Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 1959: Li Wushuang was deflated again, refining the core, becoming the strongest...

As the saying goes, there are no more than three things.

It started when he met Jun Xiaoyao.

In the Xuanhuang universe, he was deflated for the first time.

In the world of Guchen, the world in the center of the earth, it was deflated for the second time.

And now, he was deflated for the third time.

Who can tell him what is going on?

And Jun Xiaoyao, dressed in white clothes, leaning against the gate of the emperor's sky, like an unworldly god.

He smiled lightly and said with contempt.

"You can comprehend the door of all wonders, and you are worthy of your status as the Emperor of War."

"But... you have to know that although you have the origin of the three religions, your origin of Taoism is nothing but the source of ten thousand ways."

"And my Great Sacred Heart is the sublimated origin."

"Do you think the vision of the Heavenly Gate driven by the source of ten thousand ways can be compared with the vision of the Heavenly Gate after my ascension?"

If it is said that what Jun Xiaoyao harbors is the heart of grandeur.

Then maybe Li Wushuang can still fight Jun Xiaoyao in terms of Tianmen Vision.

But the problem is that he is only the source of ten thousand ways, not the sublimated true source of ten thousand ways.

Jun Xiaoyao is the sublimated Haoran Sacred Heart.

The gap is here.

Not to mention, Jun Xiaoyao used to practice with Confucian Immortal Weapons and Tianzhang Holy Scroll before.

The understanding of Confucianism has reached an extremely deep level.

Although Li Wushuang is not bad, but he is a fellow practitioner of the three religions after all, and his energy is divided into three parts. Naturally, it is impossible for him to comprehend so deeply like Jun Xiaoyao.

Therefore, it is only natural to lose.


Li Wushuang could not refute.

In fact, his research and comprehension of the Three Religions is already extremely deep.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to create a martial art that specifically targeted the supernatural powers of the Three Religions, such as the Battle Emperor Xuan Gong.

But the problem is that Jun Xiaoyao's comprehension is deeper than his.

This is difficult.

"Sure enough, he will be the second Dao Emperor in the future..."

Li Wushuang's eyes were cold.

He found that Jun Xiaoyao was so similar to that Daohuang.

They all have the strength of monsters, and they can study extremely deeply in their respective ways, and they can't even be affected by the Zhanhuang Xuangong.

If Jun Xiaoyao really became the second Dao Emperor.

So what will Li Wushuang do in the future, will he face two dao emperors?

Just when Li Wushuang was in a tangled mood.

Jun Xiaoyao raised his palm again, and a chessboard floated up and down in his palm.

"It's that type of binding supernatural power!"

Li Wushuang's eyes flashed.

Fangcai Jun Xiaoyao relied on this move to close the door and beat the dog, killing the three kings of the Ba clan, Mai Tianjiao.

Li Wushuang didn't want to be trapped by this supernatural power rashly.

Besides, if you continue to delay.

If his identity is exposed, the consequences will be disastrous.

And Li Qinghan is still here, he also has scruples.

So after thinking about it, Li Wushuang still gritted his teeth and retreated.

"Want to go?"

Jun Xiaoyao threw out a palm on purpose.

In fact, it is to release water.

He didn't want to expose Li Wushuang's identity now, it was meaningless.

Li Wushuang fled away like a ray of light.


Jun Xiaoyao shook his head lightly.

Instead, he suppressed the Emperor Heaven's Gate to the group of Ba clan creatures.

Soon, the group of Ba creatures were also crushed to death one by one, as easily as stepping on ants.

"Young Master Yunxiao is mighty!"

The three sects cheered.

"It's not over yet."

Jun Xiaoyao landed directly in front of the small golden tripod and grabbed it.

Then, Jun Xiaoyao integrated the golden tripod into his body.

This small golden tripod is not an entity, but the control center and core source of Dayan Dao Ding.

Seeing this, Tianjiao was present, and no one stopped him.

Jun Xiaoyao reversed the situation with his own power.

