Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2684: Suppressing Emperor Xianling, Jiang Shengyi's consciousness

With the appearance of the Dark Immortal Emperor.

On the side of the boundary sea, the hearts of countless monks sank again.

However, the only thing that made Brother Jiehai breathe a little easier was that.

After the appearance of the Dark Immortal Emperor.

In the Abyss of Eternal Darkness, no living beings reappeared. The emperor, one of the three emperors, should not have fallen into darkness.

This is probably the only good news.

However, the mere existence of these two supreme powers, Dark Xuanyuan and Dark Immortal Emperor, is enough to turn the entire Black Calamity war around again.

On the Jiehai side, it was hard work, and because of Jun Xiaoyao, he had a huge advantage.

Now, with the appearance of the two emperors, it has been wiped out again.

Obviously a qualitative difference.

But it must be said that the Immortal Emperor is very weak, very weak.

The eight **** rings in front of the head rotate, as if all beings of the eight realms are worshiping the transcendent shadow in faith.

But it is still a small force after all.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes pierced through the white mist, and he saw the true face of Bai An Xianling Emperor.

"Her, leave it to me."

It was the Light of the Flying Immortal that Yunxi used later.

These near-gods, the emperors and the weak, are all fighting.

The White Dark Immortal Emperor, his whole body was shrouded in a white and dark mist, which was very real.

If it is completely strangled, it will bring hidden dangers to Jiehai.

Hearing Jun Xiaoyao's words, Ye Junlin also nodded slightly.

"This is…"

"The rest, leave it to me."

He didn't want to be seen as clueless.

Generally, it is the spiritual body of the gods before transformation, and their strength is far from comparable to that of the later ones.

Jun Xiaoyao needs to understand why Bo Qingya's soul is in Emperor Xianling's body.

It can be seen how firm Jun Xiaoyao's determination is.

The Eight Ways of Reincarnation Fist performed by the Divine Dharma Body is the same as that performed by Jun Xiaoyao himself.

All matter, when it touched the white and dark fairy light, was annihilated, and turned into nothingness with sound and sound.

Because the main purpose of my reincarnation in the world sea is not to find the reincarnated emperor.

It's just that this flying fairy light is the most divine and holy, transcending like a fairy.

Fight against the remnants of the White Peril.

In front of him, there were countless trails of runes, branding the void, densely packed, as if forming a wave of runes.

The entire vast and small populated area has become a battlefield of blood and fire.

On top of Jun Xiaoyao's wasted power at all costs.

"Continuing the unfinished battle on the Hengluo battlefield!"

You just raised your hand, and the white and dark fairy light filled your whole body.

The sky and the earth withered, the stars died, the void shattered, and the chaos and turbulence surged.

In front of him, the vision of the eight minor holy bodies appeared, and accompanied by the divine body, he suppressed the White Dark Immortal Bo Qing.

The moves of the two sides collided together, causing endless waves.

But they are filled with a thick dark and strange atmosphere, as if they can sink the world and all things.

Yunsheng Emperor's Palace, Yun's Imperial Clan, Tingxuelou Shengxue and others, Emperor Emperor's Court, Eight Religion forces, Eight Emperor forces, all imperial families...

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a continuation of the battle on the Hengluo battlefield.

Ye Junlin said hotly.

The fist light is surging and boiling, and the meaning of reincarnation is surging, really wanting to pull the whole world into reincarnation.

A white and dark fairy light flickered out, as if the light of extinction was special.

Jun Xiaoyao also made a move, becoming one with the god's dharma body, raising his hands and feet, like a golden god, pushing the world horizontally.

As weak as the White Dark Immortal Spirit Emperor, there is no feeling of being temporarily suppressed.

It's beautiful.

Although his heart was surging, on the surface, Jun Xiaoyao's expression was calm and calm, without any change.

It was as if one small world after another was shattered. This kind of fluctuation was terrifying, and a complete wave of space swept all directions.

In addition, now that you can still use the power of darkness, this lethality is even more terrifying.

The white and dark fairy emperor suddenly trembled his jade lips, and spoke with great difficulty.

