Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2532 Genesis, God's Sin, Punishing on God's Behalf, Dominating the Seven Sins!

Jun Xiaoyao, fighting against eight ancient kings alone, is already abnormal enough.

In the eyes of everyone, as long as Jun Xiaoyao is not seriously injured, he is absolutely awesome.

Even if he is seriously injured, he is still honorable in defeat.

But what about now?

It is not a question of whether Jun Xiaoyao is seriously injured or not.

He is not injured at all.

Not only that, the most outrageous thing is that there is not even a trace of dust on his body.

This makes countless people not know what to say.

"Is this... this guy a pervert?"

On the Xuanyuan clan side, countless people were dumbfounded, and their expressions were very wonderful.

Xuanyuan Fengwu couldn't help but lose her voice and couldn't believe it.

But she thought about it and Jun Xiaoyao was indeed a pervert.

Otherwise, how could he leave words on her big white legs.

"It seems that when fighting with us at that time, Yun Xiao didn't even say that he was at full strength, and I'm afraid he didn't take it too seriously at all."

Prince Zhan clenched his fists, with a rare sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Thinking back to that time, in the heart of the world within the world, Jun Xiaoyao destroyed his spirit body with one punch.

He was still thinking about getting back at the enemy.

Now it seems ridiculous.

Jun Xiaoyao has never regarded him as an opponent.

The same is true for other forces.

Even Yuan Ruyi, who has a dignified and introverted personality.

At this moment, her flawless face was also filled with a hint of surprise.

She was thinking, if it was Ji Taisui, would he behave like this?

"This cousin is amazing."

On the Yunsheng Imperial Palace side, Yun Daoyi couldn't help but sigh.

On the other side, Yun Ruoshui had a hint of brilliance in his eyes.

This brother is too strong.

Compared with the amazement and shock of the onlookers.

In the field, the mood of the eight ancient evildoers can be imagined.

Each of them had a tense face.

"What kind of monster are you?"

Long Xiangtian and Feng Jiuxuan gritted their teeth and tried their best to recover from their injuries.

Jun Xiaoyao stood calmly.

In fact, the strength of these eight ancient evildoers is really not weak.

He is not completely unaffected.

For example, the magic power immunity divine ring on his body was directly broken.

At the same time, the Xumi world in his body was also shattered a lot.

Don't forget that the Xumi world, in addition to blessing power.

Itself, is also a layer of internal cell world.

It is equivalent to layer after layer of defense.

Under the impact of the outside world, these Xumi worlds will isolate the power.

And just now, a lot of Xumi worlds in Jun Xiaoyao's body were broken, and it is difficult to recover in a short time.

From here, it can be seen that the means and magical powers of these eight ancient evildoers are really not weak.

The only pity is that their opponent is Jun Xiaoyao.

A man who has never been defeated.

"Come again!"

The eyes of the eight people were all surging with unwillingness.

Things have developed to this point.

They are riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off, and they must fight.

They might be ashamed to defeat Jun Xiaoyao, but at least, they barely saved a little self-esteem.

But if the eight people were defeated together, it would not be as simple as humiliation.

It would be too shameful.

More seriously, in the fight for destiny in this life, they would all lose the protection of their destiny.

So they couldn't afford to lose this battle.

The eight people attacked again, and this time they really wanted to give up everything.

Xuanyuan Leiming pushed his immortal heavenly thunder body to the extreme, and even many thunder patterns appeared on his body.

"The Thunder God is coming!"

The sky was full of dark clouds, and the dark clouds were pressing down.

A bright lightning fell on Xuanyuan Leiming, and on his body, there seemed to be a vague shadow of the Thunder God, with a strong and compelling aura.

Xuanyuan Yuanchen also used his ultimate move, the Twelve Stars Opening Secret.

This is a method of increasing the soul.

His soul is a special star soul that can absorb the power of the nine stars.

At this moment, twelve stars appeared above his head.

This method can greatly enhance the power of his star soul, and then perform a terrifying soul move.

Xuanyuan Zongheng also performed Xuanyuan Jinshen, and took the ultimate move.

The three Yuanzi of heaven, earth and man, the three looked at each other, very straightforward and decisive.

They each sacrificed a sword, extremely sharp, and the sword energy of the three people combined.

It actually formed a mighty formation.

The Three Talents Sword Formation of Heaven, Earth and Man!

This sword formation was performed by the three people together, integrating and gathering all the power of the three people.

If it were other ancient monsters, they would definitely be killed if they fell into this sword formation.

Because this sword formation condensed and refined the power of the three people to the extreme.

Feng Jiuxuan also burned his own blood, and a terrifying light was swallowed in his eyes.

That was the Nine Phoenix Mysterious Light, the top great magical power of the Nine Phoenix clan. When the mysterious light came out, it annihilated the world.

Long Xiangtian did the same, displaying the bloodline magic skills of the Yinglong clan.

It can be said that at this moment, the eight people really showed their best moves.

Before they were fully released, the fluctuations had already made many people feel palpitations.

Even Yun Daoyi frowned.

He had experienced many of the unique skills, and they were very powerful.

But he had experienced them alone, not like now, eight people against one person.

Seeing this scene.

Jun Xiaoyao's fighting spirit was also aroused for the first time in a long time.

It was time for him to test his new moves.

Thinking of this, Jun Xiaoyao actually closed his eyes directly.

He closed his eyes and stood there, without any movement.

But in the sea of ​​consciousness, there is a terrifying secret power emerging.

It is a flower of seven sins, blooming and swaying.

Waves of terrifying power merged with the power of the soul.

Represents the seven major sins in people's hearts that can make people fall.

Greed, laziness, arrogance, jealousy, rage, gluttony, lust.

This is the power of the seven sins, and it is also a power that can make people fall into the abyss.

From the outside, Jun Xiaoyao just closed his eyes and stood there, without any movement.

"What's going on?"

Some people looked puzzled.

But for some reason, they always had an inexplicable feeling of palpitations.

The eight people in the field also frowned.

Only Xuanyuan Yuanchen, as a soul cultivator specializing in the soul, seemed to have vaguely sensed something.

A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes and said: "He seems to be about to use the soul's magical power."

"No matter, kill!"

Without any hesitation.

The eight people carried their own ultimate magical powers and suppressed him.

The brilliance of the magical powers intertwined with each other, turning into a brilliant and splendid torrent of destruction.

That was a real torrent of destruction. Among the quasi-emperors, I am afraid that not many could take it.

Yun Daoyi and Yun Ruoshui saw that Jun Xiaoyao had not made any move, so they clenched their hands slightly and prepared to attack.

And just when the torrent of destruction was about to hit Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao finally opened his eyes.

In an instant, all those who stared at Jun Xiaoyao's eyes felt a chill.

It was as if they had fallen into an endless abyss.

At the same time, an unimaginable terrifying soul power, accompanied by the power of the Seven Sins, spread wildly with Jun Xiaoyao as the center.

Wherever it passed, the soul storm tore apart all tangible substances.

Even the torrent of destruction was resisted.

Not only that, a strange soul field expanded with Jun Xiaoyao as the center.

All the creatures trapped in the field seemed to have fallen into the abyss of the Seven Sins in an instant.

The sins and evil deeds buried in his heart were directly aroused, disturbing his mind, like a ghost.

"Punish on behalf of God, dominate the seven sins."

"This is Genesis, the sin of God!"

Jun Xiaoyao's cold words resounded in everyone's ears!

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