Chapter 44


Raising the knife was just a blindfold, and ice burst from behind Si Gong Huiye!

Su Xi seemed to have not reacted, and his entire body was instantly enveloped in ice.


Looking at the ice sculpture in front of him, Si Gong Huiye let out a sigh of relief.


Such thoughts could not help but pop up in her mind.

But soon, she herself denied this idea.

If it is so easy to lose, she feels that the other party is really too confused.

“Su Xi wears an armor-shaped artifact, this degree of freezing…”

As if responding to Shigiya Kaguya’s thoughts, an unpleasant voice came from the ice.

“Crack, click, click~~~”

As a burst of blue-golden light overflowed, the ice cubes cracked, and the star sea dragon armor that had not changed before appeared again.

“Miss Hui Ye is really smart~”

Su Xi sighed.

Huiye obviously didn’t talk about martial ethics like this, but he also had to admit that this was the most effective method in battle.

Originally, he was going to take out Hong Qiangwei to fight her in close combat, but suddenly it was freezing over.


Although Hui Ye’s attack was unexpected, it was still in Su Xi’s expectation. He was deliberately frozen just to test the strength of the Xinghai Dragon Armor.

【Name: Su Xi】【Sex: Male】

【Age: 18】

【Strength: S, Speed: S】

[Spirit: A+, Magic: S][Reaction power: S+, combat quality: S+]

【Comprehensive assessment: S】

This is the panel when Su Xi didn’t count the magic sword of salvation. This is the capital he can use now.

With the Divine Sword of Salvation, low-level Demon Kings are not impossible to fight.

Theodora? Unless Theodora becomes a transcender, it will really not be enough within a year.


After seeing the gap between herself and Su Xi, Sigiya Kaguya had no reservations and went all out to fight.

stand up.

“Good job~”

Su Xi lightly picked up the demon-breaking red rose and stood in a ball with Sigong Huiye.

He also has to accomplish his real purpose.

Isn’t it normal to accidentally cut a piece of hair during a fight?

【Sinomiya Ryu·Sakura! 】

The blade containing Shigiya Kaguya’s will slashed towards Su Xi.

Su Xi also did not act to carry the injury on the front of the armor to his self-esteem.

The most positive response.

As a hero above the hero, Su Xi has already acquired martial arts talents when he obtained the Last King template.

Although it does not seem to have developed any skills, this is the most powerful and powerful development method in itself.

To deal with different opponents, you need to use different fighting skills, and the use of specific martial arts moves will be seen by the enemy.

What Su Xi is using now is actually a variant of the [Basic Marksmanship] taught in the first grade. The extremely simple method puts Shimiya Kaguya into an extremely embarrassing situation.

“Stab it~~”

With a soft sound, while avoiding the spear attack, Shigiya Kaguya’s hair seemed to have been blown away by the breeze, and naturally fell on the ground.

Neither Shinomiya Teruya nor Hayasaka Ai noticed, one strand of hair turned into a strand of smoke and disappeared completely.

【Ding! ~】

[Successful sacrifice! ~】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the sacrifices-the gods [Evanescent-Instantaneous] (Evanescent-Instantaneous)! 】

“The Ice Emperor of Instant?”

Su Xi raised her eyebrows, and while maintaining the state of fighting against Si Gong Kaguya, she clicked on the introduction of the new goddess.

[The Eternal Ice Princess Companion God Exterminator——The Ice Emperor in an Instant][Effect: Possess a personality slightly above the eternal ice girl, the difference is that it focuses on explosive power, which is far stronger than the eternal ice girl.

With the power of the world, forging a moment of beauty…

When Bingji and Bingdi meet, the world will change for it…………..】

“Ice type imperial equipment, it seems quite normal to get this kind of thing from the ice sculpture Huiye?”

Su Xi knows who the eternal ice girl is.

God Demise, [Absolute Demise], the current host Lavinia Renee.

There is no nose and mouth, a 3m tall ice princess with an alien appearance with 6 eyes and 4 arms. It is an independent manifestation artifact in the shape of an ice princess.

Even if it’s a little wider, it’s a room inside, and the enemy can be locked in the ice in an instant.

In the plot, there is the ability to easily freeze more than 50 death gods, exert abnormal weather and blizzards, and make small countries freeze output.

However, because the output is too strong, it is easy to get involved in the surroundings is a disadvantage.

Lavinia Renee has reached the forbidden hand, whose forbidden hand is called the Silver World of Forever Missing. It is powerful enough to freeze all the mountains and turn into a world of ice crystals.

It’s just that Lavinia is not in the King’s Academy right now. According to Su Xi’s prediction, it should be in the school sponsored by the Fallen Angel.

Originally, he didn’t have any interest in Lavinia, but when he saw the description of [The Ice Emperor in Instant], he felt that he had to get in touch with the other party.

When Bingji and Bingdi meet, the world will be changed……….

What does this change mean…

This level of description makes Su Xi quite interested.



Soon after, the battle was over.

Seeing the end of the battle, which had no suspense, Hayasaka let out a sigh of relief.

“Through this battle, I do have a certain understanding of Miss Hui Ye.”

The blue-gold armor and the white-gold jewels gradually disappeared, and Su Xi’s voice moved from far to near.

“Really? That’s good…”

Hui Ye responded softly.

There was a trace of fatigue in this voice.

Also, how can you not be tired if you have been using your abilities intensively and trying your best to defeat the man in front of you?

“Then, let’s go back first~” Shinomiya Teruya told Hayasaka Ai to open the channel of return.

“Miss Huiye, have you been suppressing yourself all the time?”

The voice of the teenager came from not far away.

After hearing these words, Hui Ye’s normal footsteps stopped in an instant.

Because… this sentence is correct…

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