The Diet Club is one of Princeton’s many campus cultures. The popular point is the “canteen” on either side of the Prospect Avenue.

Of course, this is just a popular saying. The difference between these clubs and canteen is still very big. Especially those run by the student group, usually with strong exclusion.

For example, aristocratic children in Boston usually do not allow Texas to join their clubs, unless the person is really level, at least have to achieve corresponding achievements in a certain field.

It is for this reason that you can even guess where a person is from eating, and roughly figure out the class he is in.

The most famous of all clubs is the Ivy Club and the Tiger Shop. Until the 1991 Court’s decision came down, they didn’t even recruit female members, only the elite they thought.

Lu Zhou didn’t think too much at the time. I just heard that the Ivy League club had a good meal. Every year, the $5,000 membership fee can be eaten casually. In the afternoon, there is an unlimited supply of coffee, so I went to sign up.

Then, after being told about some precautions such as dining etiquette, he passed it inexplicably.

He originally thought that he would like to compete for the qualifications of himself in Princeton’s traditional and old-fashioned way, just like everyone else.

In fact, think about it, this activity is still very interesting, you can exercise eloquence.

But now it seems that this society is not generally tolerant to those who have the ability.

At this moment, sitting opposite him is one of the senior members of the Ivy Club, a doctoral student in history called David Lawrence.

Lawrence is a very common surname in the United States, roughly equivalent to the Zhao Six King of the Chinese. But in a place like Princeton, especially when this person is from Boston and white, Lawrence’s surname can’t help people think about it, and Lenovo goes to a family that is tied to Kennedy in a chariot…

The reason why Lu Zhou entered the club so smoothly was David Lawrence’s help.

For people of different nationalities and cultures, Lu Zhou has no prejudice. Coupled with the accidental combination of two characters, he naturally became a friend.

At the same time, this is the first friend Lu Zhou met after coming to Princeton.

Two days have passed since becoming a graduate student at Professor Pierre Deligne, and Lu Zhou still chooses between those two options.

In the evening, after listening to a lecture, he came to the Ivy Club for dinner.

Just as David Lawrence was there, the two sat together for dinner.

The two just talked about the plan after graduation, and David Lawrence smiled and said to him.

“Are you interested in entering the investment bank after you graduate? If you have this plan, I can recommend a few good places for you.”

Lu Zhou: “I don’t have much interest in employment. I prefer to do research.”

David said with a smile: “Is it? But don’t you think that using mathematics knowledge to call the wind and summon the rain in the financial market is also very exciting? And there is no chance to touch the Nobel Prize medal.”

Lu Zhou is also laughed and said in a chattering voice: “I have not studied financial mathematics, but since you are so interested in finance, why not choose finance, but history?”

Fingers boring to play the glass, David’s eyes showed a touch of melancholy, sighed softly: “I don’t want to come here, my first wish is actually an MBA at the University of Pennsylvania, but my dad stubbornly sent me. Here, because this is his alma mater, and the father’s alma mater of my father… At the beginning, I learned mathematics like you, but that stuff is too difficult for me, I have to change my course to study history. ”

Feel the sight of the neighboring girls frequently, Lu Zhou, who is decomposing the steak with a knife and fork, is also subtlely sighed.

This kind of dear friend is good at all, it is a little bad, and looks a little handsome.

Even with Lu Zhou’s strict and critical eye, he has to admit that his face value is comparable to himself.

“It seems that every family has a difficult experience… But does Princeton have no MBA major?”

“No,” David laughed and shook his head. “Don’t say MBA, here is the place where the Ivy League is one after another and there is no business school.”

Surprisingly, however, although there is no business school, there have been many commercial geniuses.

For example, Amazon’s founders are all born in Princeton.

The reason why Princeton can be called a “headhunting company” in academia is that it is naturally attracted by academic resources and atmosphere, and the other half is relying on the rich and imposing alumni association behind it.

Just as the two chatted, a woman in a black dress came over.

Notice that her sight is obviously not looking towards herself. David Lawrence seems to understand something, and laughed and said: “It seems that you have a date? Then I will not bother you.”

“…No, it doesn’t matter if you sit here.”

Knowing that he obviously misunderstood something, Lu Zhou tried to explain.

However, David obviously did not listen to his instructions, but squeezed his eyebrows.

“haha, I am not so incomprehensible, and I have almost finished eating, I wish you a happy meal.”

When he finished, he got up and walked away, and took the plate with ease.


