Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2546: Being plotted against, Ji Taisui is frustrated

What exactly is going on?

Ji Taisui stood there, his mind a little blank and slightly dazed.

Why did he, the person who exposed the truth, become a sinner in just a few words?

Everyone present heard Jun Xiaoyao's explanation.

He was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly came to his senses.

"So that's it, it's actually like that!"

"I didn't expect that Young Emperor Yun Xiao would have such good intentions."

"Before that, Young Emperor Yunxiao helped the Great Xia Holy Dynasty to destroy the Shenxiao Holy Dynasty."

"I definitely want to use this to gain Xia Yuhua's trust so that I can study her more conveniently."

"That's right, you didn't see that just now, the Great Blood Emperor took action and wanted to kill Young Emperor Yun Xiao."

"If Young Emperor Yunxiao is really involved with the Vampire Clan, how could the Vampire Clan directly want to kill him?"

"Moreover, just now, when Ji Taisui revealed Xia Jiehua's identity, Young Emperor Yun Xiao immediately killed Xia Jiehua."

"Indeed, I can't figure out why Young Emperor Yunxiao would collude with the vampires."

"His status is unmatched by anyone, and he doesn't deserve to do such a thankless thing."

There was an immediate uproar and discussion.

It can be said that even Jun Xiaoyao himself was secretly dumbfounded.

The brain power of these people is simply amazing.

Some women in particular are all Jun Xiaoyao's crazy fans.

At this moment, he said: "Yes, Young Emperor Yun Xiao approached Xia Yuhua because he wanted to decipher the secret of the empress's reincarnation."

"He wants to completely solve the Blood Moon disaster."

"However, some people want to slander him and pull him down from the altar!"

Many people's eyes fell on Ji Taisui.

The corners of Ji Taisui's eyes suddenly twitched.

This situation left him speechless.

The Buddhist disciple Wen Hui on the side couldn't even maintain the determination of the Buddha family, and showed a look of anger.

"You're talking nonsense, it's obviously you who is protecting Xia Yuhua."

"And Chen Xuan, the Emperor's Master Xuan Yi, was framed by you, right?"

Wenhui Buddha couldn't help but shouted.

There was a slight silence.

"Emperor Master Xuanyi?"

Many people were surprised.

Yuan Lingxuan was also present. When she heard this, she couldn't help but change her face.

Chen Xuan had not come out from the Immortal Relics Land before, so she actually had a bad feeling in her heart.

From this point of view, Chen Xuan is indeed...

"Emperor Master Xuanyi, what's going on?"

Many people are confused.

Emperor Master Xuanyi is somewhat famous in the Origin Universe.

Jun Xiaoyao said calmly: "Where is the evidence?"

Ask Hui Fozi's face paused.

"Furthermore, you said that Chen Xuan is Emperor Xuanyi's master, so why didn't he tell others?"

Wenhui Buddha was speechless again.

"You, on the other hand, deliberately chose this young emperor's banquet to expose these things on purpose."

"Pretend yourself to be righteous and judge others."

"Isn't it just to belittle my reputation?"

"In this case, who is the person with ulterior motives?"

Jun Xiaoyao's indifferent tone spread around.

Many people nodded secretly when they heard this.

Then he looked at Ji Taisui and Wenhui Fozi.

Although they didn't dare to openly insult Ji Taisui or anything.

But obviously, this method seems a bit despicable to them.

Deep in his eyes, there was also a hint of contempt.

Ji Taisui looked tense.

He finally understood.

Jun Xiaoyao had already noticed it, so he made arrangements in advance and set up means.

Just wait for him to fall in!

And he actually stupidly took the initiative to get into the trap!

"Okay, I don't have time to waste here with you."

"I'm going to track down the whereabouts of the vampire and Xia Yuhua."

After Jun Xiaoyao said that, he flicked his sleeves.

"I'll go too!"

Some people from the Yunsheng Emperor Palace also followed closely behind.

"As expected of Young Emperor Yunsheng, he has a great heart."

"This pattern has emerged."

Many people sighed.

Jun Xiaoyao and Ji Taisui also have heaven-defying physiques.

But the character of mind is so different.

One is truly righteous.

One just wants to belittle others by being mean.

The rest of the people present also left one after another.

After all, the reincarnation of the mysterious empress appears now, which is an extremely important matter.

As everyone left.

Ji Taisui and a few others were the only ones left present.

"Yun Xiao...hehe, what a Yun Xiao..."

Ji Taisui was so angry that he laughed.

This time, he was tricked.

No, it should be said that Jun Xiaoyao slapped him hard on the face.

He can only endure it!

Compared with Chengfu and scheming, Ji Taisui is far behind!

"Mr. Ji, this time we..."

On the side, he asked Hui Fozi what he wanted to say.


Ji Taisui was in a bad mood. He flicked his sleeves and sprayed out purple air, knocking the Buddha Wenhui away and vomiting blood.

"Mr. Ji, this Yun Xiao is indeed a person who cannot be underestimated." Yuan Ruyi said.

Why, after asking Huifuzi and telling her about Xia Yuhua's life experience.

Yuan Ruyi did not immediately go to Jun Xiaoyao to confront him.

It was because she understood that Jun Xiaoyao was not that easy to deal with.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, if you target it rashly, you will only bring yourself a big enemy.

Now it seems that Ji Taisui has provoked an unimaginable enemy for himself.

"It's too early. Those who can truly seize the destiny of a lifetime cannot rely on scheming alone."

"It depends on chance and real strength."

"What I need to do is to seize the greatest opportunity when the Gate of Origin opens in the future."

"At that time, in the face of absolute strength, any scheming will be vulnerable!"

Ji Taisui said coldly.

Yuan Ruyi, who was standing by, was silent when he heard it.

Isn't this clearly saying that my IQ is worrying and I can't compete?

Because I can't compete with my IQ, I can only compete with my fists.

And the saddest thing is that I'm afraid that I can't compete with my fists at that time.

That's a bit sad.


No one expected it.

A banquet for the young emperor would end in such a situation.

And now, everyone's focus is on hunting down Xia Yinhuan.

They don't know that all this is a play arranged by Jun Xiaoyao.

Before the banquet for the young emperor started, they had contacted the blood clan through Jia Xin.

The Young Emperor Banquet was not held in the Yunsheng Imperial Palace, in order to prevent the Blood Clan from appearing and being blocked by the ancestors of the Yunsheng Imperial Palace.

Jun Xiaoyao also knew that Xia Yinhuan's identity could not be kept secret forever, and it was just delayed for some time before.

It was only a matter of time before her identity was exposed.

Ji Taisui's exposure only brought this matter forward.

And he attacked Xia Yinhuan, the Blood Clan Emperor attacked him, and Jia Ling took Xia Yinhuan away.

These were all arranged by Jun Xiaoyao step by step.

And next, if nothing unexpected happens, Xia Yinhuan should be taken to a place.

That was also a relatively safe place that Jun Xiaoyao could imagine.

That place was not the Blood Clan's base camp.

Because even the Blood Clan's base camp could be breached by the coalition forces of various powerful forces in the Origin Universe.

And the only place that people were afraid of and dared not easily step into was only one.

That was... Jieyuan!

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