Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2569: It’s time to take back the power of the Human Emperor Sword

The terrifying power of chaos swept away.

This is the art of chaos opening the sky, with overwhelming power.

The chaotic energy spread in all directions like an ocean, the void roared, and the universe trembled.

Sensing this terrifying power.

Chu Xiao hurriedly urged the Xuanyuan Golden Body.

The dark golden divine patterns on the body surface twisted like a living thing and penetrated the body.

Finally, a dark golden bell was constructed on its body surface.

It was like a substance, emitting a cold metallic luster, as if it was made of Daojie gold!

It was the Xuanyuan clan's defensive magical power, the Xuanyuan Immovable Bell!

This defensive magical power was enhanced as the Xuanyuan Golden Body was enhanced.

At this moment, it was displayed, unmoved and unshakable, as if it was invulnerable to all disasters.

However, the chaos opening the sky can even break the sky and the earth.

The unparalleled power of opening the sky directly broke the Xuanyuan Immovable Bell.

Chu Xiao's Xuanyuan Golden Body was pushed to the extreme, and was also affected by the conflict, spitting out a mouthful of dark golden blood.

His golden eyes stared at Jun Xiaoyao, his expression as cold as ice.

He used his magical power again and blasted out.

The golden seal crossed the sky, carrying an unparalleled force of suppression.

The Imperial Heaven Seal!

This is also a unique magical power in the Human Emperor Dao Sutra.

Chu Xiao had used it before.

But when it was used at this moment, the power was even more shocking.

Jun Xiaoyao saw this and pointed out with one finger.

The void broke open, and a giant finger that seemed to have crushed from the ancient wilderness directly pointed at the Imperial Heaven Seal.

It was the Ancient God's World-Destroying Finger!

The collision of the two extreme magical powers made the world tremble.

The huge wave of magic power swept across this space.

And in that blazing light.

Chu Xiao directly sacrificed an object.

It was a green ancient divine symbol, emitting an imperial pressure.

It was the Qingyang Divine Symbol!

It was once the original imperial weapon of the Qingyang world, and it was also Chu Xiao's earliest opportunity.

And with Chu Xiao's current strength, it was enough to exert part of the power of the Qingyang Divine Symbol.

The Qingyang Divine Symbol exuded a vast world power.

Indistinctly, it seemed that an illusory world emerged, with mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars.

It was a microcosm of the Qingyang world!

At this moment, Chu Xiao could be said to have gathered the power of a world to suppress Jun Xiaoyao.

Seeing this, Jun Xiaoyao did not also sacrifice a weapon.

Instead, he raised his palm and blessed it with the power of the universe in the inner universe.

At the same time, the chaos true fire surged out.

Directly use the palm to take the imperial weapon!


The extremely terrifying waves spread.

Everyone in the outside world was stunned.

"Is this the power of the Chaos Body? Using the flesh to receive the power of the Emperor's weapon!"

"Too strong, the descendant of the Human Emperor has already displayed all kinds of magical powers, even the Emperor's weapon has been sacrificed."

"Yun Xiao Shaodi is still calm, and he doesn't even use weapons."

They know that Jun Xiaoyao has weapons, and his sword will be stained with blood.

Now he hasn't sacrificed it yet, obviously he is extremely calm.

Rather than saying it's a life-and-death fight, it's better to say it's a one-sided assessment of Chu Xiao's strength.

"Try this trick."

Jun Xiaoyao shook the Qingyang Divine Talisman away with one hand.

At the same time, the other hand pressed out, and the light in the palm crisscrossed and turned into a chessboard.

It is the great magical power of the Human Emperor, the world in a square inch!

Using the great magical power of the Human Emperor to fight against the descendant of the Human Emperor.

This is not a kind of irony.

Everyone in the outside world was also stunned when they saw this.

Good guy, using the great magical power of the Human Emperor to deal with the descendant of the Human Emperor.

This ridicule is directly full!