Lu Zhou looked at him in the direction of his departure, sighed, and then looked towards himself. Sitting at Miss Morina opposite him, he whispered, “So Miss Morina, is there anything?”

Morina has no nonsense, staring at his eyes, straight to the point.

“Well, I know that you chose Professor Pierre Deligne… but are you interested in our subject matter?”

Hearing her words, Lu Zhou sighed.

Of course he knows what the topic she is talking about.

Before returning to China last time, she looked toward towards his invitation.

It’s just that he didn’t think that the mad man was not just her, but even her tutor was the same.

Lu Zhou: “Your subject is completely out of reality, just like building a house in the sky… Let me think about it, prove GFB Riemann’s Conjecture, first you have to build a new theoretical framework and then use it to solve it. Some similar questions.”

Morina said excitedly: “We are doing this!”

Lu Zhou: “Is it successful?”

Morina shook his head and hesitated. He said, “…is fast!”

Lu Zhou sighed said: “That is not yet?”

In fact, he could not understand why her mentor Sophie Morel was so impatient.

There are also two years of 18 international mathematics home conference, but the Fields Prize is only 4, and two of them have already been booked.

One is Peter Schultz, whose “PS theory” is one of the most promising mathematics frameworks in today’s algebraic geometry. In contrast, the work of other candidates is more like “solving problems,” but the problem is bigger or smaller.

For the mathematics community, under the same conditions, the tools created when solving problems are more important than solving the problem itself. In particular, this one has already won the Philippine Wind Vane EMS Award (European Mathematical Society Award, similar to the Lasker Award for the Nobel Prize in Medicine), and with the recognition of the Cole Award, there is basically no suspense.

The other is Lu Zhou, the prover of Polignac-Lu’s theorem. Although he did not create a new mathematics framework similar to “PS theory,” he really solved many of the headaches.

Especially the weight of Polignac conjecture, a Fields Prize is worthy of the name.

The selection of “authoritative” international awards such as Fields is not to look at qualifications, only to recognize the results, which is also the famous “wild man” in Perelman’s mathematics, because Poincaré conjecture was awarded to the Philippines. The reason for the Erz Award (although he did not go to the collar).

Prior to this, he had annoyed many people for refusing to receive the prize, especially the European mathematics society that awarded him the Young Mathematics Award.

Counting two big men who have already booked the award, there are only two disputed places. For example, the Brazilian guy Fernando Marques, who was hired by Princeton with her, is also a popular candidate, and 18 year The conference of mathematics was confirmed to be held in Brazil, which is even more interesting.

Together with Geordie Williamson, who also received the Philippine Award-winning EMS Award, and Mariana Viazovska, the Ukrainian mathematics Goddess, also wearing the female mathematics aura. ), the god is too much.

If Sophie Morel can make a contribution to GFB Riemann’s Conjecture, even if it is said to Morina at the airport, it can also be used to update her “critical line theorem” from 40% to 50%. Add a lot of chips.

However, Lu Zhou is not very understanding, why is Morina so impatient.

For her, the Philippine Award is still a distant thing…

The index finger licked the long hair of the lower ear. Morina stared at Lu Zhou and said in a firm tone: “My mentor and I can solve this problem for a lifetime. I didn’t intend to produce results within a few years.”

Is the obsession so deep?

Lu Zhou put down the knife and fork, wiped his hand with a napkin and said, “That… you are together, don’t pull me, I have my own things to do.”

Morina raised her eyebrows: “Professor Pierre Deligne’s topic?”

Lu Zhou laughed.

Speaking of it, this time, Morina didn’t bring him inspiration, but it brought him a little inspiration.

Just like the two days he has been entangled in the double-choice question that Professor Pierre Deligne throws him, he also faces two difficult and tempting choices in the Goldbach conjecture.

Is it a big sieve method or a round method?

Both roads seem to have reached the final step, but they are only a little worse.

If this is the case…

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou’s eyes are slightly brighter.

He paused for a moment, he said.

“Goldbach Conjecture.”

This time, he used a positive tone.

Morina squatted, suddenly pu chi, did not hold back and laughed.

“Sorry… I don’t doubt your ability, just don’t hold back. It seems that I really didn’t look away, you are also a crazy guy.”

Paused, Morina continued in a sly tone and asked, “Do you want to use the big sieve method? Or the round method?”

Upon hearing this question, Lu Zhou’s mouth twitched with a smile.


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