Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 891: Negotiate terms

"The owner, I have asked all the time, and there is no trace of the third lady." Ding Hui walked into the room under pressure and said in a low voice.

It's been two days, and I haven't heard from Xiao Nuan for two whole days.

In fact, no matter what reason Xiao Nuan jumped into the river, it is very likely to be miserable.

The rivers in this area are very turbulent, and there are countless undercurrents below. Even fishermen who live on the riverside all year round dare not enter the water easily, not to mention that Xiao Nuan is not familiar with it.

Ji Sixuan had been looking down at the various secret reports from his hand, and seemed to have not heard Ding Hui's words.

Ding Hui stood stiffly, only feeling that the air pressure in the room was getting lower and lower...

I don't know how long it took, until Ding Hui thought that Ji Sixuan would not respond at all, and Ji Sixuan slowly raised his eyes to look at him.

"Keep looking, I want to see people alive, and corpses in death!"

Ding Hui was stunned, looking at Ji Sixuan's incapable expression, Ling Ming just wanted to retreat, but stopped after thinking of something.

"Owner, the ship can dock in Xiaocheng in three days."

Ji Sixuan answered almost inaudibly, and Ding Hui retreated.

After being locked in the cabin for a few days, Xiao Nuan was finally able to get out.

The ship has also docked.

These days, she was not in the cabin for nothing. She used boredom as an excuse to get a lot of books about the terrain of this continent from Aunt Li.

It was discovered that there was another continent at a considerable distance from this continent.

But because it is so far away, people who have been there can count it with one hand, so there is no detailed record in the book.

But this gave Xiao Nuan a hope in his heart.

She has an intuition that that continent is the Canglan Continent!

Because of the long distance, she wants to get to that continent. First, she needs to get enough wealth, and then form a strong sailing team to ensure that she can deal with all kinds of sudden events in the process of going to sea, so as to maximize the guarantee that she can arrive alive. that place!

With a goal, Xiao Nuan instantly became clean and began to plan.

"Girl, disembark."

Aunt Li stood behind her with an unchanging smile on her face.

Xiao Nuan touched the thin human skin mask on his face, turned and followed Aunt Li aboard the boat.

Ji Sixuan walked not far in front of her, and even surrounded by no less than ten beauties of various colors.

I'm afraid that others don't know that his kidney looks like!

He got on the carriage and walked all the way into Xiaocheng and stopped in front of another courtyard.

Xiao Nuan spent a lot of time watching Ji Sicheng, plus his clothes and conversation, he must be a rich master!

It's not impossible to get a cash ticket from him!

That night.

After all the people serving her were asleep, Xiao Nuan just wanted to turn out the window when she heard a very light footstep outside.

She lay down quickly and closed her eyes.

"The girl is asleep?"

"Go back to Li and go to sleep."

"Go and wake up, the son wants to see her."

When Xiao Nuan in the room heard it, a Ji Ling sat up.

It's so late, what is he going to see her for?

After a while, with the sound of pushing the door, the little maid who was waiting for her walked to her bedside and whispered, "Girl, wake up."

Xiao Nuan pretended to be confused and opened his eyes.

"what happened?"

"Girl, the son wants to see you."

"It's so late...what do you want to see me for?"

"This, slaves don't know..."

Xiao Nuan got up and put on a dress with an unpleasant expression. Before leaving, he also carried the dagger that he had secretly stolen from the ship.

If that man dared to do anything to her, she would sever his offspring's roots!

Ji Sicheng’s house was in the deepest part of the entire other courtyard, and Aunt Li took her around for a while before arriving.

The other courtyard, which doesn't seem big, takes so long to go. I'm afraid this courtyard is not as simple as it seems.

"The son is waiting for the girl inside, please, please."

Xiao Nuan took a deep breath, pushed the door and walked in.

This time, Ji Sixuan sat at the desk normally, looking down at something.

Hearing her noise, he raised his head and looked at her.

"Here, come and sit down."

Xiao Nuan did not move, but stood at the place closest to the door.

"My son, just say anything."

Seeing her defense, Ji Sicheng smiled carelessly.

"Don't worry, I don't like to force women, especially beautiful women."

Xiao Nuan still stood still, I believe you are ghosts!

"Don't you want to leave?"

go away? !

Xiao Nuan raised her brows.

"I know you came out of Qingxiao Mountain Villa. I don't care if you escaped or what, as long as you do something for me, I can promise you a condition, how?" I have to say, Ji Sicheng The look looks very sincere, even the voice is so sincere.

People unconsciously want to believe him.

But who is Xiao Nuan? Growing up under the influence of unscrupulous mothers and black brothers, how can you easily trust others? !

"What are the conditions for the son?"

Hearing this, Ji Sicheng smiled. "My son likes to talk to smart people. Come here, have you seen this picture?"

Xiao Nuan glanced at the table with a puzzled look, then looked at Ji Sicheng, and finally decided to step forward.

There is a drawing on the desk. The drawing should be a topographic map or the like.


Although it was a complete piece of paper, Xiao Nuan could tell at a glance that the picture was not complete.

"how is it?"

"The son wants to ask me if I know where this complete drawing is?" Xiao Nuan raised his eyes and asked him.

Ji Sicheng's eyes moved slightly and still smiled coquettishly. "Yes."

"If I tell you the complete drawing, can you promise me a condition?"

Ji Sicheng nodded.

"Then... what if I don't know anything?"

Ji Sicheng looked at her, the smile on his face seemed to be stiff for a moment.

"I don't know?" The voice was so soft that I couldn't hear the emotion.

"Frankly answer, I really don't know now."

When the words fell, Xiao Nuan's chin was pinched by him in the next instant, and he approached him a little bit.

"Are you playing tricks with the son? Although the son doesn't like to force women, but... if you really want to do that, it's not impossible..."

Xiao Nuan looked at him stupidly.

"You know that I am from Qingxiao Mountain Villa, so you should be able to guess that there are many women in Qingxiao Mountain Villa. Do you think a casual woman can touch these things?"

"So, to me, you don't have any value except this body..." Ji Sicheng turned his head, and the breath sprayed on Xiao Nuan's ears, and Xiao Nuan felt his hair stand up.

As for the guard who didn't know where to hide outside, she attacked him unpreparedly, and it was unlikely that she could escape.

"My words are not finished yet."

"You said."

"Although I don't know where things are now, it doesn't mean that I won't know later!"

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