Adjectives, adverbs, tense states... Wu Bin barely saw that the topics in the workbook were very targeted and probably understandable, but his word volume was too great. Lack, every time he did a question he had 3 or 4 unfamiliar words to look up the dictionary, but this did not make him feel uncomfortable, but it aroused his strong desire to learn!

However, there is no shortcut to accumulating vocabulary. There is only one "recitation" word. Wu Bin also gave up the troublesome problem and prepared to go back to the dormitory and take out those dusty English books. Say it again and again.

'There should be dozens of English books to memorize, thieves are exciting! '

Inwardly, Wu Bin reluctantly closed the English workbook and pulled out a Mathematics workbook.

Given set A={x∣x2-2x-3≤0}, B={x∣y=ln(2-x)}, then A∩B=()


The first question that catches the eye is given to Wu Bin I don’t understand...I don’t understand at all. Wu Bin can’t help but shook his head

'I’m too culinary... I can’t help it. I’ll find the guide later, it’s not right. , Find a teacher. '

Mathematics is useless by hard work alone. It needs understanding. This makes Wu Bin's competitive spirit burn up. Mathematics is amazing, right? Wait, brother Will find a way to overwhelm you.

Throwing the Mathematics workbook aside, Wu Bin began to search for other subject workbooks. He didn’t plan to rush to the teacher for advice now. Now he lacks too many things and needs Only by systematically categorizing it and making a good study plan can you fully improve your strength and defeat the high-ranking Bookworm!

In a short time, Wu Bin felt that the bronze ranks of the king appeared on the heads of the students around him, and he stepped on them to climb up or was very interesting to think about it.

In the joy of learning, the lunch break quickly passed. One or two classes in the afternoon of the class schedule were physical education, but the Mathematics teacher walked into the classroom.

"Your physical education teacher probably has a stomachache, I'll take this class for him."

It seems that I have become accustomed to it. The students below are even complaining about this perfunctory reason for rushing classes. I don’t even bother to make a voice, although most people know that Dao Body education teacher is just sitting in the office and playing hearthstone...

There are basically no new knowledge points in the third year of high school. Most of the time in class is not doing papers. It is about papers, and in this physical education class, it is the turn to do papers.

When the Mathematics paper was passed to Wu Bin's hands, he casually scanned it and felt confident that he wouldn't even know one of the above questions. Knowing that he might have to force the anus, it was reckless. Husband, so Wu Bin decided to continue to make up other lessons.

Mathematics teacher Liu Yushan, holding a transparent vacuum flask, walked a few steps beside the podium, his sharp eyes swept down, and he found Wu Bin doing small movements underneath, but he just shook his head. He didn't mean to reprimand him. He couldn't save him if he completely gave up his students, so as long as Wu Bin didn't affect other students, Liu Yushan regarded him as non-existent.

Language, like English, requires a lot of reading. As long as you thoroughly understand both classical Chinese and reading comprehension, you can score a lot of points.

Moreover, for language, unlike Mathematics, which requires the foundation of the first year and second year of high school, and the embarrassment of not knowing words like English, you can just take this exercise from the belly of the table and put the above questions done, understand, we are all improved.

In addition, Wu Bin is a science student, and his comprehensive questions are all Heavenly Book for him, so he immediately happily decided to devote all to the language this afternoon.

When school is about to be over, Wu Bin feels that he has become acquainted with Tao Yuanming and Wang Bo, two great abilities, and he is definitely the kind that can be cited as a confidant.

"I made these two sets of papers today. I will give lectures tomorrow morning. The class representatives will keep them for a while. The others will go to eat."

Wait until Liu Fang, the teacher of the English class, finishes his assignments. The students in the class left the classroom moved towards the cafeteria one after another. Wu Bin also slowly walked out of the classroom with his native language documents, but he was photographed from behind just after two steps.

I looked back and found that it was Xu Hao, and asked: "What's wrong?"

