Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2000: Strong reinforcements come, people from the world come from the world, the proud youn

It seems to be because there may be a monster on the black disaster reward list.

The expressions of all the Tianjiao present were very serious.

An old man, feeling the worries of the heavenly pride, continued.

"However, don't worry, we will find a way."

"The news here will be passed on, and maybe a group of reinforcements can be invited to assist."

Although there are Jun Xiaoyao, Yun Xuanxu, Xiahou Shenzang and other imperial clan arrogance.

There are also Fanqing Lanterns and other talents of the Three Religions.

But no matter how strong these people are, it is impossible to deal with all the talents of the Ba clan.

It is even more uncertain for those Tianjiao who are on the black disaster reward list.

Therefore, inviting some reinforcements would be a way to make up for it.

Of course, these invited reinforcements can only be at the Primal Chaos Realm at best.

If you surpass the Taoist Priest of Chaos, you will not be able to join the battlefield.

Hearing this, Tianjiao relaxed a little bit, but still worried.

Even with strong support joining, their situation is still not good, and there will be great danger.

Moreover, there are already some imperial clan's arrogance and young kings present.

Please ask for reinforcements again, where should I go?

Many Tianjiao think so.

The Tianjiao they are present at the moment may not be said to be the best group in Jiehai, but they are not far behind.

Not to mention the absolute top-notch existence of Jun Xiaoyao.

If you look for strong support again, how strong can you go?

"Could it be that the people there will come..."

Some Tianjiao had a flash of inspiration in their minds, and suddenly thought of a place.

If it is there, maybe a group of elite backbones will come to support.

After that, the Tianjiao also began to prepare.

Some elders even became teachers and began to teach these arrogances about the law and the way.

At the same time, tell them some experience and weaknesses of the Zhanba clan.

Although there is some intention to temporarily drive the ducks to the shelves, there is no other way other than that.

If the winning rate can be increased a little, it is possible to save a young life.

And this is also about morale, if it is suppressed, it will be defeated.

The morale of the entire Dongling Pass will also be affected.

However, not all arrogance needs to be cramped temporarily.

Jun Xiaoyao, sitting cross-legged in his mansion alone.

He was very calm, calm.

For him, this battle is a means to obtain meritorious service, nothing more.

For a monk, a month is but a snap of the fingers, fleeting.

Soon, the day of the battle came.

The Tianjiao of Dongling Pass is about to fight against the Tianjiao of the Ba clan.

And this battle is different from the previous ones, there will be an extremely monstrous Ba clan Tianjiao appearing.

There may even be peerless characters on the black disaster reward list!

Therefore, this battle is very heavy for Tianjiao in Dongling Pass, and it is a matter of life and death.

But now, no one backs down.

If you are timid and shrink back at this time, it can be said that your reputation will be completely stinky, and you will have a face to gain a foothold in the world shipwreck in the future.

The Tianjiao who can come here to experience experience all have the dream of being famous in the world, how could they ruin their reputation like this.

Soon, on the majestic and wide walls of the Three Emperors' Fortress.

A group of Tianjiao gathered here, and they all arrived.

Jun Xiaoyao also came, his expression was indifferent, in stark contrast to the anxiety of some Tianjiao.

"Didn't you say that there will be strong support, why hasn't it come yet?"

"Do we have to face it ourselves?"

Some Tianjiao are discussing.

Although the arrival of strong support may not necessarily save the lives of all of them.

But having a helping hand is better than nothing, and it can also share some pressure.

"Don't worry, they should be here soon." An old man said.

Just when his voice fell.

In the void in the distance, the light of the teleportation array lit up.

A group of people with extraordinary temperament stepped out of it, with deep breath and staring eyes.

Not many people came, only about ten people.

But the aura of each of them is very strong, and the weakest one is also in the realm of good fortune gods.

Compared with Jiehai's Tianjiao, it is generally a higher level.

Of course, strictly speaking, in terms of age, they are much more numerous than the current world's top talents.

But for monks, they can still be classified as the younger generation, not the older generation.

"they are…"

Some Tianjiao showed sudden expressions.

Sure enough, they guessed it right, the reinforcements came from that place.

"They come from the Realm of the Realm, they are young warriors from the Human Emperor's Hall and the Earth Emperor's Palace. They are willing to lend a helping hand and come to assist in this great battle." An old man said.

"Boundary within the realm..."

Hearing this name, many Tianjiao's eyes showed yearning.

After all, it can be said to be one of the most prestigious places in Jiehai.

The power of the Three Emperors is also well-known.

However, people from the realm in the realm generally don't go to other places in the realm, so they are rarely seen.

The dozen or so young warriors from the Realm of Realm came to the city wall.

They are male and female, all dressed in armor and holding magical weapons.

The man is majestic, while the woman is heroic.

However, many of them had a calm attitude. When they saw the people present, they didn't mean to say hello.

With a kind of conceit and arrogance, as if he is the savior who came, he looks down on anyone.

"Friends in Jiezhongjie, thank you for coming and helping."

You Tianjiao took the initiative to communicate, with a hint of flattery.

It's not bad to be able to get in touch with people in the world in the world.

However, one of the young warriors simply ignored it.

This made the Tianjiao a little embarrassed.

Then, another Tianjiao of the Imperial Clan stood up and said.

"Fellow daoists in the world of the world, with your help, it is like a tiger with wings added. It seems that we are safe for this appointment."

This proud emperor of the imperial clan took the initiative to express his kindness and wanted to ease the atmosphere.

After all, they will fight side by side on the same battlefield.

Seeing Tianjiao of the Imperial Clan speak, a young warrior finally spoke, but his words were sharp.

"We are here to save you, to save you from being completely wiped out by the Ba clan, and to damage the morale of our Jiehai."

As soon as these words came out, Tianjiao's expression changed.

Even Tianjiao of the Imperial Clan frowned.

People in the realm of the realm are too arrogant!

Even Xiahou Shenzang and the others frowned.

However, no one dared to take the initiative to say anything, let alone refute these young warriors in the realm of the realm.

After all, they are indeed a strong support, and they are the main force to deal with those arrogances on the reward list.

If they are offended and they leave in a fit of anger, the result will be even worse.

Therefore, Tianjiao who was present could only swallow his anger.

"Hmph, it's just a battle, and we need to help."

"The younger generation in Jiehai is really not as good as the previous generation."

Some warriors exchanged words with disdain.

It was as if the world within their realm was not the same world as Jiehai.

There are even some young looking at Jun Xiaoyao with a vague sense of scrutiny.

Seeing this, Jun Xiaoyao knew that one of them might target him.

After all, he had conflicts with Renhuangdian and Dihuanggong, and the relationship was definitely not good.

And Jun Xiaoyao will not accommodate these generals with their nostrils turned upside down.

"It's just a bunch of toads watching the sky from a well. Do you really regard yourself as the savior?"

"The realm in your realm is just one of the thousands of worlds in the realm, so what's so special about it?"

Hearing this, the audience fell silent.

His eyes turned to Jun Xiaoyao.

Only Jun Xiaoyao, with this status and qualifications, dares to say such things to people from the world in the world.

Because, he once crushed the descendants of the Human Emperor's Palace!

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