Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2690: The situation of the battle turned around, the blood of the black disaster group coll

Seniors are overrated. "

Jun Xiaoyao is not surprised.

If it were any other person, they would probably drift away if they received such an evaluation from Emperor Xuanyuan.

But Jun Xiaoyao has long been used to it.

"Okay, let's solve the immediate problem first."

"Spanning such a long era, the calamity of the black disaster should be put down."

Emperor Xuanyuan's tone was full of vicissitudes.

Jiehai has suffered from the black disaster for too long. There needs to be an ending.

However, Emperor Xuanyuan's eyes were heavy.

Jiang Shengyi nodded slightly, and then said: "However, I can also help you."

Kill's eyes were red and his body was covered in blood.

But her own realm is only in Zhundi, so she cannot join such a battlefield.

Who would have imagined that the Spirit Emperor of the Devouring Clan turned out to be a white blood-striped moth.

Even, my innate Taoist fetus came from Jiang Shengyi.

The release of this force can be said to be terrifying, enough to make the heavens tremble.

Because we are under siege.

White moths are very small, with a bordered wingspan.

In human form, you are extremely glamorous, with a kind of enchantment.

Even if Jiehai didn't have the rebellion of the Basheng Emperor, it played too small a role.

Because of the main body of the Devouring Clan Spirit Emperor, the combat power is a little weaker than that of a human form.

But you can bring blessings to Jun Xiaoyao by mobilizing Xiaodao's fairy heart. new

Of course, under the top-level combat power, the white disaster group is also at a disadvantage.

It cannot be said to be extremely miserable.

And what came out of it was a white moth!

Although Jiang Shengyi's own strength may not be able to intervene in that level of battlefield.

It is equivalent to skyrocketing a small amount of cultivation base out of thin air. Under the wings, the red magic lines converged into eyes, which looked terrifying.

Jun Xiaoyao, definitely one step forward.

In addition, Jun Xiaoyao didn't have a congenital Eucharist.

Jun Xiaoyao, Ye Junlin, Xuanyuan Little Emperor, Xuanyuan Qingxiao, Immortal Mother Emperor, Zhantian Little Emperor, Yun Zhongzi, Huangdi.

Because it was a war where he died, not you, and the two sides were doomed to survive only one of them.

The God of War of the Emperor Nan'e tribe was originally the top combat power of the Baihuo tribe.

The boundary sea has never been divided like this moment. It's that complicated. But no matter what.

The white disaster group is called a hate, and they hate Jun Xiaoyao to the bone.

A beast's head was beheaded seven or seven.

With the recovery of Emperor Xuanyuan, plus Emperor Xianling.

On the other side of the boundary sea, they have an absolute advantage in numbers.

Jiang Shengyi wants to just watch from the sidelines, and you have to contribute your own efforts.

Looking at the back of this person dressed in white.

And the recovery of Emperor Xuanyuan and the Immortal Mother Emperor also made the morale of Jiehai reach an unprecedented level.

In addition, Jun Xiaoyao, who has the divine body.

As a result, the bad guys were all betrayed by Jun Xiaoyao.

You said that at the same level, you have a very small advantage.

The white moth fluttered its wings, sending out terrifying fluctuations, and the vast universe was trembling, like paper, rattling and shaking.

As for the middle and upper classes, there is even less to say. Because you will feel bad.

As for Jiang Shengyi, although he has a transcendent Taoist heart.

Its whole body is white and deep, covered with blood-red magic lines.

Ruojun Xiaoyao's choice is hell.

It was a world exterminating moth, extremely terrifying.

But Jun Xiaoyao's Dharma Body of the Eight Paths Gods before his transformation was completely messed up.

It was directly counterattacked to the depths of the populated area. Jiang Shengyi whispered with red lips.

But that is not the same, the result is the same, protect the whole world.

But now, the Heaven Devouring Demon King doesn't have such awe.

This Jiang Shengyi is also willing to go hand in hand.

It was a blood mist area filled with blood mist all year round. "This is bad, he should be more careful in front."

Now, as long as we can completely wipe out the white disaster group, and then seal the white disaster again to quell the catastrophe, for us, it is not the worst outcome.

There are also Xuanyuan Qingxiao and Guan Zhantian.

However, it's time for me to take responsibility. "Kill, wipe out the white disaster group!"

Who would have thought that the final initiative in a vast battle to destroy the world would be in the hands of Jun Xiaoyao, a former junior.

But now, the blood mist has been torn apart, and the small battle here is noisy, and the world is boiling.

In comparison, there is no absolute disadvantage on the side of Bai Huo.

From the end of the top combat power, Jiehai lost its absolute advantage.

In the case of the same origin, the increase will be even more terrifying.

Ren Huangwei is even more motivated to fight, because we finally saw our lord again.

Following Xuanyuan Xiaodi and Xian Kanglan's betrayal. Seven of the four magic arms were also broken.

Now, instead, the Clan Devouring Spirit Emperor, the Sky Devouring Demon King and other existences are at a disadvantage.

The Baian Xuanyuan and Baian Immortal Queen who came out were also summoned back by Jun Xiaoyao's operation.

The situation of that white disaster battle was simply not a bloodbath.

There is a way, the old eight is too little.

The Heaven Devouring Demon King, whose body was as small as an ancient star, had an astonishing reputation when he appeared on the stage, like a world-destroying beast, with a trembling aura.

Now, although the boundary sea has an absolute advantage.

"The person you like is an unrivaled hero...

"After that, you will be in the Abyss of Eternal Darkness. If you can seal the white disaster again, the calamity of that life will be over." No one said.

In that battle, both sides were fighting desperately, and it cannot be said that there was no room for maneuver.

Where is the devourer Conlan bad?

That enemy team was majestic, retreating and retreating in the Devouring Clan, causing the entire Devouring Clan's army formation to But the very small number of people in Jiehai were not the same. I feel that we have not completely eliminated the possibility of white disasters.

Besieged by several weaklings, the Devouring Clan Spirit Emperor had no choice but to transform into a body.

"Shengyi, you back off first, and when the black disaster in Jiehai is completely over, let's go back to the Immortal Realm together." Jun Xiaoyao said to Jiang Shengyi.

However, even so, Jiang Shengyi would interfere with Jun Xiaoyao's choice.

Moreover, this third black calamity should also be the longest accumulated black calamity.

Jiang Shengyi's eyes were full of love and infatuation. Either the victory of Jiehai, or the oblivion of the world, there is no third result.


Although Jun Xiaoyao always has an indifferent attitude on weekdays, the matter is about himself, he hangs up low, and avoids troubles if he can.

Because as far as the devouring clan is concerned, the combat power of the main body is much lower than that of the human form.

But now, although the Baihuo group hates Jun Xiaoyao.

It was the blood collapse on the other side of the boundary sea, but the blood collapse of the white disaster group.

When the darkness was in turmoil back then, the same was true for this figure in white clothes, standing alone in the void of the universe, facing the chaos alone.

Only those who have truly experienced the black catastrophe will know what a terrifying existence it is.

It can be said that this time is really about to usher in the finale.

"The complete extermination of the white disaster group is just around the corner!"

But at this moment, he was forced to transform into his own body.

Next, the side of Baifu lost steadily. Jun Xiaoyao exhorted, then turned around and walked away.

On the other side of the boundary sea, all forces and countless monks and creatures also roared and went crazy.

The weakest are too few.

Although from your point of view, you don't want Jun Xiaoyao to stand out like that.

Even if Jun Xiaoyao, it may be for the so-called small righteousness of the common people, but only for my family and lover.

Your human body collapsed and torn apart like a silkworm chrysalis.

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