"That...your head doesn't hurt anymore?" Xu Hao scratched his head for a long time. Suffocated such a sentence.

"I said it didn't hurt anymore." Wu Bin shook his head.

"Why don't I go to the Internet cafe that night? I'm just two hands away from the qualifying match." Xu Hao said, putting his hands together and making a plea, "Great God, help me."

"No, I will do a self-study in the evening." Wu Bin refused without hesitation.


Looking at Wu Bin's way of learning to make me happy, Xu Hao is really dumbfounded, this guy will not fall into the second personality Right?

In the knowledge of Xu Hao, Wu Bin is a person who is addicted to games. When playing a game, it is completely day and night. All night and everything are just basic operations. It is also common for the liver to stay up for two consecutive days and two nights in the same game.

And what convinces Xu Hao the most is that even if it is the kind of level that he thinks is very boring, Wu Bin can enjoy the strategy for several days until he passes the level. It is definitely one. Kind of heartfelt and deep love for the game.

But such a Wu Bin, now he chooses to study between going to an Internet cafe and studying without the slightest hesitation? ? ?

Looking at Wu Bin, who was walking away with a Chinese document in his hand, Xu Hao couldn't help scratching his head for a while, and couldn't help muttering, "Isn't my head dropped by someone..."

And goodbye Wu Bin didn’t plan to go to the cafeteria. Instead, he planned to go back to the dormitory to find out the previous books and workbooks. When he thought of the many exercises and papers in the box that he hadn’t done yet, he was waiting for him to pamper him. Excited Wu Bin walked much faster.

After trotting back to the dormitory, Wu Bin quickly dragged out a cardboard box under his bed. Although he didn’t like to study before, he relied on "What if one day I want to study." The idea is to keep all the books and workbooks perfect.

"Unexpectedly, this day has really come. "Wu Bin rubbed the brand-new "Famous Master No. 1" and sighed.

When studying in the evening, Wu Bin filled a table with the books and workbooks he had brought over, most of them were Mathematics and Lizong are used to patch up the basis of all vulnerabilities.

But it is obvious that Wu Bin underestimated the difficulty of Mathematics...

"I explain You Pippi Shrimp! "This question asks for banana milk, please!" "Wow, why is this triangle so oily!" ”

“pu... ”

When Wu Bin and the wish one of Mathematics were dead, the girl at the next table suddenly couldn’t help but laughed and found Wu Bin hurriedly coughed and blushed after seeing it. "

"Okay, okay, I really didn't hold it back, pay attention next time. "Wu Bin apologized and continued reading.

The girl sitting at the table next to Wu Bin is Mathematics representative Pei Jiamin. From this afternoon, or to be precise, it was noon, she felt it The abnormality of her neighbor table, you must know that her neighbor table has been used to lower the average score of the class all the year round. Don't talk about gnawing books in class, and not sleeping on your stomach can even give the teacher a lot of face.

But today, he is uncharacteristically. For example, during the Mathematics exam, Pei Jiamin looked at Wu Bin who was doing small movements under the table out of curiosity, only to find that he was actually reading a language essay, and he was shaking his head. He looked very absorbed, as if he was watching some interesting novels and comics, and kept this state until after school.

Then studying in the evening, Pei Jiamin found that he was reading the Mathematics book again, a little bit I glanced at the content and found that it was still a freshman.

At first Pei Jiamin was also worried that Wu Bin would come to ask herself questions. After all, she did not encounter this situation once or twice. When Mathematics was not good, suddenly her mind was hot and she wanted to work hard, so she came to ask her with a question, and then persisted for two or three days. After 3 minutes of heat passed, she became a salty fish again, and she had something to do. The feeling of useless work.

But until the end of the evening self-study, the things Pei Jiamin worried about did not happen. Wu Bin just flipped through the book silently by himself. It was just a few quiet words that made Pei Jiamin moment did not hold back, he laughed aloud.

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