Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 1923: The return of the emperor of war, the former forbidden area, the three major assassin

In the square where the faceless statue is located, Li Wushuang stood with his hands behind his back, his expression light.

Although he was wearing a black robe, he also wore a mask on his face.

But it was still hard to hide that scornful temperament.

To put it simply, it is the air of dominance.

It gives a sense of grandeur.

"What the **** is this person trying to do, pretending to be a ghost!"

Some monks from the ancient Yan clan were all confused.

"Hmph, no one has dared to come to my ancient Yan clan to make trouble..."

An elder of the ancient Yan clan was about to take action.

At this moment, there was a loud scream.


Yan Jing in a palace uniform appeared.


All the people from the Yan Clan present hand in hand.

"Oh, you are the contemporary patriarch of the ancient Yan clan?"

Li Wushuang looked lightly.

He was also a little surprised that the patriarch of the ancient Yan clan turned out to be a woman.

"Presumptuous, dare to treat our patriarch like this!"

Some Yan clan elders scolded.

"Shut up!"

Yan Jing drank again.

She looked at Li Wushuang with a hint of surprise on her expression.

"Could it be that Your Excellency is... that adult..." Yan Jing asked tentatively.

She wasn't entirely sure either.

Li Wushuang nodded lightly and said: "Well, that place, you have been guarding it."

Hearing this sentence, Yan Jing was immediately determined.

It's really the old man coming back!

"I don't know if it's the return of the adults, Yan Jing has offended a lot, and I hope to forgive her..."

Yan Jing's tone was filled with excitement and trembling.

This is a former generation of fierce people!

Before, even Yan Jing herself doubted whether that one would come back.

Or, it's just a false legend.

But now, who would have thought that a real person would appear in front of him.

And the countless people from the ancient Yan clan were all stunned.

Why would their patriarch be so respectful to an uninvited guest?

Moreover, although this person has a deep breath, he is definitely not at the level of a quasi-emperor.

Their ancient Yan clan did not need to be afraid of anything at all?

Feel those shocked, puzzled, surprised expressions.

Under the mask, the corners of Li Wushuang's lips slowly twitched.

This kind of cool feeling of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is not bad.

"Find a quiet place to talk first."

Li Wushuang said.

He didn't want to say anything in public.

"Understood, please come with me, my lord."

Yan Jing behaved respectfully and led Li Wushuang to the depths of her ancestral land.

All that was left was a group of people from the ancient Yan clan who were shocked and petrified.


Li Wushuang came to the depths of the ancestral land of the ancient Yan family.

Except for Yan Jing.

The other ancestors of the ancient Yan clan were also disturbed.

After learning about Li Wushuang's identity, they were all respectful.

Although Li Wushuang's cultivation base is far from being able to deter them.

But that kind of reverence comes from the bones.

After all, the predecessor of the ancient Yan clan was also a member of the War Emperor's Mansion.

Moreover, Ruo Doutian War Emperor did not arrange their ancient Yan clan in the ancient world.

Their ancient Yan clan could not be as prosperous as they are today.

"That place, no one should have been there now."

In the depths of the ancestral land, Li Wushuang sat at the head and said lightly.

Before, eating at Jun Xiaoyao's place made Li Wushuang unhappy.

And now, he finally regained a little bit of the feeling of standing above ten thousand people as a battle emperor.

"Master Hui Zhanhuang, my ancient Yan clan has been guarding in the ancient world, and no other forces have invaded."

"And that place has always been classified as a forbidden area, and no one dares to enter..."

Yan Jing respectfully said.

"Well, that's good, then arrange the manpower and go to that place together."

Li Wushuang said.

That place is also a forbidden place, with many dangers.

The Doutian Battle Emperor in the previous life was extremely cultivated, so naturally he didn't care, and he could enter and leave it at will.

But now, Li Wushuang's cultivation base is only the creation of God Venerable, not extremely strong.

Therefore, it is natural to need the assistance of the strong people of the Yan clan.


Yan Jing and several ancestors of the ancient Yan clan bowed their hands respectfully.

"When you get back this important opportunity, Yun Xiao, why should you be afraid."

Li Wushuang sneered in his heart.

This side of the dark sea of ​​stars.

In another city comparable to Blood Moon City.

Inside an inn.

A man entered.

Strangely, this inn is not very popular.

There was only one old shopkeeper at the front desk.

And the man who entered it.

Naturally, it was a follower of the emperor of the red dust who was knocked away by Jun Xiaoyao.

Seeing the old shopkeeper, the man said, "Huangquanmen, there is a business here, do you dare to do it?"

Huangquanmen, it is the Dark Star Sea, one of the famous Assassin organizations of the immortal power level.

"Hehe, interesting, as long as the money is enough, is there any business that our Huangquanmen dare not do?"

The old shopkeeper wiped the jade bowl in his hand with one hand and smiled lightly.

"The target of the assassination is Yun Xiao, the young master of the Yun family, who is now in Blood Moon City."


The old shopkeeper's hand shook, and the jade bowl fell from his hand.

Just now, he also said that there is no business that he dare not do.

However, when he heard the name of the Young Master of the Yun family, the old shopkeeper felt a little groaning in his heart. really a problem.

As an assassin organization, the news is naturally the most well-informed.

And about Jun Xiaoyao, even if you don't ask about it deliberately, it's like thunder.

The old shopkeeper is afraid, if he does this, let alone Huangquanmen.

Even the entire Dark Star Sea will be razed to the ground by the Yun family.

"Why, I'm afraid, but you Huangquanmen seem to belong to the Dark Alliance."

"With the big boss of the Dark Alliance, are you still afraid of the young master of the Yun family?"

man said.

"This, please ask the old man to ask the superior."

The old shopkeeper said.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

The man left.

Looking at the back of his departure, the old shopkeeper's eyes flashed a hint of thought. UU Reading

"He should be the follower of the Emperor Hongchen. Could it be that the Emperor Hongchen wants to take action against the Young Master Yun?"

Emperor Hongchen is the son of Emperor Hongchen.

And the young master of Yun's is the son of Tianya Emperor.

"Tsk tsk, this is a big boss to a boss, you should ask your superiors first."

"When gods fight, mortals suffer. If you make the wrong choice, you may be in danger of life and death..."

The old shopkeeper shook his head.

After leaving a hall in Huangquanmen, the man had a sneer of disdain on his face.

"I knew they would be a little cowardly and couldn't pin all their hopes on one family."

Later, the man went to find another two, in the dark sea of ​​stars, the killer organization as famous as Huangquanmen.

Ghost Gate Pass, Blood Luo Valley.

None of them promised the man the first time, and also said that they would ask their superiors for instructions.

"What the **** is going on, that Yun Xiao's reputation has become so big that even the killer organization of the Dark Star Sea dare not do anything to him?"

The man frowned.

It may be that he is used to following the emperor of Hongchen, which causes him to be a little over-the-top, thinking that there is no one who dares to provoke him.

Finally, after a few days.

The three major killer organizations agreed with the man to meet in one place.

"Have you finally made a decision?"

The man looked at the people from the three major killer organizations who appeared.


A killer from Huangquanmen walked out.

"You can go now."

The man said lightly.


The people of the three major killer organizations did not move, just stared at the man.


The man's eyes trembled, and his heart seemed to stop beating.

"Oh shit!"

He's not stupid either, he just retreats.

The killer assassins of the three major killer organizations, all shot!


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