Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2561: Gather at the Gate of Origin, the final showdown

The entire universe of origin caused waves once again due to the appearance of the gate of origin.

However, it is different from the Land of Immortal Relics.

The gate of origin is destined to be only a stage for a few people to compete.

Because, only those who leave their names on the Origin Gold List are eligible to enter the Gate of Origin.

The forces of all parties rushed to the gate of origin at the first time.

The location where the gate of origin opens is not fixed, it may appear anywhere in the origin universe.

This gate of origin is more like a passage, an entrance, rather than a fixed location.

When the time is right and luck is blended, it will appear on its own initiative.

Jun Xiaoyao and the others also set off.

As one of the ultimate forces, there are naturally many people from Yunsheng Emperor Palace on the list.

Ranked at the forefront are Jun Xiaoyao, Yun Daoyi, Yun Ruoshui, Yunxi and others.

Even Yun Zhao and others, who are slightly inferior, are on the list even though they are not at the top.

The same goes for the rest of the forces.

For example, the Palace of Three Lives and the Xuanyuan Clan, many people set off.

As for the sub-ultimate force, the number of Tianjiao is much smaller, and there are only a few people in each family.

As for the forces under the sub-ultimate forces, the number is even smaller.

Sometimes only one person, or even no one is qualified to go.

It can also be seen from here how cruel it is to compete for the chance of destiny.

One will succeed and all will die.

The rise of a Tianjiao is by stepping on the wreckage of countless contemporaries.

After a while.

Here is the Gate of Origin.

Various forces also arrived one after another.

Inside the gate of origin, golden brilliance surged, and the power of rules oscillated.

All are waiting for the best time to enter.

Far from the sky, the cloud sea dragon boat from the Yunsheng Emperor Palace broke through the sky, and it was the ultimate force that arrived first.

Jun Xiaoyao looked at the gate of origin, mighty and majestic, like the gate of heaven.

Among them, the brilliance is gorgeous, and the scene cannot be seen clearly.

"This time, you have to get the original seed without saying anything. If you refine it and cultivate it slowly, it will be of great benefit to you."

"Even, the future can help you to evolve the inner universe."

This time, it was still the fifth elder, Yun Jing, who led the team.

He said solemnly.

But at this point, he gave Jun Xiaoyao a strange look.

They naturally knew that Jun Xiaoyao had already cultivated the inner universe.

The problem is, his realm has not yet reached the quasi-emperor.

Even more speechless.

Jun Xiaoyao's inner universe is extremely powerful.

Although they didn't take the initiative to investigate, they also knew that Jun Xiaoyao's inner universe was not just at the level of Mote World.

In this regard, there is nothing to say other than sighing a monster in my heart.

"Other than that, it's the Throne of Origin, but no one has ever really obtained this thing before, let alone sat on it."

"So whether it is really like the legend that you can control the origin of the endless universe after sitting on it still needs to be considered."

"All in all, be careful and act with caution."

Elder Yunjing warned.

"I'll understand." Jun Xiaoyao and the others said.

And at this time, another direction.

The teams of the Palace of Three Lives and the Xuanyuan clan arrived one after another.

On the other side of the Hall of Three Lives, is an ancient boat coming through the sky.

The Xuanyuan clan is a resplendent warship.

And among the two parties, there was a fierce gaze with fighting intent, like a sharp spear, piercing towards Jun Xiaoyao.

It was Ji Taisui and Chu Xiao!

"Yun Xiao, we meet again."

Chu Xiao stood in front of Xuanyuan Clan's Tianjiao.

Its power and momentum are not even weaker than the Xuanyuan Three Heroes on one side.

"It's been a long time indeed."

Seeing Chu Xiao again, Jun Xiaoyao's expression was still calm, and there was even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Because seeing Chu Xiao's self-confidence overflowing.

Jun Xiaoyao knew that the leek had grown a lot and was already mature.

It's time to harvest.

"Actually, to be honest, when I learned that you had broken the immortal curse."

"I'm still disappointed, even angry."

"I haven't defeated you with my own hands, how can you die?"

"And now, God has not let me down, and finally gave me this chance of revenge, so that I can erase my demons."

Chu Xiao was emotionally ups and downs, looking at Jun Xiaoyao.

After all, this is an old enemy who has been entangled with him for the longest time.

At least in his opinion, it is an old enemy.

"Is it because of Tantai Qingxuan?" Jun Xiaoyao shook his head slightly.

The first time Chu Xiao had a grudge against him was because of Tantai Qingxuan.

However, Chu Xiao suddenly laughed.

"You are wrong, what is a woman, she is not worth my obsession."

"Or, I should thank her now."

"If it wasn't for her, how could I meet an old enemy like you."

"Without you, how could I have jumped from a small Qingyang world monk to my present status."

"When there is pressure, there is motivation."

"You think you've been suppressing me all the way, but in fact, why aren't you helping me?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Chu Xiao's mouth.

Jun Xiaoyao looked at him unexpectedly.

This Chu Xiao also thought about it, the pattern was established, and he knew to look at things from another angle.

But the truth is, Jun Xiaoyao is trying to perfect Chu Xiao.

If you don't cultivate Chu Xiao, how will Jun Xiaoyao reap the harvest?

Therefore, Chu Xiao thought that Jun Xiaoyao didn't expect that he was helping him.

But he didn't know that Jun Xiaoyao was indeed helping him!

Chu Xiao thought that Jun Xiaoyao was on the first floor and he was on the second floor.

As everyone knows, Jun Xiaoyao has always been in the atmosphere, overlooking the leek.

But Jun Xiaoyao was very considerate and didn't say anything.

Let Chu Xiao retain the last bit of beautiful fantasy.

"In the Gate of Origin, you and I have made a break." Chu Xiao said.

"Of course." Jun Xiaoyao said.

If you take the initiative to send it to his door to harvest, can he not cut it?

On the other side, Ji Taisui paused slightly.

How do you feel, he has become a supporting role and a foil?

"It's me who will fight you this time."

Ji Taisui said.

He has a lot of cards in his hole now, but he is worthy of the king.

"No matter who it is, I will accompany you to the end." Jun Xiaoyao said.

At this moment, in the gate of origin, the brilliance boiled, and there was a rumbling sound.

The hazy scene in it began to emerge.

Vaguely, everyone could see an incomparably magnificent golden tower.

"Set off!"

Seeing this, the arrogance of all forces all had their eyes flashed, and their figures instantly pierced through the air.

Jun Xiaoyao and the others also set off and entered the gate of origin.

This can be said to be the most important opportunity in the original universe.

related to the future growth rate.

"This time, UU Reading wonders if anyone can sit on the throne of origin?"

"If you can sit on it, you will be in charge of the origin of the endless universe alone, and breaking through the emperor's realm is not too far away."

"I think this time, it should be the battle between Young Emperor Yunxiao and Ji Taisui."

"And Yun Daoyi, don't underestimate it."

"Emperor Yunxi, as the successor of the Earth Emperor, cannot be ignored."

"Although Xuanyuan Sanjie was defeated by Young Emperor Yunxiao, they still have fighting power."

"I think that Chu Xiao, the successor of the Emperor, might have an unexpected performance..."

All parties are discussing and speculating.

It is conceivable that after this opportunity of the Gate of Origin passes.

You can probably guess who is the one who really stands out from the encirclement and stands at the top.

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