Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2709: The two bodies merge into one, the dharma body blends together, and one thought of go

That violent collision shook the heavens. The entire Abyss of Eternal Darkness was shaking.

Even if there is a special law of heaven and earth, it feels as if it is about to be shattered at this moment.

The dark void boils.

The aftermath that poured out destroyed countless spaces.

Both the Jiehai army and the black disaster group retreated again.

But their attention was fixed on the Abyss of Eternal Darkness.

Want to know the result.

The dark sky for hundreds of millions of miles is collapsing, and in the depths of the Abyss of Eternal Darkness, chaotic energy burst out from the beating, misty heaven and earth.

And in this almost suffocating waiting.

Moreover, one body is in charge of the power of annihilation, and the other is in charge of the power of devouring. There is almost a lack, and there are no flaws.

Wrong. Jun Xiaoyao finished speaking.

"It's almost less."

"His energy has been supported for too long, and he needs to devour less existences to maintain that state."


The two 100,000-foot dharma bodies gradually merged at this moment, and the gods and demons became one!

How naive.

And the World-Swallowing Cthulhu in front of me had no wounds on his body, it was a sword wound with deep bone visible, almost piercing through his body.

At the same time, there was a dark aura lingering around him, but it was suppressed by Jun Cangsheng with the avenue runes and ancient mantras.

A heavy laugh suddenly sounded.

This power made the heavens tremble.

Although the priest of the source of disaster was injured, he didn't feel any joy.

The source of the sound is Jun Xiaoyao. All fell silent.

After Jun Xiaoyao, there was no crazy idea in his head, it was just the first attempt.

Even the mask under the face is cracked.

There are countless worlds and universes in Jiehai, and countless spiritual monks, all of them looked up, looking at this tall figure standing upright from the sky and the earth, like a **** who descended from the world!

"So, don't say whether I haven't reached the limit yet, even if I am, so what?"

It seems to open up the heaven and the earth and turn into a **** who opened the sky! And the figure of the dharma body is not even bigger than the World Swallowing Evil God.

"Yes... hope!"

After those people were dealt with, they would stop encroaching on the boundary sea.

A terrifying aura swept across the entire sea of ​​realms, confusing eight thousand worlds!

It's still waiting for the laughter of the priest of disaster source to fall. "Grandpa... what is this...?"

The girl who made the origami boat also had a touch of paleness under the grimace mask.

Even if what Jun Xiaoyao said was wrong, so what?

The Bastion of the Eight Emperors is the soul of a monk who knows many realms, and his bones are buried in it.

Such a figure far surpasses one hundred thousand feet!

"Master of the source of calamity, that move is life and death!" And what about the other side?

It seems that he has really become the only **** standing in the sky!

"Return!" The world was silent.

On the side of the Jiehai small army, all forces, the imperial family, the eight religions, the origin of the universe, and so on.

A big doll, with a baby voice and a baby voice, and it's not here at all, what happened in Jiehai.

She is just the first life of the Ghost-Mask Empress, not the real Ghost-Mask Empress.

Use the power of the entire boundary sea for your own use. Before that, it was a place farther away!

Jun Cangsheng, the hand holding the sword is bleeding.

His tired body seemed to be rejuvenated.

What I hate to see the most is not the scene of despair and sorrow for all beings.

The stars, behind that figure, are greater than dust.

And when gods and demons are combined, what kind of existence will this be!

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were hot, staring at the source of disaster priest. I looked up and looked at the Priest of Disaster.

The Seven Horsemen of the Apocalypse who spread turmoil and terror.

Jun Xiaoyao, with eyes like knives, stabs at the source of disaster priest. Although the strength is terrifying, it is impossible to be strong enough to surpass everything.

As strong as the Taoist Emperor, he was finally wounded, and there was a smear of blood from the corner of his mouth.

After Jun Xiaoyao finished speaking, he looked at Ye Junlin.

As for Xuanyuan Qingxiao's injuries were even more severe, her golden armor was broken, and blood fell from the Human Emperor's sword. ???.biQuPai.

Both the god's dharma body and the pluto's dharma body are dim, as if their power is about to be exhausted.

Blood dripped down. What a delight.

Before, cross the dam again, and then devour the Four Heavens Immortal Realm.

Jun Xiaoyao, the Immortality Technique in my body is working. This is the method in the book of life, and it is helping me recover.

The Lord of Disaster, although compared to the last one, seemed to be in a bit more embarrassment.

"Is he sure?"

Even if Jun Xiaoyao and others tried their best to attack.

But in the end, the result is still the same, there is no way to recover, there is no way to recover.

A sense of sadness permeated the air.

On the side of Jiehai Xiaojun, he knew who it was, muttered to himself, and said with a hint of despair.

Ye Junlin, with white hair fluttering, without any hesitation, stepped forward and collided with Jun Xiaoyao!

At that moment, all the worlds and universes in Jiehai saw the shadow of that majestic god.

However, in the Abyss of Eternal Darkness, countless eyes that were paying attention suddenly froze.

Seeing Jun Xiaoyao's actions, the Priest of Misfortune Yuan couldn't help showing a hot smile.

Come here, everyone from the small to the weak makes a move, fighting against the source of disaster, and doing his best.

An unprecedented power filled Jun Xiaoyao's body!

As for Jun Xiaoyao, Ye Junlin. boom!

The priest of the source of disaster murmured.

Hearing that voice, the Priestess of Disaster Source's eyes were all stared.

"It's almost time to start."

Pluto Dharma Body, wearing a Pluto armor, with white hair fluttering, like an eternal Pluto who suppresses all hells!

What does Jun Xiaoyao mean by that?

At the wound, the white air stopped and diffused, and it seemed that there was no weak white and dark power to heal it.

"Isn't that his way?"

The spiritual body of the gods, the eight gods ring in front of the head rotate, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's body is full of golden light, like a **** of heaven!

Just one thought of the gods and demons making the universe chaotic!

Everyone looked at Jun Xiaoyao. The whole audience was stunned for a moment, not a little confused. All the scenes are displayed in front of everyone. That scene was too shocking! As one of the seven apocalypses of the last days.

There is still no way to shake the priest of the source of disaster and the evil **** of devouring the world. Ye Junlin, return to the happy body of the king!

It is left by Jun Cangsheng.

It was indeed a nightmare, a nightmare that could not be overcome.

Because, this night Jun Lin's Pluto dharma body also ended to merge with Jun Xiaoyao's **** dharma body!

"The evil **** who has not devoured the world is also an existence that you can defeat."

The World Swallowing Cthulhu was injured, but it was obviously a fatal injury.

"What is he talking about?" The priest of disaster source said indifferently.

The four corners of the town!

It wasn't the blood of the priest of disaster, but her own blood. I take a deep breath.

We haven't been able to handle the source of disaster priest and the evil **** of devouring the world.

An unimaginably magnificent and vast shadow rose from the fused light.

No wonder Bai Huo became Jie Hai's nightmare. We haven't done our best yet.

No one present, including the two small armies in the Abyss of Eternal Darkness, was so shocked that their scalps went numb!

Feel the atmosphere.

"His limit is almost reached." Afterwards, the fight was bloody, with piles of bones and rivers of blood.

The twin body is too weak.

And the old man on the side looked at this figure, his eyes were moved, and he said.

The world is shaking!

But I always stand in the darkness. Still don't know what the outcome will be. God for four days!


But in the heart of the priest of disaster source, there was no wonderful imagination.

We haven't tried our best yet, but, that opponent is too good, too hopeless!

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