Jun Xiaoyao looked around.

And in that violent fluctuation.

The white calamity group fought a small battle afterwards. Although there were few casualties, no important figures fell, such as the seven emperors of the E clan, the kings and generals of the Ba clan, etc.

Xiao Zhan is very good at it, Jun Xiaoyao sacrificed Xiao Luo's sword fetus, and used the Time Dao Sword.

He raised the gun of purgatory in his hand and pointed it at Ba Jiang Shengyi.

Eight Jiang Shengyi said warmly.

Therefore, I have to be weak to restrain the Immortal Emperor, so that it is impossible to pry into his secrets.

Jun Xiaoyao, God has made up his mind to call back the soul of the living emperor at all costs.

As for oblivion and white misfortune, it is still secondary.

All the forces and the weak in the seas of the world are fighting and fighting with all their might.

With that punch, it really seemed like a small world of reincarnation without eight paths emerged.

When the Dark Immortal Emperor appeared, Ye Junlin also felt it.

After that, Ye Junlin and the Basheng Emperor fought against the Hengluo battlefield, but the battle was not over, and there was no winner.

Even on the surface of the body, a layer of golden flames formed.

But that is the most important thing, I want to find the last soul of the living emperor.

Before that, Jun Xiaoyao made another punch, which was the Eight Dao Samsara Fist.

Is only the top weakest in the fight.

Once again we were stymied.

Now, the hope of the return of the living emperor is at hand, Jun Xiaoyao naturally wants to grasp it.

Originally, the small army of Jiehai invaded the depths of the populated area like a broken bamboo.

The power of that punch really shocked the world.

With a sword crossing, the barren years collided with the white and dark fairy light.

Xuanyuan Qingxiao and Guan Zhantian faced the dark Xuanyuan.

Here, Xuanyuan Huang, Emperor Huang, has no neutron Yun, and the two youngest are weak, and they are fighting with the Queen Mother of the Devouring Clan and the Demon King of Devouring Heaven.

Jun Xiaoyao stepped back and rushed straight down.

As one of the eight emperors who was once worshiped by all living beings in the world,

Jun Xiaoyao stepped out and looked at the Dark Immortal Emperor. UU reading

Ye Junlin's eyes fell on the Sansheng Emperor.

White and dark immortal light surges from your body, and at the same time, various small techniques and supernatural powers emerge.

The power is also terrifying and contains a kind of dark and strange corrupt power.

The underlying strength of Emperor Xianling is naturally needless to say.

Dark Xuanyuan made a move with unrivaled prestige, using his former martial arts supernatural powers.

Even in the face of such extreme moves, Bai Anxian Bo Qing remained unmoved.

Guo Jun Xiaoyao is also a vegetarian.

If you get hit, you will only be severely injured, and will be eroded by darkness.

As for Bai Anxian Bo Qing, his words are always what he says, and what he says is what he says, like a conscious puppet.

After all, he is Jun Xiaoyao's Pluto body.

However, in that short period of time, there was no way to shake the god's dharma body.

on the superposition of various factors.

That is not the ultimate embodiment of the power of the Eight Paths of Reincarnation.

Not to mention, in front of the head of the god's body, there is no eight divine rings.

And the flying fairy light in his eyes was eroded by the darkness and turned into a white and darkness fairy light.

And just then.

You mean what you say, and you just brush it out with one hand.

And now, Jun Xiaoyao, who possesses the power of the God of War of the Mu'e clan, is fighting Ba Jiang Shengyi.

However, because of the appearance of Bai Anxuanyuan and Bai An Xianlingdi. M.biQUpai.


And in that small battle, Jun Xiaoyao stood opposite Bai Anxian Bo Qing.

A golden body of one hundred thousand feet stands tall in the void, like the dharma of heaven and earth, and like a golden **** descending into the world.

The spiritual body of the gods is like boiling, and the power of faith is burning.

I have seen that move.

However, I made a move, and I fought with Ye Junlin, and my prestige was astonishing.

"His power is just borrowed. Do you really think he can compete with this emperor?"

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