Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 1982: Killing the Daoist Dzogchen corpse dragon, 7th class meritorious service

Although Lu Xingling is not afraid of life and death, it does not mean that she is reckless.

In the current situation, if it were her, she would retreat directly, find the commander, and let stronger troops deal with it.

A head-to-head attack is just hitting a stone with an egg.

Lu Xingling was not so reckless as to commit suicide.

But now, there is Jun Xiaoyao.

She also wants to listen to Jun Xiaoyao's opinion.

"The existence in the black mist, if it can be investigated clearly, or even dealt with, it may be a great achievement."

Jun Xiaoyao said.

"But..." Lu Xingling hesitated.

Although it is conceivable that the completion of this matter will definitely not be less meritorious.

But you have to have that life to enjoy.

"Xing Ling, do you trust me?"

Jun Xiaoyao suddenly looked fixedly at Lu Xingling.

Lu Xingling was taken aback for a moment, his eyes lowered subconsciously, as if he didn't dare to look at Jun Xiaoyao.

But instead, she raised her eyes again, and looked at Jun Xiaoyao.

"If Young Master Yun Xiao wants to do it, my 72nd team is willing to accompany me!"

Lu Xingling rarely gambles.

Because she was not only responsible for herself, but also for the lives of the members of the entire Seventy-two Squad.

It was impossible for her to put the lives of the entire team at risk just because of her impulsiveness.

But now, Jun Xiaoyao gave her a kind of confidence.

"If you succeed this time, your seventy-two team will probably become famous throughout Dongling Pass."

Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

Lu Xingling also nodded.

However, she is not mainly for fame, but to contribute to the Three Emperors Barrier.

After that, Jun Xiaoyao and others also made some plans.

In fact, there is no plan.

It was Lu Xingling and others who helped divert a group of firepower.

Jun Xiaoyao went directly to the black mountain to investigate the situation.

It can be said that in this case, Lu Xingling and others are in danger.

But Jun Xiaoyao is in great danger.

Because no one knows what is in that black mist!

"My lord, it's too dangerous for you to do this."

Lu Xingling said with concern.

It's not because she has special feelings for Jun Xiaoyao.

It was because Jun Xiaoyao joined her team, and she was responsible for Jun Xiaoyao's life.

This is her responsibility as the captain of the seventy-two team.

"Don't worry about me, as the young master of the imperial clan, will I have less magic weapons for protection?"

"You guys have to be careful."

As Jun Xiaoyao said, he once again took out a ball of water from the Spring of Life and distributed it to everyone.

In a crisis, this is a life-saving thing.

Jun Xiaoyao's actions undoubtedly won the favor of everyone present again.

Especially the blind old monk and the one-armed monk, looked at Jun Xiaoyao, then at Lu Xingling.

He thought to himself, if Lu Xingling could follow Jun Xiaoyao, it would be a good destination.

Next, Lu Xingling and the others formed a battle formation and directly attacked.

The fluctuation of his shot instantly attracted the attention of the monster.


The golden giant tiger and the black flood dragon both roared and rushed towards Lu Xingling and the others.

There are also other mourning monsters, which also turned into black tides and came surging.

Seeing this, Lu Xingling directly led the team and fled towards the distance.

However, the corpse dragon with the most ferocious aura, which was cultivated at the Great Perfection of Primal Chaos Daoist, did not move.

Just quietly guarding the halfway up the black mountain.

"It's really weird."

When Jun Xiaoyao saw this, he was completely sure.

In the black mist, there should be a certain existence.

The corpse dragon is the guard.

He already had a guess in his mind.

Without further ado.

It is obviously impossible for Lu Xingling and the others to delay for too long.

Jun Xiaoyao stepped out of the void step by step.

Under his feet, there are mysterious spatial fluctuations flowing.

Possessing the empty book, one of the nine heavenly books, Jun Xiaoyao's control over the way of space has also reached an extremely profound level.

He seemed to travel through the void, and the next moment, he appeared on the black mountain.


The arrival of Jun Xiaoyao immediately made the corpse dragon roar.

The corrosive dragon's breath spewed towards Jun Xiaoyao, and even the void would be corroded, making a scorching sound.

Even Dao Zun of the same level can't bear this kind of breath. If it is contaminated, the body and soul will be corroded.

Jun Xiaoyao directly opened the mana immunity ring.

There are hundreds of **** rings, like layers of worlds, surrounding the guard Jun Xiaoyao.

The corrosive dragon's breath fell on it, and immediately disappeared into the invisible.

Jun Xiaoyao took a step across, landed in front of the corpse dragon, and punched out simply.


It was as if a giant was beating a drum, and there was a muffled hum.

The corpse dragon was directly shaken back by a punch, and a deep fist mark appeared on the dragon's body.

It roared, and the dragon eyes were scarlet, obviously irritated and berserk.


Jun Xiaoyao's eyes showed strange colors.

Although he is a simple punch, but not everyone can afford it.

This corpse dragon is originally the Great Perfection of Primal Chaos Daoist.

In addition, the strength of the dragon clan is not weak.

In addition, because of being contaminated with a strange atmosphere, he became depraved and stronger.

It can be said that even the Dzogchen monks of the same level of Chaos Daoist can hardly cope with such existence.

That's why it's impossible for Jun Xiaoyao to slap the dead dragon with one palm like he slapped the dead swallowing bird.

It is not easy for people at the forbidden level to deal with this corpse dragon.

Let alone beheading it.

But for Jun Xiaoyao, this is just a little more effort.

He raised his palm to control the thunder winding.

It seems that there are four thunder worlds, suppressing the corpse dragon.

This is a supernatural power that Jun Xiaoyao hasn't used for a long time, the unique skill among Lei Di's great supernatural powers, the four extremes of thunder.

Although Jun Xiaoyao had many supernatural powers before, he could no longer keep up with his strength.

But these supernatural powers are still effective and can exert amazing power.

Such as the great supernatural power of Kunpeng, the great supernatural power of Thunder Emperor, the great supernatural power of gods and demons, etc.

And the thunder power of Zhigang Zhiyang is obviously the strongest restraint effect on this corpse dragon.

Sure enough, the body of the corpse dragon began to crumble, with sparks flickering.

The corpse aura in it was dispelled by the powerful thunder force.

Jun Xiaoyao once again mobilized the power of millions of Sumeru worlds in his body, and smashed it down with one punch!

Like a punch from a god, it smashes the universe!

The corpse dragon with no match in its body was pierced immediately, turning into fragments and blasting in all directions.

A corpse dragon that had a headache even breaking the ban-level arrogance was solved by Jun Xiaoyao in twos and twos.

Of course, the main reason is that Jun Xiaoyao used the method of restraint, otherwise the corpse dragon would not be so fragile.

Just after Jun Xiaoyao killed the corpse dragon.

His medal of merit trembled again.

"Seventh class meritorious service, not bad."

This corpse dragon really has a higher merit than the previous Sky Swallowing Sparrow.

But for Jun Xiaoyao, this kind of feat can only be considered okay, and it can't make him feel any disturbance.

After solving the obstacles, Jun Xiaoyao stepped directly onto the top of the black mountain and into the thick black mist.

Jun Xiaoyao's body trembled, releasing the qi and blood of the ancient sacrament to disperse the strange black mist around it.

Finally, he saw the existence in the black mist!

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