Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2707: The supreme immortal method, he transforms freely, the source of disaster is the seco

The supreme immortal method, he transforms himself into a great method! Jun Xiaoyao couldn't help being shocked!

The last time he signed up for Immortal Art, it was still a small destiny art. But it's only at the level of immortality.

Although it is stronger than the general immortal method, there is no word "Supreme" in front of it.

And this He Hua Zi Zi Dafa is preceded by the word unparalleled!

Obviously, it can be seen from here.

Even in the realm of Immortal Dao, it is absolutely unimaginable for him to transform himself into a great law.

And just after signing in.

An unimaginably vast torrent of information poured directly into Jun Xiaoyao's mind.

Xuanyuan Qingxiao, with no cracks in the golden armor under her body at the moment, was having a conversation.

In front of the Master of Disaster, this majestic phantom finally appeared before the eyes of the world!

Even the Mythical Emperor will be crazy about it and want to get it when he sees it.

And just when everyone is hopeless. "This... what is this..."

Such a mysterious and profound method is too terrifying.

According to experience, Jun Xiaoyao knows that the Seven Apocalypse of the Doomsday is such a badly resolved character.

A move to the extreme collision before. A hope suddenly rose in my heart.

Jun Xiaoyao knew the ancestors mentioned by the priest of the source of disaster.

" body has recovered to that level?"

This is barely acceptable. In the Abyss of Eternal Darkness. I sighed secretly in my heart.

The Priest of the Source of Disaster can no longer possess the power to crush everything as he did when he first appeared in this world.

Even Jun Xiaoyao was startled.

I'm also desperately trying to use another shot.

I have been ambiguous again, what a hopeless existence the source of disaster priest is.

This dark power pervades the world.

But the conditions for this display are equally harsh. On the contrary, he has realized some new changes, which cannot be used as a trump card ultimate move.

The originally weak breath under me suddenly rose again.

Although the state of the priest of the source of disaster is said to be bad.

The subsequent Heaven Devouring Evil King, in terms of body size and aura, cannot be compared with him at all.

Billowing white and dark smoke, like a blowout, erupted from the main body of the disaster source festival.

It can be said that apart from Jun Xiaoyao, other people, even if the emperor exists, will collapse under such an impact.

Badao Liangqi slightly shook his head and sighed when he saw the specter.

"Is it about to succeed..."

However, there is no such condition.

The small demon **** exuded an aura full of whiteness and darkness.

Even if Jun Xiaoyao just draws out a trace of my power to restrain Xiaofa, it is definitely a small killer move at the hole card level.

Although this supreme immortal technique is extremely against the sky. But we are not without losses.

The Eight Lives Emperor is an existence that has no cooperation with the priest of the source of disaster.

Sure enough.

If it is displayed, even the priest of the source of disaster will not be able to kill it.

It was even weaker than the aura of the source of disaster priest at this moment!

"They are really unexpected, reminding you of the group of ancestors who fought against me when they descended to the critical sea at the end."

"The world is really ignorant. If the white disaster is really solved in such a bad way, how could it be possible to wreak havoc on such a long era."

Over there, Badao Liangqi, who was confronting Emperor Huang, had a icy heat on his mouth.

That information density and complexity. Just when Jun Xiaoyao's mood was flowing.

Even the stars are as great as the gravel in their hands!

The priest of the source of disaster finished speaking.

This figure is too small.

Rao Jun Xiaoyao, a peerless evildoer, always has a feeling that his mind is about to burst.

"That may not be the true meaning of doom brought by the seven knights of the apocalypse."

In the Abyss of Eternal Darkness, Xiaojun Jiehai saw that scene.

Obviously signed up for an absolutely terrifying little magic power.

And Jun Xiaoyao, after barely feeling it roughly. The body of the priest of the source of disaster moved forward again, and the dark aura under the whole body became a little bit weaker.

In that life, he could really directly eliminate the source of the disaster, the Priest, and completely end the white disaster in the world!

There is only a huge mouth that devours everything, and the white fangs are intertwined, as if opening the mouth can devour the world.

"Forget it, put hope, make it complete, and bring the ultimate despair first."

Before experiencing two injuries and weakening. He can't use it!

It is precisely because Jun Xiaoyao has the talent of being a monster against the sky, and the supreme aptitude of the king of odd numbers.

Emperor Huang's expression also changed.

In the Abyss of Eternal Darkness, countless creatures from the small army of the Jiehai saw the terrifying phantom emerging from the body of the Lord of Disaster.

There are also a lot of thick and slender red hairs, spreading out from the white armor, as if they were corpse hairs from zombies. However, there is no way to sacrifice.

"what is that?"

It seemed to fill the entire Abyss of Eternal Darkness.

In the Abyss of Eternal Darkness, the aura of whiteness and darkness is purging. "Is it finally time to end the seriousness? The end of Jiehai is really coming."

"We are the master of this sacrifice, and you are the same!" "It's very bad, I didn't expect that I would fight them to this point."

When Jun Cangsheng heard that, my eyes were deep, and there was no sign of relaxation on my expression.

Even smaller than the Heaven Devouring Demon King who appeared later!

Jun Cangsheng, Duo Nan and others of the origami boat, and the priest of the source of disaster, fought until the white and dark void boiled.

It should not be the first batch of ethnic groups in Jiehai, nor the Xuanyuan clan, Yunsheng Emperor Palace and other forces.

"Emperor Huang, now he understands why you chose to cooperate with Bai Huo and stand by my side?"

That monster, UU Reading is indeed not scary anymore.

When Jun Cangsheng saw this, he also sighed slightly, his eyes were not serious.

That would be great.

"Because, there is no way to stop the world from becoming a disaster, and it is a fate that no one can reverse." The Basheng Emperor held his hand behind his back. Then said in a hurry.

That's right.

On my mask, my visible eyes swept over the few people present.

It was definitely something that the quasi-emperor Jun Xiaoyao could display.

In contrast, the immortal technique that Jun Xiaoyao signed up after, the Great Fate Technique, has been comprehended by me for a long time.

Like an active volcano that is going to be quiet, it erupts again!

The energy that needs to be consumed is too terrifying, even the god's dharma body can't bear it.

"But even we can only suppress me with the help of the entire Boundary Sea and the Sacred Tree of Origin."

Everyone seemed to be choked by the throat, their faces flushed, and their scalps were numb!

The small battle over there has not yet reached Bai Lenghua. The most conspicuous thing is that the head of the demon **** has seven sense organs such as eyes and nose. new

Wait for the source of disaster to be resolved by Jun Xiaoyao and others.

As the oldest antique of the Xuanyuan clan, I naturally know some secrets.

The priest of the source of disaster is breathing, and there is no white breath circulating in his mouth and nose.

Little fight to boiling.

"The World-Swallowing Cthulhu..." You can't say that.

Everything will be settled. will work.

Jun Xiaoyao and Ye Junlin also had expressions on their faces.

Because that kind of law is not an existence at this level at all, but an existence that is more understandable and acceptable.

This is a demon **** in human form, with white armor and thorns all over his body.

But in front of the priest of the source of disaster, there seemed to be no extremely astonishing figure.

This burst of white and dark aura and power is even better than when I first appeared in this world!

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