Counting nine cold days, thousands of miles away in ice.

Although the temperature of the Shanghai Sea in January is not as exaggerated as in the north, the penetration of the cold is extremely strong. No matter how many sweaters and trousers you wear, you can still feel the love of father in winter.

Xiazhong’s first year and second year students have already started happily discussing what they are going to do during the winter vacation, but there is almost no winter vacation forcing the senior students to shiver in the classroom, with despair. Doing a desperate struggle with the examination papers of Shan Gao.


Pei Jiamin, who just finished a set of papers, breathed a sigh of heat in his palms, rubbed his hands, and habitually turned his head to look at her neighbor. table.

'I wonder if the classrooms at the University of Beijing are as cold as this. '

Yes, at this moment Wu Bin is already not in the Class 3 classroom, but flew to the capital to start his National Team training camp trip.


Wu Bin, who was sitting in the classroom, sneezed, wiped his nose with a tissue, and continued to study the electromagnetic problem in front of him.

It’s been a week since I came to the Peking University training camp. The scale of this training camp is much larger than that of the last finals. Naturally, there are many differences among them.

The first thing is that this training camp actually has to collect money!

This made Wu Bin, who used to fly for free and stay at 5-Star level for free, didn’t adapt for a while. The more you run up, the worse it gets. We are not going to earn honor for the country. Well! ?

Moreover, the charge is not low, more than 10,000, of which 5,200 is for training and 5,200 for hotel accommodation, but Xiazhong’s Principal is generous, and he directly helped Wu Bin reimburse him with a wave of his hand. Earn honors for the school.

Wu Bin is a bit sorry, but Principal is completely chopped up first, and he can only accept this kindness.

The second difference is that the teachers who spent a lot of time introducing at the opening ceremony are really a series of titles.

Bishop Lian Lu Zhi, a member of the Communist Party of China, has 18 years of experience in competition counseling.

Next, apart from the series of titles that Wu Bin didn’t remember very much, the most powerful thing is that he has taught 10 international Physics Olympiad gold medals, 6 Asian Physics Olympiad gold medals, and the number of gold medals in the country. One, and far ahead.

The second one is Professor Lu Jingkai, who is in charge of the experiment. He teaches at Hunan Normal University, the director of the Hunan Physics Competition Committee, an optical expert, and has long participated in Physics competition experimental training. This is also his eighth time to participate. Camp training.

In addition, there are several professors from various schools with various honors and will be responsible for their professional subjects.

Compared with the final training camp where there is only one teacher, the national training camp is indeed taller.

Then took a group photo, applied for a meal card, and visited Peking University. During the last time, Professor Fan Shulan, whom I saw at the backstage of the awards party, came to Wu Bin as scheduled, and promised that as long as he is interested, he wants to go to Wu Bin. You can stroll anywhere in the courtyard.

In the afternoon, the students and the teacher got acquainted with each other first, and the only girl in the class, Lin Ziqi, who received the award with Wu Bin last time, was selected as the class leader.

The first section after the formal class was about Puli, Wu Bin only heard the beginning and knew that his trip was worth it!

Originally, he thought he had nothing new to learn in the mechanics of competition, but the professor at Nantah quickly told him that he was wrong, and he was still young about force.

But this person is always easy to deviate from the topic during lectures. He just went to linear algebra as he talked about it, and explained the normal model transparently. What is amazing is that he finally returned to the mechanics and let the bottom Of students couldn’t help applauding him for “pa pa pa”.

When eating at night, the difference between North and South broke out.

"What about peppers? Why are there no peppers in this dish?"

"How can I eat without peppers!?"

"This red thing is Pepper? Why doesn’t it taste hot at all."

That’s right... This is the voice of classmate Hu Nan and Hu Bei. Among them, the comrades in Hunan are the leaders. This group of people simply follow along if they don’t eat spicy food. Like a drug addiction, his eyes are blank, and he looks gloomy about everything.

It wasn't until they bought a few cans of chili sauce that they thought they were still alive and edible 10 kilometers away from the school. They finally came alive.

When Wu Bin passed by their table, they found that they had a special way of eating chili sauce. It was not to dig two spoons into the rice, but to pour it! Irrigate! ! !

At a glance, the bowl is full of deep red sauce.

But looking at their delicious food, Wu Bin couldn’t help but feel a little curious. At this time, the hospitable classmate Hu Nan immediately invited Wu Bin enthusiastically and said, “Come on, Wu Bin, Taste it, let me tell you, this dish doesn’t contain chili, it’s really white!”

So, despite his hospitality, Wu Bin did what he probably regretted most in his life. .

As a piece of beef mixed with hot sauce entered his mouth, his face quickly turned from a little red to flushed, and his tongue was completely numb in an instant, his mouth was cut like a knife, and his tears were so painful Almost all came out.

"What the hell!" Wu Bin roared after drinking two large glasses of water.

"Wow, you also aren't this too ridiculous..." Hu Nan, who dug a spoonful of chili sauce and ate it, looked at Wu Bin incomprehensibly, "It's obviously a little spicy. "

"We are not the same, we are not the same." The classmates who moved towards Hu Nan waved, and Wu Bin quickly evacuated the scene. This group of spicy food was too terrifying.

In addition, Hu Nan’s accent is really magical. After mixing with this group of people for two or three days, Wu Bin’s Mandarin has already taken on a Hu Nan accent, which makes him feel like he can’t straighten his tongue. .

2nd day, I took an experimental class on error analysis. The Wu Bin who was drawn up surprised four people. The details of the whole set of experiments and the data were all correct. Lu Jingkai and his classmates couldn’t help but feel that He applauded.

In the next few days, the freshness of Peking University gradually disappeared, and the students gradually settled in to stay in the classroom for self-study. It can be said that every student cherishes this rare training opportunity. You must know who is sitting. Everyone is an expert of Peak across the country, and one occasional chat may be a brand new harvest.

In addition, the role of Wu Bin is also obvious, in the words of the teacher.

"The number one in the country is sitting in the classroom and reading, are you still embarrassed to play?"

However, when the class is full of young talents, there is one thing that makes the teacher also It’s a headache, that’s because the speed of acceptance of these little bastards is too fast. During the first two days of class, they would raise their heads and listen with great interest. Afterwards, they are obviously boring. question.

Among them, Professor Hu Chengkai, who is in charge of Puli, was the main one. At first, some of his novel ideas could also calm the Bookworms, but after they learned their own ability, they immediately went to class. Showed a lack of interest.

This forced him to come up with some interesting things to renew the interest of the students.

PS: I don’t plan to be full-time (for fear of starving to death). The main reason is that the code word pressure is too great to go home after hard work every day, so my body cannot bear it. Now I take all the leave that I can take. At least one month later, I can write a good book.

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