Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2553: The girl of the origami boat, wait for a flower to bloom, wait for a...

"Jun Xiaoyao?"

The girl murmured and repeated.

Although it is in a mysterious and dangerous place like Jieyuan.

But the girl looked so harmless.

"Why does it feel a little familiar..."

The girl stared at Jun Xiaoyao, as if she wanted to see through him.

In an instant, Jun Xiaoyao seemed to see countless illusions reflected in the girl's eyes, as well as the changing scene of the sun, moon and stars.

It wasn't until then that the girl's extraordinary features were revealed.

If it were someone else, everything would be seen through at a glance, and the primordial spirit would be dissected and investigated.

But Jun Xiaoyao is determined.

"Hey, I can't see your karma and past."

"It's like a fog."

"But why, I have a vaguely familiar feeling." The girl said.

Jun Xiaoyao took a deep breath.

The strength of this girl is truly terrifying.

Even with his primordial spirit, he was still trembling just now.

Fortunately, this girl didn't seem to have any malice towards him, so she didn't hurt his soul.

Otherwise, Jun Xiaoyao's primordial spirit would not be able to bear it.

"That mask..."

Jun Xiaoyao suddenly looked at the grimace mask placed beside the girl.

The mask looks a little clumsy, half crying and half laughing.

"this is mine…"

The girl picked up the grimace mask like a treasure.

Jun Xiaoyao thought for a while, and took out a grimace mask.

The girl's complexion suddenly changed.

Then, the entire sea of ​​nothingness was filled with huge waves!

"Who are you…"

The girl's eyes were fixed, and she looked at Jun Xiaoyao in a daze, as if she had lost her soul.

She appeared directly in front of Jun Xiaoyao, and then raised her jade-like hand.


The faces of Dongfang Aoyue, Xia Yuhua and others changed suddenly.

If this girl makes a move, the entire army may be wiped out.


The next moment, Dongfang Aoyue and the girls were stunned.

Because the girl's raised hand touched Jun Xiaoyao's face.

Inch by inch, eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth.

As if tracing something, trying to find the part that matches the figure in memory.

Jun Xiaoyao also paused, but he didn't move.

Because he knew that if the origami boat girl really had a cause and effect with the Ghost Face Empress.

That shouldn't hurt him.

After all, once upon a time, the mother of Bianhua, Emperor Meng, was like this.

They can all be regarded as the first life of the Ghost Face Empress.

"This... can't be..."

Seeing this, Jiaxin's small mouth opened into an "o" shape.

That girl is an unspeakable existence deep in the abyss, feared by many people.

But now, why do you look like a nympho?

Moreover, although Jia Xin had to admit, Jun Xiaoyao was so handsome that both humans and gods were angry.

But no matter how great the charm is, it won't make this "old monster" fall in love at first sight, right?

Jia Ling also had a surprised expression.

As for the two girls painted by Dongfang Aoyue and Xia Yu, their expressions are somewhat subtle.

After all, a strange and beautiful girl touched their man in front of them.

Something feels wrong no matter what.

However, they obviously have a clear sense of stake.

It may not be that simple to know the situation.

So they did nothing.

None of them knew about the karma between Jun Xiaoyao and the Ghost-Mask Empress.

Naturally, I don't know why the girl who made the origami boat had such a reaction at this moment.

Jun Xiaoyao knew it all too well.

"It's you, it's really you..."

"I have been waiting for you…"

Caressing Jun Xiaoyao's cheek, the girl with the origami boat showed a special emotion in her eyes.

She's been here ever since she's been conscious.

A voice, in her heart, spoke to her.

She is looking for someone, waiting for someone.

After waiting for countless years, the flower that bloomed.

"I've been waiting for a flower to bloom for many, many years."

"And here you are."

The girl with the origami boat doesn't have any strong aura at the moment.

Not to mention the invincible power that makes all the heroes of the original universe dread.

At this moment, she looks like a girl who is waiting for the important person in her heart.

And now, she's waiting.

There was a smile on the flawless girl's face.

"Girl, I'm afraid you've made a mistake. I'm Jun Xiaoyao, and I'm just Jun Xiaoyao." Jun Xiaoyao said.

"The name is just a nickname." The girl with the origami boat said.

"I didn't go there." Jun Xiaoyao said.

He is an existence with nothingness in fate and inconsistency in cause and effect.

"You can't even see through your karma, so how can you know your past?"

The girl with the origami boat blinked and looked at Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao is silent.

It is impossible for him to directly say, I am a time traveler, right?

Of course, at Jun Xiaoyao's current level, such things as cause and effect are still out of reach.

"I've waited too long, and here you are, that's enough."

The girl with the origami boat smiled.

That smile even wiped away the gloomy and gloomy atmosphere here.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't know how to reply.

"Then why didn't you leave after waiting for so long?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

He wanted to know about this girl's past.

The girl with the origami boat shook her head slightly.

"I can't leave. The meaning of my existence is to wait for a flower to bloom and a person to come."

"You said you were not that person, not that blooming flower."

"But I think so, you are the flower I want, the one I'm waiting for."

The girl who made the origami boat was unusually stubborn on this point.

In many cases, cause and effect cannot be said.

Intuition alone can be sensed.

"Besides, didn't you come here because you heard my cry?"

"Only you can hear."

The girl with the origami boat added.

Jun Xiaoyao was completely speechless. UU reading

It seemed that he was the only one who heard the girl's sobs.

"Because I've been waiting here for too long, and when I'm lonely, I want to cry." The **** the origami boat said weakly.

Hearing this, even Dongfang Aoyue and Xia Yu were silent.

The loneliness of a young girl, the tears she shed turned into Santuchuan.

There is something sad about this beauty.

Jun Xiaoyao was also silent.

He thought of Nan Kemeng, the dream emperor above the nine heavens.

The nine-day forbidden zone, the master of the fantasy sky.

It is also a person, staying on the moon, watching a person alone.

That Emperor Meng and the girl who made the origami boat were both so lonely.

Almost subconsciously, Jun Xiaoyao gently hugged the girl's tender body.

A warm, polite, no-nonsense hug.

The girl who folded the paper boat also trembled slightly with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Looking at this hug, even Dongfang Aoyue and Xia Yuhua did not have any objections.

Because even they felt that this girl was mysterious and powerful beyond measure.

But there is a kind of loneliness that makes people feel pity.

And Jia Xin, Jia Ling, seeing this, his heart trembled.

This is simply against the sky.

Jun Xiaoyao actually embraced the elusive existence deep in the abyss, feared by countless people, even feared!

What does this represent?

On behalf of, they found a way to break the situation!

If you can get the help of this origami boat girl.

Then what are they afraid of?

This girl alone can frighten the heroes of the original universe!

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