster will really be killed.


like this.

Jun Xiaoyao will definitely have no scruples, and will be like the future

But now, there is no blood at the corner of my mouth.

The priest of the source of disaster uttered warm words.

At that moment, time seemed to be sped up. ???.BiQuPai.

Jun Xiaoyao's face was indifferent, and he said nothing.

I am definitely an indecisive person.

Although Emperor Yun, has he ever accompanied me?

In the world, all eyes are on this figure who is losing ground.

"Emperor Yun, there is no wrong body, which can perfectly carry the power that is compatible with me."

"Can he kill?"

You know the situation, what should Jun Xiaoyao do.

Yun Zhongzi also had to deny that the priest of the source of disaster did not have the means to control people's hearts.

Even the subconscious mind thinks that Emperor Yun is not the source of disaster.

There was silence.

The Yuntianya Clan, Yunshengdi Palace, and Xuanyuan Qingxiao are the same for many people.

Although in my opinion, now is not the best time to eradicate the white peril.

It would be hard for Yue Cangsheng to imagine that any one of those two had a problem.

Those two are fighting together at this moment.

With another blow and collision, no blood flowed from the corner of Jun Xiaoyao's lips.


"Jun Xiaoyao, you couldn't be a character like you originally, but now, he can only die here."

But now, I have something to say.

It was Qi Jie who stayed behind and protected us.

After a long time, seeing Yun Tianya again, I didn't expect such a scene.

Before knowing that Emperor Yun's fusion with the Priest of Disaster Origin.

Jun Xiaoyao was silent.

Did we accompany Jun Xiaoyao's growth, or did we want to, but we did not have our own mission and belief.

place to watch.

When breaking the immortal spell in his body, sitting in the seat of Emperor Yun

The dharma and the way I left behind are all protecting Jun Xiaoyao and helping me resist the curse of breaking the immortals.

This is the first time I saw this situation.

"That's right, I have merged with myself, he killed me, not Emperor Yun."

Jun Xiaoyao took a look.

The priest of the source of disaster will naturally miss that opportunity.

But now, the most outstanding father and son of the Yun clan are actually fighting each other.

Ever since she and Jun Xiaoyao were born, they had only seen the phantom left by Emperor Tianya.

Seeing this, Jun Zhilan and the others were about to strike again.

Jun Xiaoyao has almost never been injured or traumatized.

Jun Xiaoyao is going to find out the whereabouts of Emperor Yun before completely ending the white disaster.

Come here and prove that the Huangfu Emperor's family is a traitor.

Seeing Jun Qijie and others stepping forward and closing their hands, there was no commotion on the other side of Jiehai.

strengths. "

"Fetters, caring, that is the weak, the most deadly

For example, the talisman that Jun Youhui gave me engraves that no gentleman will live, and he will have regrets in his life.

Emperor Yun, or rather, the priest of the source of disaster, looked at Jun Xiaoyao and said with a hot smile.

Yun Mo, Yun Chuyin and other ancient ancestors of the Yun clan's imperial family all had gloomy faces.

"Tianya, this..."

But even in that state, the power sacrificed is still terrifying, shaking the world.

Seeing this, the master of the source of disaster slammed his palm down again, and it was about to be imprinted directly on Jun Xiaoyao's eyebrows!

Many people, UU reading www. and even the members of Yun's Emperor Clan and Yunsheng Emperor's Palace, their minds were blank for a moment.

Who would have thought that it would be like that now.

Jun Zhilan frowned.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, took control of the god's dharma body and made another move.

Jun Xiaoyao is still under him.

Jun Xiaoyao's figure was shaken.

Turn the void.

In the depths of the complete Abyss of Eternal Darkness, the waves of collision set off

"His fighting intent, killing intent, seems to have never been as violent as before." Disaster Priest said.

On the other side, Emperor Basheng also sighed.


Few people are not worried.

Yun Zhongzi's face was frozen.

Some didn't react.

It can be said that this subverted everyone's cognition.

Therefore, Jun Xiaoyao has no complaints against Emperor Yun, I am very fond of such a father.

Jun Xiaoyao, what exactly do you want to do?

"Originally, I was almost turned over by me."


I shot again, the World Swallowing Cthulhu in front of me also

That scene, anyone would like to see.

The expression of the Priestess of Disaster Source was no longer cold and indifferent.

Duo Nan, who hadn't made an origami boat yet, took a look at Jun Xiaoyao, and also stepped forward.

"Originally, I thought that that heavy method might always be used, and that face would always show up in the eyes of the world."

The main reason is that the priest of the source of disaster did not even think so.

But in an instant, we came back to our senses and understood.

"Now, ask him one more question, does he dare to kill me?"

Jun Xiaoyao, dressed in white, without a speck of blood, like plum blossoms and falling snow.

Instead, there is a kind of kindness and comfort.

split lung.

Seeing that scene, Yue Cangsheng's beautiful eyes were hazy, heart-piercing

I have been worried about Emperor Yun ever since.

It almost made Yue Cangsheng's heart bleed.

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