Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2555: Collect the power of faith, this belongs to the two of us...

When the scene in front of me became clear again.

Jun Xiaoyao and Dongfang Aoyue are already deep in an endless and vast universe.

Looking around, the river of stars is turning, and the ancient stars are hanging in the sky.

This is an endless and vast universe.

If people who don't know come here suddenly.

You will definitely think that you have come to a strange universe.

As everyone knows, this is just the inner space of a magic weapon.

"No wonder, the source of the demon king and the source of the queen have to work together to enter."

"In this way, even if Patriarch Motian finds the whereabouts of the Falun Gong Immortal Boat, he can only watch helplessly as he can't get it." Jun Xiaoyao said.

Patriarch Motian calculated for so long, but he failed to find the most important key.

"It's so rich in the power of the world's origin. How much of the world's origin has it integrated into?"

Dongfang Aoyue was also a little surprised.

"The devil's handwriting is not small in the first place, and the power of the world's origin in the Mofa fairy boat is an inestimable resource." Jun Xiaoyao said.

As we all know, the original power of the world is one of the rarest energies.

And just the power of the origin of the world in the Immortal Boat of Doom is an unimaginable wealth.

Even the accumulation of many immortal forces is not as good as the resources in this magic boat.

These origins in the Doom Immortal Ark do not originate from a certain world in Jiehai, but the origins of the universes of many worlds collected by the Demon Lord.

It can be seen that the devil is very concerned about the magic boat of the end.

Although many of the origins of the world can help Jun Xiaoyao cultivate the inner universe.

But Jun Xiaoyao didn't intend to do that.

Because if he refines the origin of the world in the Immortal Ark of Doom, most of the entire Immortal Ark of Doom will be destroyed, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Moreover, the main purpose of Jun Xiaoyao's search for the Immortal Boat of Doom is the massive power of faith contained in it.

The Doomsday God Sect is also a sect with countless believers.

The power of faith is no less than that of Buddhist Daqian Temple and other sects.

Jun Xiaoyao is content to be able to obtain massive power of faith and help the gods to transform themselves.

Afterwards, Jun Xiaoyao and Dongfang Aoyue began to explore the Immortal Ark of Doom.

This one is like a real universe.

Various ancient stars, star fields, are located in it.

Of course, there are still some ancient stars with massive resources.

They are all the resources of the Doomsday Sect.

Jun Xiaoyao may not like these resources, but they are perfect for training his subordinates or the army.

Not long after, Jun Xiaoyao and Dongfang Aoyue finally came to a place.

Looking around, this world is extremely bright, and the golden ocean is boundless.

This is a boundless sea of ​​faith!

Although Jun Xiaoyao's inner universe, there is also a sea of ​​faith.

But compared with the boundless sea of ​​faith with no end in sight right now.

It's still a little bit out of date.

"Is this the power of faith of the Demon Lord? It's too much." Dongfang Aoyue was surprised.

"The Doomsday God Sect has been operating in Jiehai for a long time, and with the prestige of the Demon Lord, this is also normal." Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

He is very satisfied.

This sea of ​​faith is too vast.

But think about it, after all, the power of faith is one of the energy sources that drive the Doom Immortal Boat, and the amount will definitely not be small.

But now, Jun Xiaoyao is cheaper.

"Xiaoyao, you need the power of faith, take it all." Dongfang Aoyue said.

Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly, but he was not polite.

The direct action is to bring this boundless sea of ​​belief into one's own inner universe.

After all, belief in the gods and dharmakaya is the most important thing.

Jun Xiaoyao is in order to deal with the future black disaster and the source of the black disaster.

What he has to do is not only to make up for the power of believing in the gods.

It is to let the belief in the gods and dharma body transform and strengthen again to reach a new level!


The entire boundless golden sea of ​​faith is trembling, setting off big waves.

Among them, there are even visions of many beings offering sacrifices, worshiping, and praying.

This prestige is too grand.

Dongfang Aoyue looked at Jun Xiaoyao at this moment, with a smile on her lips.

Jun Xiaoyao can become stronger, stronger than herself, and it makes her feel happy.

After a while.

Jun Xiaoyao finally brought this sea of ​​faith into his inner universe.

Merged with his own sea of ​​faith.

Even Jun Xiaoyao's entire inner universe is golden.

And that incomparably majestic, god-like body of belief in the gods is also surrounded by endless seas of faith.

In the end, the power of faith even condensed and converged towards the divine body.

It seemed to form a golden cocoon.

And when the cocoon is broken, it is the time when the divine body transforms.

So far, Jun Xiaoyao's goal has been achieved.

The main purpose of his search for the Falun Gong Immortal Ark was not even the Falun Gong Immortal Ark itself.

It is the power of faith stored in it.

Of course, although Jun Xiaoyao has collected the power of faith.

But the Immortal Boat of Doom also has some other driving energy, such as the power of the original source and so on.

So it doesn't mean that the Immortal Boat of Doom cannot be used anymore.

"Aoyue, refine this Falun Gong fairy boat and control it." Jun Xiaoyao said.

His purpose has been achieved.

Although the Immortal Boat of the Last Law is a rare and heavy weapon, he is not greedy.

"No, Xiaoyao, strictly speaking, you found it, I didn't try my best." Dongfang Aoyue said.

"You are now the most powerful person of the Doomsday God Sect. If you control it, you will be able to maintain your orthodox position." Jun Xiaoyao said.

"But..." Dongfang Aoyue still refused.

"Then, how about we refine together and have control over the Falun Gong Immortal Boat?" Jun Xiaoyao said.

"Okay." Dongfang Aoyue agreed now.

Together, the two mobilized the original power of the Demon Lord and Demon Empress, and began to refine and control the Doom Immortal Ark.

From the outside, the entire Immortal Boat of Doom has countless lines on its surface.

Those are inscribed countless formations, all of which are activated at this moment, releasing a terrifying aura that makes the world tremble.

The Doom Immortal Boat is not just a space magic weapon or a vehicle.

It is even more of a celestial weapon, with unrivaled power.

To put it bluntly, it is much, much stronger than the Yunhai Dragon Boat in Yunshengdi Palace.

No matter how strong and precious the sea of ​​clouds dragon boat is, it is not a fairy artifact, and it is mass-produced.

There is only one immortal boat at the end of the law.

This is the only treasure that has been built with countless painstaking efforts and resources from the Demon Monarch and the Doomsday Sect.

After another period of time.

In the immortal boat of the final law.

Jun Xiaoyao and Dongfang Aoyue, UU Kanshu finally refined and controlled the Doom Immortal Boat.

Of course, this kind of treasure, although it has been initially refined.

But with their strength, it is still difficult to fully exert their power.

And after doing all this.

The two stood side by side.

Dongfang Aoyue said with a smile on her red lips, "Xiaoyao, this is our universe."

At this moment, Dongfang Aoyue is very satisfied.

"Well, it's finally over."

Jun Xiaoyao said.

So far, many things of the Doomsday God Sect have come to an end.

The result is also satisfactory.

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