After personally experiencing Peking University and Jinghua, Wu Bin’s original impression of these two universities was broken.

It turns out that not every student on the Jingbei campus is full of confidence and pride. Among them, there are many rushed and sad, and they seem to be under pressure.

But generally speaking, the atmosphere on both sides of the campus is still confident and upward, which gives Wu Bin a very good feeling.

In addition, during the training camp, Wu Bin went to listen to a lot of lectures and contacted some Peking University students, and something happened.

It is true that Jingbei students like each other to black out...

It can be as large as all kinds of Mathematics and Physics competitions, as small as chess and cards, singing, that’s all! The contact between the students of the two schools can be said to be quite frequent.

And the students of both universities are extremely arrogant when they are outside. For example, for elite students, the students from the surrounding universities include Peking University. Of course, this is the same for Peking University. .

"Where is the best university in our country?" Peking University will answer you: "Leave Jinghua West Gate, walk 300 meters south and you will be there." Jinghua will answer you, "Get out of Peking University East Gate, Go further north for 300 meters."

Wu Bin didn’t know when the love and killing of the neighbors began. Wu Bin didn’t know how long it lasted. Although they are dissatisfied with each other, it seems that there is no naked attack, but when it comes to the issue of boys and girls, once they say it, they will kill them.

In Jinghua, a campus where the ratio of men to women is seriously imbalanced, if an elite boy counts girls from the beginning of his arrival on campus, he may not use his toes until graduation.

This situation is a little better after Tsinghua has added a lot of liberal arts, but it is only a little bit, and it is still far from Peking University.

Let the students of the two schools aside first. If only the schools are compared, the two schools have rich academic resources. The lectures cannot be stopped at all, and they have everything they want to listen to.

At this point of graduation, it seems that more people choose to go abroad, followed by undergraduate studies and work.

From the news that Professor Wen Luomin heard, in recent years, there have been many more elites who have gone abroad to study and learned cutting-edge knowledge and have returned to serve the motherland than in previous years, which is exciting and good news.

This shows that the motherland is becoming stronger.

The other two schools have one thing in common, that is, there are so many tourists. It is estimated that half of the people on the Jingbei campus are not from Jingbei.

I heard that there was also a project to accompany the provincial champion in the tour before. It can be said to be quite a show.

"God Wu, God Wu? What do you think about?"

Wu Bin, who was walking at the end of the team, was thinking of trance, Lin Ziqi patted his shoulder.

Wu Bin came back to his senses and replied: "Oh, thinking about the difference between Jingbei, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing..." Lin Ziqi stretched out Lazy, "Then do you think about which university you want to go to?"

"At present, I have a good impression of Peking University, but I promised Professor Song to go to the University of Science and Technology in China. Look." Wu Bin spread his hands. "So, I still haven't decided."

"So..." Lin Ziqi kicked a pebble on the road, "Then you can tell after you have selected it. Me?"

After speaking, she lowered her head suddenly, because she could feel her face heating up.

"Okay." Wu Bin was refreshingly nodded.

This made the temperature on Lin Ziqi's face even higher, and he muttered, "Then, then I'll wait for your news." After that, he ran to the front of the team.

"It seems that I really taught well." Wu Bin was very proud and nodded.


2nd day bid farewell to the professors and classmates who have been together for more than a month, Wu Bin and they boarded the plane back to Shanghai.

After lunch on the plane, Jiang Hang said with emotion: "I don't know if we can be teammates in this world match~"

Zhao Kehan ​​sighed first: "I guess it is Hanging, the two hot questions are so difficult to pervert, I knelt, I hate the crystal!"

The last sentence Zhao Kehan ​​shouted louder, attracting the surrounding passengers to look sideways and let Wu Bin and the others immediately turned their heads and pretended not to know each other.

"Damn, you gangsters." Zhao Kehan ​​finished speaking and rewarded a middle finger.

"What about God Li, how did the exam go?" Wu Bin patted asked Li Yan, who pretended to look at the scenery outside the window.

"What else, I failed the exam, I didn't even know Kirchhoff on the 3rd day, and my mind was blank."


Wu Bin always doesn’t believe Li Yan’s words, but this time the test paper is indeed very difficult. It can be said that almost every one is at the final level. One of the questions about Divine Boat spaceship carrying a small satellite just He was dumbfounded, and the conditions were not enough every time, it was almost as poisonous, and he had to overthrow it three times before finding the right idea.

Jiang Hang: "Hey, do you think this exam is difficult, or the IPhO question?"

Wu Bin thought for a while and replied: "Not good said For the IPhO exam, the question types are all new, and there is almost no reference to them. For example, the mechanics of the blood flow in the capillary tube makes my scalp numb."

After listening, the other three nodded.


As soon as the plane landed, the four of them took the subway back to the city.

"Huh... remember to keep in touch later." Standing at the entrance of the subway station, Zhao Kehan ​​extended the hand to Wu Bin.

"Well, definitely." Wu Bin extended the hand shook his hand.

In this case, if you have not entered the same university, then you really don’t know if you meet again next time.

Then Jiang Hang hooked Wu Bin's shoulder and said: "God Wu, don't think about it, just come to Peking University, I want to go to class with you."

Zhao Kehan Shaking his head: "No, science is still elite~ Jinghua is the best place where God Wu can shine."

"Bah! Peking University Physics Academy first under the heavens!" Jiang Hang said immediately Dissatisfied.

Li Yan shook his head speechlessly: " two have inherited the glorious tradition of the students of the two schools before entering the school?"

"speaking of which, God Li, why haven't you decided which school to go to?" Jiang Hang looked towards Li Yan.

"Me? I look up to God Wu!" Li Yan looked proud.

"Come on, you can don't say this. Professor Luo criticized me several times in person, saying that it was because of my crooked style, and there are still a few students who did it this year. No signing."

"That's not wrong." Zhao Kehan ​​felt that there was nothing wrong with this.

"I didn't let them learn from me." Wu Bin said and kicked Li Yan, but he avoided him. "I really don't have any idea about those colleges and universities, so I think more Just take a moment to find out."

Then the four people wrangled for a while, leaving a sentence of "Goodbye Jianghu." They waved goodbye.

Pulling up the suitcase, Wu Bin, who was about to walk out of the subway station, felt a jitter in his pants, so he took out his phone and found that it was Lin Ziqi who had sent her a WeChat message.

PS: The second thing is that I am in a good spirit today. Pull me up, I can do more!

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