Chu Xiao was instantly trapped by the chessboard, with star tracks flowing and the chessboard crisscrossing.

The black and white chess pieces interlaced and turned into a dragon-slaying sword, slashing down at Chu Xiao!

Chu Xiao was naturally unwilling to accept his fate and also resisted.

The Human Emperor Finger, the Human Emperor Seal and other magical powers in the Human Emperor Dao Sutra were all displayed.

But the square inch of heaven and earth that Jun Xiaoyao displayed seriously was not something Chu Xiao could break at will.

And being in the square inch of heaven and earth was naturally extremely disadvantageous for Chu Xiao.

He was being consumed all the time.

"There will be problems if this goes on..."

Chu Xiao's face was cold and stern.

He was too passive.

At this time, Jun Xiaoyao actually spoke very "considerately" and gave advice.

"Chu Xiao, the Human Emperor Sword is on you. Only by using the Human Emperor Sword can you break the situation."

Jun Xiaoyao's "considerate reminder" made Chu Xiao's face even colder.

He knew that Jun Xiaoyao was interested in the power of his Human Emperor Sword.

But to be honest, Chu Xiao didn't really want to use it.

After all, the Human Emperor Sword, strictly speaking, is a bit like a cheat.

Although with his current strength, he can't completely activate the power of the Human Emperor Sword.

But even if it's only one thousandth of it, it's still a cheat.

However, the fact is as Jun Xiaoyao said.

Without using the Human Emperor Sword, he really can't break the situation.

"I don't want to use it, you force me to..."

Chu Xiao's eyes were fierce.

In his golden eyes, an unprecedented brilliant brilliance bloomed.

Then, a brilliant golden sword, blooming with dazzling brilliance, appeared with an endless and domineering emperor's pressure!

This sword is like an emperor among swords, upright and domineering.

One side is engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and the other side is engraved with mountains, rivers and plants.

The hilt is engraved with the words of the emperor, which is the sword of the emperor of humanity.

Chu Xiao held this sword, and his momentum suddenly changed.

He really was like an almighty emperor, with boundless dominance and the pressure of a human emperor!

This sword is the weapon of Emperor Xuanyuan, the emperor of the human world.

With Chu Xiao's current strength, it is obviously far from being able to exert its true power.

But even so, as long as this sword is sacrificed, the pressure it radiates alone is frightening!

Chu Xiao held the sword with both hands.

Just a light stroke, the void was broken.

The square inch of the universe was disintegrated inch by inch, like being cut open like paper!

"Not bad."

Jun Xiaoyao couldn't help but admire it when he saw it.

He didn't change his color at all because the square inch of the universe was broken.

Instead, he looked admiring.

As if this sword was his.

It must be said that Chu Xiao really nurtured this sword of the emperor of the human world very well.

Jun Xiaoyao was very satisfied.

In this case, it's time to take it back.

Seeing Jun Xiaoyao's expression of hidden joy.

Chu Xiao felt even more insulted.

Without saying a word, he slashed out with a sword, and the vast golden sword light burst out directly, across the universe, cutting through the vastness!

Such power made Ji Taisui's face change slightly.

He was not afraid of fighting Chu Xiao.

But if the Human Emperor Sword was added, it would be different.

"Is this considered a violation of the rules?"

"That's the Human Emperor Sword, who can stop it?"

Seeing this battle situation, many cultivators in the outside world were discussing it.

Chu Xiao relied on the magic weapon.

Facing Chu Xiao's move.

Jun Xiaoyao finally moved and sacrificed the magic weapon.

The seven-color sky-cutting gourd was sacrificed by him, rotating in the void, and then the gourd mouth opened.

A dazzling and boundless sword shadow, accompanied by seven-color rays of light, surged out, which were the seven innate laws of killing.

That sword shadow was the Daluo sword embryo.

In the colorful Heaven-Slaying Gourd, it was nourished for a long time. Now it was slashed out with a sword, and it flew like a fairy from the sky!

That brilliant sword light illuminated the world!

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