Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 884: Serving personally

When Xiao Nuan woke up the next day, Ji Sixuan had already left.

"Madam, you are awake."

Xiao Nuan looked up and saw that it was Meier. She looked at the sky outside, and the sun was in the sky.

"What time is it now?"

"Mrs. Hui, it's noon now, and the maidservant is waiting for you to wash."

Xiao Nuan was helped by Meier and sat up.

After drinking the medicine, Xiao Nuan casually said, "Where is the owner?"

"Mrs. Hui, the owner has left."

left! ?

Xiao Nuan's heart jumped for a moment!

When she was a child, she was forced to learn medical skills from Yue Li for a long time, and her serious illness could not be cured, but she knew better about trauma and other things.

The cut on her shoulder was not light, but fortunately it was not at the critical point, and the wound could heal in at most seven days.

At that time, as long as Ji Sixuan is not in the villa, she will have the opportunity to leave here, and then find a way to go back.

The previous sudden assassination caused the entire villa to fall into a panic. Many of the ladies in Ji Si Xuan's post-house were killed by men in black, and some were strangled to death by General Zhang.

Xiao Nuan always felt that Manager Zhang was doing something weird, as if she was waiting for that moment to kill everyone.

This villa is full of weirdness, it is better to leave early.

After the black-clothed men's fight, there were fewer than ten ladies left. Because of the excessive fright, the women didn't say that they came to Xiao Nuan at this time.

For several days, the days went very peacefully.

The wound on Xiao Nuan's shoulder also slowly healed, and he was able to move freely.

Just when she was trying to find a way to run away, Zhang Manager suddenly sent someone to say that Ji Sixuan was going to leave Qi Yuncheng for a period of time, and the people around him who needed to wait on him should go there.

"San Madam, it's a great blessing to be able to serve by the owner's side. You can clean up your wife and prepare to send her there."

Xiao Nuan sat in a chair ignorantly and watched Mei'er who was smiling openly busy, but he didn't know what Ji Sixuan was making!

There are still so many ladies in the villa, why do you want her to go? !

"Madam, it's great. From now on, you can have a son and a half with the owner. Madam will not have to worry in this life."

Xiao Nuan's eyes twitched.

Does she have to rely on her own children for the rest of her life? !

But let her be with Ji Sixuan, at least there is a chance to leave here.

Manager Zhang was very efficient, and sent Xiao Nuan to the carriage leaving the villa in an hour.

In a low-key but luxurious restaurant wing room in Qiyuncheng.

Ji Sixuan, dressed in white, leaned back on the chair, gently sliding the wine glass with his slender fingertips.

Opposite him, is a middle-aged man in a red outfit. A pair of thick sword eyebrows made his entire face look more vigorous, and between his eyebrows there was an evil spirit that made people afraid to look directly.

"Why should the owner take the risk personally? Just leave it to Zhang Lin."

Ji Sixuan squinted his eyes slightly, and a faint golden light fell on his handsome side face. Even without any look in his eyes, it was beautiful and fascinating.

"It happens that I have something to do over there. Have you found the person you are looking for?"

A month ago, Ji Sixuan asked him to find someone who had the ability to remember all the details. This person must not only have this ability, but also be able to hide the identity of Ji Sixuan.

"I have found it."


The wing door was knocked.

"Owner, Yueqin is here."

Ji Sixuan opened his eyes slightly, his expression still calm and gentle, always giving people a sense of peace and tranquility. "come in."

The door of the wing room was pushed open, and a woman in a long corset dress holding a Pipa walked into the room.

"The owner."

Ji Sixuan raised his eyes slightly and glanced at her.

"Get up, don't be polite."

Yueqin took a peek at Ji Sixuan, and when he touched his warm, beautiful and crystal-clear face, he quickly lowered his eyes to hide the infatuation with his eyes.

Upon seeing this, Zhuang Xing sitting in the chair got up and went out.

"The slave servant heard that the village chief was going to Kunlun City."

Ji Sixuan took a sip from the wine glass. "Yep."

Yueqin's face changed slightly. "Owner, this business in Kunlun City is too dangerous..."

"Yueqin." Ji Sixuan interrupted her aloud without waiting for Yueqin to finish her words.

Yueqin bowed her head. "Yes."

"You have been with me for several years. When the matter is over, you can find a good family to marry."

Hearing this, Yueqin's eyes were red, and she knelt down holding Pipa.

"Owner, Yueqin's life is the owner's, and I also ask the owner not to drive Yueqin away. Yueqin is willing to stay by the side of the owner."

Ji Sixuan's hand holding the wine glass paused slightly, and his eyes fell from her to the door.

After a while, the door was knocked again.

"Owner, the third wife is here."

The third lady...

Ji Sixuan thought of those guarded but frightened bunny-like eyes, and the depths of his eyes disguised by a gentle smile fainted with a slight smile.

"Let her in."

When Xiao Nuan dragged her tired body into the wing, she saw Yueqin Lihua's rain-like little face. I don't know if it was her dizziness. The moment she walked in, she looked at her with a touch of... …resentment?

Xiao Nuan wore a lotus leaf-colored cyan tunic long skirt, which perfectly wrapped her exquisite body. Her long black hair was only casually pulled up in a small bun, with a plain piece diagonally inserted on it. Suet hosta.

Without too much embellishment and decoration, it gives people a refreshing feeling.

"Come here." Ji Sixuan reached out to her.

The white but slender and beautiful hand seemed to be magical, and Xiao Nuan couldn't help but want to step forward.

The body's reaction was always more honest than the mind. When she recovered, she was already sitting next to Ji Sixuan.

"Owner, you..."

"Yueqin, play a song."

Before Xiao Nuan could speak, Ji Sixuan had already spoken.

Yueqin quickly concealed her feelings in her heart, stood up holding the Qin, and sat down in a chair beside her.


Xiao Nuan had been thinking about how to escape along the way, but the guard of Qingxiao Mountain Villa seemed to know her thoughts, and directly tapped her acupuncture points and kept her in the carriage.

It has been bumping here to unlock her acupuncture points. She doesn't know what Ji Sixuan wants her to do here.

"Yueqin is the top brand of Chunhu Tower. Her piano sounds are hard to buy. The most rare thing is that the music she plays is composed by herself."

The warm words like a jade bead rang out beside Xiao Nuan, causing her to concentrate on listening to the sound of Yueqin.

I haven't seen what kind of luthier in the imperial palace since I was a child, but the sound of Yueqin's piano made her fascinated.

After the song, Ji Sixuan gave a light high-five.

"it is good."

"It's not a big deal, I can play too."

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