Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 895: Take advantage!

"In the past, you said that it was your favorite to be able to see me when you wake up every morning. Why, now that you see it, are you scared?"

Xiao Nuan stretched out his hand to push him away and quickly jumped out of bed.

At the beginning she thought this man was dangerous, but at least he would occasionally pretend to be gentle. Now this is about to tear the mask that has always been disguised!

"The owner also knows that after I fell into the water, I lost my memory, and I can't remember some things."

"I can't remember anything! Including...friendship to the owner!" Xiao Nuan said with some difficulty, wondering if he would believe his words.

If he were to discover that she was not Fengluan, Xiao Nuan could not imagine what it would be like to wait for her own ending.

Ji Sixuan walked to the door. "I will give you a quarter of an hour to prepare and set off right away."


Where are you going? !

Xiao Nuan just wanted to quickly get the drawing on his body, and exchange the silver for the dude.

However, that thing is very important, will Ji Sixuan take it with him.

If not, where would she start?

Xiao Nuan scratched his head so annoyed that he could only hold on to change his clothes and wash down and go downstairs.

He was taken to the carriage where Ji Sixuan was without breakfast.

The carriage swayed, but Xiao Nuan was so hungry that he had no other thoughts.

Just when she was drowsy, her ears were beautiful with a faint fragrance of hawthorn cake.

She moved her nose and sat up abruptly.

She hadn't forgotten that Ji Sixuan was sitting in a carriage with her, but he was peaceful today. After the car started, he did not speak, but sat opposite her with his eyes closed.

At this moment, he was taking out several stacks of very good-looking pastries from the small drawer on the carriage, and Xiao Nuan's eyes were straight.

Ji Sixuan pinched a piece of cake that seemed to be warm and put it in his mouth, chewing it slowly.

"It melts in the mouth, and the sweet and sour taste is good. I didn't expect to have such hawthorn cake in Xiaocheng."

I will endure!

Xiao Nuan watched him pick up the second piece of hawthorn cake!

Just when he had only one piece left on the plate, he seemed to remember that there was a Xiaonuan person in the car shaking the cake in front of her.

"I almost forgot. You woke up late today and haven't had breakfast yet."

Xiao Nuan looked at the hawthorn pastry head.

"Want to eat?"

Nodding again.


The enchanting voice made Xiao Nuan unconsciously put his gaze on his hand, no, it should be said that he put it on the hawthorn cake in his hand, but did not notice that she was approaching him little by little.

When she opened her mouth and took a bite of the hawthorn cake, the carriage suddenly bumped, and she staggered to the front, and she fell into Ji Sixuan's arms!

Ji Sixuan's eyebrows were dim, and the corners of her lips twitched, and he reached out and hugged her tightly.

Xiao Nuan had no time to swallow the cake in his mouth, only feeling a softness suddenly pressed down on his lips.


Xiao Nuan only felt that a clever tongue was eating the hawthorn cake in her mouth!

She managed to get such a piece, how can she let others eat it again!

When the brain crashed, he directly started a battle for the maintenance of hawthorn cake with the opponent.

It is undeniable that Ji Sixuan just wanted to tease her at the beginning, but she didn't expect her response to be so intense.

With a tight arm, he directly hugged her in his arms, gradually deepening the kiss...

Hawthorn cake was eaten into his stomach, Xiao Nuan was still a little proud, and seemed to want to look at each other provocatively.

But he was not proud of it yet, but he suddenly recovered!

She, what is she doing!


Struggle mode is turned on, and the small bare hand violently pushes the person pressing on his chest.

Ji Sixuan has clearly felt the unbearable dryness/heat in his body. He has always been a person who can control himself very well, but he did not expect to lose control on her again and again!

Finally, he pecked her lips hard before letting go.

Xiao Nuan was unbound, leaning against the wall of the car, widening his eyes and gasping for breath.

This, this is the second time, the second time this man took advantage of himself so blatantly!

"Don't look at me with that charming look." Ji Sixuan's voice was a little hoarse.

Xiao Nuan hurriedly withdrew her angry gaze, and she hadn't noticed the changes in his body just now when she was struggling!

She is also a person who has studied medicine anyway, how could she not know what that means!

This man!

It's a gentle scum, a hungry ghost in color!

Xiao Nuan couldn't help thinking of the women in the backyard of Qingxiao Villa, but couldn't stand it without a woman warming the bed for a few days!

Thinking of this, Xiao Nuan felt sick for no reason.

Thinking that her father was the regent of a country back then, but for many years he kept his body like a jade, until he met her mother emperor did he really explain himself, it can be said to be impeccably clean from body to heart.

Thinking about it, I feel that the mother emperor really made a lot of money!

Looking at her, she was inexplicably taken advantage of twice by a man who had been among the flowers. It was damned!

Ji Sixuan was in a good mood when he kissed the beauty, but when he touched Xiao Nuan's extremely disgusting and angry eyes, the good mood just drifted away in the wind.

This woman actually hates him? !

His woman, he wants to pet, even the moon in the sky can be picked off for her.

But when she wants her to be obedient, she has to lean in his arms obediently!

"Now, do you still want to eat hawthorn cake?"

Xiao heating is in a hurry, she doesn't want to eat it in her entire life!

I was angry at the bottom of my heart, but didn't dare to glaring at the opposite sexist, just sat on the carriage with my head dull and silent, and just pretended to die.

Ji Sixuan stopped teasing her either, and continued to close his eyes to calm down...

When the carriage swayed, Xiao Nuan actually fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes in a daze, the carriage had stopped.

Looking around, Ji Sixuan was no longer in the carriage.

Xiao Nuan exhaled, but fortunately no longer, otherwise she was really afraid that she could not help but step forward and scratch his face!

"What time is it now?"

"Back to the owner, it's already past noon."

"Well, find a place to rest first."


After Ji Sixuan's voice sounded outside the carriage, it was completely quiet.

No sound was heard around, she seemed to vaguely heard going out of the city just before falling asleep.

She sat up and raised the curtain to look out.

Surrounded by wasteland woods, it seems that he is really out of town.

"Since I'm awake, I'll come down, do you want me to hug you?" The urging talisman-like voice sounded again, and Xiao Nuan quickly lifted the curtain of the driving car and jumped out of the carriage, secretly glaring at Ji Sixuan's back.

Deception and fear of evil!

It's just bullying her without martial arts!

"Owner, it's ready." Ding Hui stepped forward and said in a low voice.

Ji Sixuan nodded without looking at Xiao Nuan, and walked straight into the mountain...

Xiao Nuan had to keep up.

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