Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2565: Origin Seed, Ninety-Nine Tests, Mysterious Empress

Jun Xiaoyao continued to climb the tower.

His speed was the fastest.

Others were not slow either.

Yunxi, Yun Daoyi, Ji Taisui, and Chu Xiao followed closely behind.

Forty floors...

Fifty floors...

Sixty floors...

The higher you go, the fewer geniuses break through.

The remaining geniuses who did not succeed in breaking through the tower were teleported out.

However, they did not leave, but stared at the golden pagoda.

They wanted to know what the final result would be.

Is there anyone who can break the record and reach the top?

Inside the pagoda.

Jun Xiaoyao continued to break through the tower.

All along the way, he got a bunch of original power.

The higher you go, the more, but the original seed has not appeared yet.

When you reach the 70th floor or above.

Basically, only the geniuses of the ultimate power are left.

And when you reach the 80th floor.

Even the Taoist sons and daughters of the Yunsheng Imperial Palace, Yun Zhao and others are sad.

Of course, there are also the Zhan Prince of the Xuanyuan clan, the female war god Xuanyuan Fengwu and others.

What appeared on the eightieth floor were the marks of many geniuses, freaks and monsters in the origin universe.

Each of them was at the level of the ancient king.

There were naturally not many contemporary geniuses who could beat them.

So Yun Zhao, Prince Zhan, Xuanyuan Fengwu and others also stopped at the eightieth floor.

And when they broke through the eightieth floor, they could get an origin seed.

Jun Xiaoyao's side.

He looked at the origin seed in his palm.

It really looked like a seed, with two pointed ends.

There seemed to be nebulae flowing and star clusters running, like a miniature universe.

"No wonder the elder said that this origin seed would help condense the inner universe, and it was true."

Jun Xiaoyao thought.

For cultivators who have not condensed the inner universe, this origin seed is definitely the most precious treasure among treasures.

It can help them condense the inner universe in advance, even if it is just a dust world.

But for Jun Xiaoyao, it seems a bit useless.

The only use seems to be to be used as fertilizer and nourish his own inner universe.

After all, the power of origin contained in this origin seed is much more powerful than the balls of power of origin he got before.

But it seems a bit wasteful.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't think much about it and put it away first.

Then, Jun Xiaoyao continued to break through.

After the 80th floor.

Those who appeared were all evil characters.

There were even some young bodies transformed by some well-known old emperors in the origin universe.

These existences are all powerful.

They are the existences of establishing an ancient Taoist school and immortal forces.

This is a huge test for any other genius.

But for Jun Xiaoyao.

There is no difference at all.

He treats any other existence equally.

No one can be his opponent.

And outside the golden pagoda.

Everyone is staring at the light spot at the front of the pagoda.

"That should be Young Emperor Yun Xiao."

"Of course, his talent cannot even be detected by the pagoda."

"Maybe Young Emperor Yun Xiao can really reach the top."

Many geniuses are watching.

When breaking through to the 90th floor.

A hazy figure appeared in front of Jun Xiaoyao, majestic and incomparable.

A vast imperial power was emanating!

"Emperor realm? No, could it be..."

Jun Xiaoyao took a look and then understood.

This mark does have the breath of the emperor realm.

However, it is not the real emperor realm.

But it has the experience, means, magical powers, combat ability, etc. of the emperor realm.

In other words, this mark cannot exert the realm strength of the real emperor realm.

But in terms of combat experience and means, there is no difference between it and the general emperor.

Jun Xiaoyao looked calm.

"Having all the experience and means of the emperor is also a whetstone."

This kind of test is extremely difficult even for the ancient monsters.

After all, an opponent with experience in the way of the emperor is so powerful.

Jun Xiaoyao was not afraid.

What was the experience of the Emperor?

He raised his palm and fought with the figure.

After a hundred moves, Jun Xiaoyao defeated the figure and it turned into a light spot and dissipated.

Then, another origin seed emerged.

Jun Xiaoyao put it away and continued to challenge.

Outside the pagoda.

The group of geniuses were already extremely shocked.

"We have already reached the ninetieth floor, and Young Emperor Yun Xiao has not been stuck yet."

"I guess we can really witness history."

"But there are several other light spots following closely behind."

"I am just curious, how will Young Emperor Yun Xiao pass the ninety-ninth floor."

"Because I heard from the elders in the clan that no one has ever passed the ninety-ninth floor."

"But there have been evildoers who have gone there and finally failed miserably."

"The ninety-ninth floor has a terrifying shadow mark, and the difficulty will be adjusted according to the talent and strength of the challenger."

"What you mean is..."

"That's right, the stronger the talent and strength of the challenger, the higher the difficulty, and the talent and strength of Young Emperor Yun know."

Hearing this, everyone present was silent for a moment.

Strong talent and strength are originally a good thing.

But on the ninety-ninth floor, it became a disadvantage.

Because the stronger you are, the higher the difficulty, and the lower the probability of passing the level.

This is also the biggest test.

No wonder no monster in the origin universe has ever been able to pass the ninety-nine floors and sit on the only origin throne.

This level is too difficult!

Just as the outside world was discussing.

They also saw the light spot in the front, moving up one by one.

Finally, it moved to the ninety-ninth floor.

"Emperor Yun Xiao, it's the ninety-ninth floor..."

Many people looked at each other, their eyes were fixed on the light spot, and they never moved away for a moment.

At the same time.

In the ninety-ninth floor.

When Jun Xiaoyao stepped into this space.

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because in front of him, it was a bloody world.

The blood mist was filled, and the mountains, rivers, and seas were all bloody.

In the sky, a bloody waning moon was in the sky, which made the atmosphere here extremely weird.

"Is this the ninety-ninth floor? If you pass this floor, you can see the throne of origin."

"But the test is..."

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes fell.

Suddenly, he saw a hazy figure standing on the top of a cliff in the distance.

Although the figure was hazy, it could be vaguely seen that it was a woman.

And it was definitely a woman who was stunningly beautiful beyond imagination.

"She is..."

Jun Xiaoyao was slightly startled.

Although the figure was only a mark manifestation and a rule construction, it seemed very hazy and unreal.

But Jun Xiaoyao seemed to have a feeling.

That woman was staring at him.

And she was using that pair of dark blood eyes.

Like a blood gem.

He had also seen this kind of pupil, and his heart understood it instantly!

"I didn't expect it, so that's the case. No wonder no one can pass this level."

"This figure should be the creator of the blood moon disaster, the source of the blood race, the mysterious empress!"

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