Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2538: Feng Shui takes turns, Yunxi's guardianship, the good show will take over...

Yunxi stands tall and graceful, standing in front of Jun Xiaoyao.

Even in the face of Ji Taisui, the primordial Taoist body, Yunxi's beautiful eyes showed no trace of fear.

Because she now has the confidence to say such things.

She has the confidence to help her brother.

Ji Taisui frowned.

It has to be said that the girl in Tsing Yi in front of him surprised him.

This is the second woman who surprised him so much.

The first one is Li Xianyao.

But amazing is amazing.

He could detect a hint of danger from Yunxi's body.

This made Ji Taisui's eyes darker.

Jun Xiaoyao is a chaotic body, so that's all it takes to bring him a sense of danger.

Now even such a young girl can give him a sense of danger.

Even though this young girl is the descendant of the Emperor, Ji Taisui frowned.

It seems that there are indeed many variables in this life.

This pair of brothers and sisters are not to be trifled with.

And Jun Xiaoyao, who was behind Yunxi, felt a little weird when he heard Yunxi's words, and also felt a little emotional.

In the past, it was Jun Xiaoyao who said, who would dare to touch my sister.

Now, it was Yunxi who said, who dares to touch my brother.

It can only be said that Feng Shui turns.

Unexpectedly, Jun Xiaoyao would one day be protected behind him.

"Xi'er, you succeeded." Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

"If it wasn't for my brother's protection, how could Xi'er get the inheritance of the Earth Emperor so smoothly."

Yunxi didn't turn her head, but turned her back to Jun Xiaoyao.

"That's what you deserve, even without me, you will get it after all." Jun Xiaoyao said with a smile.


Yunxi still turned her back to Jun Xiaoyao and said.

"Brother, do you still remember that Xi'er left Nandou World and came to look for you alone."

"In the end, he was captured in the dark sea of ​​stars, and I still need brother to save Xi'er."

"That's all in the past." Jun Xiaoyao said with a smile.

"At that time, Xi'er told those people that Yun Xiao was my elder brother."

"But they all just sneered. How could a weak person like me have such a glorious brother?"

"Xi'er, you..."

Jun Xiaoyao paused when he heard this.

He knew how hard Yunxi worked so hard all the way to practice.

"But now, is Xi'er able to do it?"

"No one will think that I, Yunxi, don't deserve to be Yunxiao's younger sister!"

Yunxi's voice trembled slightly.

"Xi'er, you did it."

Jun Xiaoyao smiled from the bottom of his heart.

This younger sister who accompanied her all the way from the Nandou world.

Finally, it has grown into one of the most eye-catching existences that no one can ignore!

Yunsheng Emperor's Palace Empress!

The only descendant of the Earth Emperor and Immortal Emperor!

Get the affirmation of Jun Xiaoyao.

Yunxi finally couldn't help but look back.

There is a gleam of crystal in the corner of the eye.

Then, she smiled.

Surprised the whole world!

"Xi'er...just want to stay by your side."

On Yunxi's body, a fairy glow rose.

That is the terrifying light of Feixian.

Not as before, just one.

This flying fairy light, Yunxi cast it again, as if it was as natural as breathing.

Even, in Yunxi's clear beautiful eyes, there is also a fairy glow.

"If you want to attack my brother, pass me first!"

Yunxi is like a flying fairy and goddess, with a peerless demeanor!

Ji Taisui had a condensed expression.

Now, let alone Jun Xiaoyao.

Even Yunxi made him feel uncontrollable.

Of course, this is not fear or dread.

However, facing Jun Xiaoyao and Yunxi, he was not fully sure.

More importantly, Ji Taisui didn't know what hole trick Yunxi got in Nine Colors Immortal Palace.

If there is any one-time magic weapon, he will be very embarrassed.

And Ji Taisui, as the ancient king sealed up in the Palace of Three Lives, is the most powerful evildoer.

It is even more Hongmeng Taoism.

He absolutely cannot be defeated.

Let alone a disastrous defeat.

Therefore, Ji Taisui just looked at Jun Xiaoyao coldly and said, "Does the majestic chaotic body only hide behind women?"

Hearing Ji Taisui's sarcasm, Jun Xiaoyao didn't feel anything.

He just said casually: "Why, I'm envious, I think it's a good feeling to eat soft rice."

Hearing this, Yunxi's expression showed a touch of joy.

She feels great too!

When the rest of the people heard this, they were also speechless for a while.

It seems that this overbearing Emperor Yunxiao also has a sense of humor.

Naturally, they would not think that Jun Xiaoyao was afraid.

On the contrary, I feel that Ji Taisui has scruples.

Ji Taisui shook his head slightly and sighed.

"In this great world, you and I will decide in the end, and there is no rush for this moment."

"It depends on who can sit on the throne of origin and take charge of the origin of the endless universe."

Ji Taisui did not make a move.

He felt that instead of now, he would make a move without knowing the outcome.

It's better to go back to the Hall of Three Lives first and cultivate his Hongmeng tree seedlings.

If it can grow into a real primordial tree.

Then he has great confidence.

In addition, there are many resources in the Palace of Three Lives waiting for him.

There is no need to beat life and death as soon as the seal is broken.

Ji Taisui turned around and was about to leave.

Then, he paused and looked at Li Xianyao.

"What about you, would you like to sit in my Palace of Three Lives?"

Ji Taisui also knew that the people of the Li nationality were related to the forces of the Three Emperors, and the forces of the Three Emperors also had some connection with the Palace of Three Lives.

The Li people should want to please him now.

However, Li Xianyao turned a blind eye and didn't even bother to say a word.

Although Li Sheng warned her to have a good relationship with Ji Taisui.

Because, if Ji Taisui is the heir of the emperor, then she is the queen of heaven.

But is it possible?

Even after learning the truth about Jiang Shengyi, Li Xianyao couldn't hate Jun Xiaoyao.

Seeing that Li Xianyao was indifferent, Ji Taisui shook his head slightly.

He didn't say anything, just escaped directly.

And Yuan Ruyi and other people from the Palace of Three Lives also followed behind.

In addition, Wen Hui Buddha also followed.

Jun Xiaoyao saw Wenhui Fozi.

He seemed to think of something, and there was a thought in his eyes.

"It seems that there will be even bigger disturbances after the Immortal Remains land passes."

"Ji Taisui, what can you do?"

Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

Here, Wenhui Fozi was a little happy in his heart.

Naturally, he would be most happy to see Ji Taisui and Jun Xiaoyao clashing.

Because, if he wanted to avenge Chen Xuan, he had to rely on the power of the Palace of Three Lives.

"Young Master I have something I want to tell you." Wen Hui asked impatiently.

Ji Taisui looked at him.

"It's about Yunxiao." Ask Hui Fozi.


Ji Taisui showed a hint of interest.

"It's about Xia Yuhua, the crown prince of the Great Xia Dynasty. She is Yun Xiao's lover, and her identity may be..."

Ask Hui Fozi to tell Ji Taisui something.

After listening, Ji Taisui showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Interesting, really interesting."

"It's a good show, it will be staged next..."

(end of this chapter)

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