He naturally deserved the greatest opportunity.

And with the golden small cauldron being refined.

Jun Xiaoyao suddenly felt a feeling in his heart.

It seems that the space of the Three Saints, and even the entire Dayan Dao Cauldron, resonated with each other.

This feeling is just like when he was in Xuanhuang Universe.

Gradually, I have a sense of control over the Xuanhuang universe.

And at the same time.

Dimensional starry sky.

A majestic black shadow came across the void, making the place tremble, and the stars fell like a meteorite rain.

It was a majestic phantom with a terrifying momentum, and the power of desolation filled the world.

"Dare to kill the heir of the emperor, you will have no way out!"

This second-generation king blood of the Ba clan is Xin Xing's father, named Yuan Rong.

His strength was not top-notch among the second generation emperors of the Ba clan, but he was not bad either.

At this moment, between Yuan Rong's probes, he captured Dayan Dao Ding in the depths of the dimensional starry sky.

Dayan Dao Ding, extremely majestic, deep in the dimensional starry sky.

Dingkou is like an ancient star field.

It can be said that this is definitely not something that can be easily taken away, otherwise it will not always exist here.

But at this moment, Yuan Rong stretched out his hand, and the terrifying laws were intertwined into a magic palm that has been covering the sky and the sun.

To take away the entire Dayan Dao Cauldron, as for the elites of the Three Religions, it is naturally inevitable that they will not be spared.

"Yuan Rong, you dare to descend into the critical sea with your real body!"

At this time, a group of strong men from the Three Religions also rushed over.

In Dayan Dao Ding, they are all the elites of the three religions, and nothing can happen.

Among the three religions, there is a quasi-emperor who wants to stop Yuan Rong.

However, Yuan Rong struck out with the other hand, almost ruining the heavens.

That desolate power permeates, even the stars will dry up, lose their brilliance, and fall down.

This is not the three kings of the Ba clan, but just a second-generation emperor of the Ba clan, who has such power.

It is conceivable that the Ba clan is a terrifying black disaster clan.

One hit.

The quasi-emperor powerhouses of the three religions all regressed again and again, coughing up blood.

But at this moment, a cold melody suddenly sounded.

"Yuan Rong, do you really think that our three religions have no defense at all?"

As the words came out, a delicate and beautiful woman dressed in a blue cheongsam and holding a round fan appeared in the void.

It is Yan Fuzi, Yan Qinghua, Jixia Xuegong.

On the other side of the void, a middle-aged man in Taoist robes with a whisk in hand appeared, also carrying Emperor Wei.

There was also an old man in a golden cassock, with a Buddha ring covering the back of his head, and the Buddha charm was leisurely.

"You guys had planned..."

Yuan Rong looked cold.

Without any nonsense, Yan Qinghua and the three top three religions directly attacked and besieged Yuanrong.

There is no so-called fairness between Jiehai and the Black Calamity Clan.

Kill one to earn one.

A one-on-one fair fight or something is simply a joke.

And at this moment.

A magic hand suddenly came through the air and joined the battlefield.

It was a tall specter with an iron mask on its face and a pair of dark eyes, as breathtaking as an abyss.

"Devil God General, you dare to show up!"

The Taoist robed man holding a fly whisk from Sanqing Daomen shouted The phantom that appeared was obviously a demon general who was imprisoned in the dungeon of the prison of the Three Religions before, and then released by Chu Feifei's design.

"Hmph, I will always remember the pain that you three religions gave me."

Demon God will also join the battle.

The situation was chaotic for a while.

One side is the strongest of the three religions.

On one side is the second generation emperor of the Ba clan, and the demon general of the Doomsday Sect.

I'm afraid that before coming here, no one would have imagined that a three-teacher experience would detonate a battle between the strongest of all parties.

And just as the battle was in full swing.

In Dayan Dao Cauldron, Jun Xiaoyao, who had refined the small golden cauldron, had a certain understanding in his eyes.


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