The effort of a cup of coffee is enough to happen a lot.

Just as Lu Zhou went back to bed and consciously entered the system space, the University of Montreal, Canada, thousands of miles away from Princeton, British Mathematician Andrew Granville is browsing the Arxiv web page.

This is one of the things he has to do every day, sometimes after the morning run, sometimes before going to bed.

Although most of the experts like to throw the work of stalking Arxiv’s latest research progress to the lab’s doctoral or master’s students, Granville likes to do it on this matter.

Although the quality of thesis in Arxiv, which has not been peer-reviewed, is mixed, many newcomers have come up with some very creative ideas, but they are very instructive…just not perfect.

A rough look at about ten of thesis, Granville yawned and was about to get up and go to sleep.

However, at this time, his personal page suddenly received an alert from the website, and it happened to come from two tags he was concerned with – analytic number theory and prime numbers.

Granville frowned, obsessive-compulsive disorder prompted him to open a reminder.

However, after seeing the title of the article, his mouth could not help but groan.

“Even any number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers”

Isn’t this the Euler statement of Goldbach’s conjecture?

In general, this thesis will be thrown into the “general mathematics” partition, which has long been blocked by his settings.

Granville didn’t know why thesis would trigger a reminder, but it was probably a bug in the website or a staff negligence.

Shaking his head, when he planned to close the laptop to sleep, he suddenly noticed the name of the contributor.


He is stunned.


Last year’s Cole Number Theory Award winner?

周式猜测、Twin Prime Number Conjecture 、Polignac conjecture 的证明者?

The meaning of this thesis is… This year he proved the Goldbach conjecture again?

WTF? !

Granville was so violent and instantly awake!

The original sleepiness was swept away, but he did not move, but sat in the chair for a full half minute.

Then he looked at the calendar and confirmed that it was 5 month, not 4 month 1.

Thesis is more than fifty pages in total, but it is nothing compared to the amount of information contained in the title.

“There was a solution to Goldbach’s conjecture… this is impossible.”

The mouth whispered, Granville opened thesis, followed the summary of thesis, and looked down line by line.

Then, this thesis, he saw a night…


On the other side, a Parisian high school on the other side of the Atlantic is conducting a lecture on the proof of the weak Goldbach conjecture.

The speaker, naturally, is the certifier of this conjecture, Harold Helfgott.

“…the end of the round method at the weak Goldbach guess, we can prove that any odd number greater than 7 can be expressed as the sum of three odd prime numbers, but it is difficult to generalize it to even numbers.”

“Of course, my proof is far from perfect, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. But if everyone here is interested in studying this issue in depth, I suggest you change your mind and reconsider the issue.”

The lecture came to an end.

Next, it is the questioning session.

Sitting here is not only the professor and researcher of the Paris High School, but also the student.

After waiting for a long time, a young people stood up and spoke.

“Helfgot Professor, how long do you think it will take to solve the Goldbach conjecture?”

Helfgot thought and replied: “It depends on whether our tools for solving problems are existing or unprecedented. In fact, if I can, I hope that it will never be solved. 瞧瞧 We have already got What? We have improved the old screening method, created the round method and the secret rate method, etc… Not my greed, but I am sure that we can still gain more treasures through this proposition.”

The lecture is over.

The applause was heard from the audience and the Golfer Professor was sent out of the lecture hall.

Did not stop here, he carried a briefcase and walked in the direction of the office.

Pushing the door open and heading for his position, but before he sat down to drink his mouth, his student walked over to him with a horrified look.

“Professor! I saw an thesis on Goldbach’s conjecture on Arxiv!”

Helfgot put the briefcase on the table, and there was no change in his expression. He said in an unhurried voice, “Amos, I told you many times, the article on Arxiv should be selective. Look. There is only one Perelman, and there will probably be only one. You should look at the classic publications I have given you, not some of the ones that have not been peer reviewed.”

Mathematics is different from computers. For the computer industry, an idea is two months behind, which may mean a century. Therefore, many people like to occupy the pit first, and then add, will use Arxiv frequently.

And mathematics, to tell the truth, is based on only one idea, and the meaning is really small.

Amos is very helpless. He knows that his Boss doesn’t like Arxiv, but he tries to explain: “Professor, the author of this article is the winner of the Cole Number Theory Award last year! It is always impossible for him to write thesis.” ”

Helfgott squinted slightly and his expression was very surprised.

It is not because of the name of the Cole number theory award, this name is already a cloud for people like him. But last year’s Cole Prize winner, he knew who it was. Because at the academic exchange meeting in Berkeley, California, the Chinese people left a good impression on him.


Such a big guess proves why it is still on Arxiv?

The expression is slightly neat, and Helfgott feels that he should treat this thesis with caution. I can’t miss such a big result because of the prejudice against Arxiv.

I took out the glasses from my pocket and saw him immediately said: “Print thesis for me.”

“Okay, Professor!”

Amos went back to the computer with great enthusiasm and started the printer.

With the sound of a bang, the A50 paper, which was hot on the 4 page, was sent to the hands of Helfgot.

The Helf Gott Professor pushed the glasses and pulled a pen from the pen holder and looked at the contents of thesis paper line by line.

Time passes by.

Amos waited for a long time and did not wait for the reaction he expected.

Finally, he waited a little anxious, could not help but whispered.

“Professor, is he right?”

“…I’m not sure.” The Golfer Professor shook his head and put down the pen in his hand, saying carefully, “But I didn’t find the obvious problem.”

It is impossible to prove this kind of major conjecture in a short time. It is not only that he needs time, but also the peers who study this direction also need time.

Leaning on the chair, the Golfer Professor closed his eyes and meditated for a while.

After about five minutes, he finally opened his eyes, as if he was talking to his student Amos, and he was talking to himself.

“……他运用了一个全新的方法,我在上面能看到筛法的影子,也能看到闭轨integral 和留数定理这些明显属于圆法的痕迹……当然,最让人拍案叫绝的,还是他在自己的理论框架中,引入了群论的概念。我在Prof. Zelberg 的thesis 上见过类似的思想,但并没有这么纯粹。至于他究竟证明了没有,我也不敢下定论,我需要问一问其他人的意见……”

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