Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 871: Grief, the death of perfection

Yueli walked slowly into the door, and Li Shuang'er sat inside.


Hearing the sound, Li Shuang'er moved slightly and turned to look at her.

"Here." She stood up in response.

Yue Li stepped forward.

"Today is the last stitch, how do you feel."

Li Shuang'er glanced out of the bright window. Two magpies were playing on the branches. She curled her lips and smiled slightly.

"Li'er, I remember everything."

In seven days, after performing the acupuncture five times, the congestion in her brain has disappeared. In fact, she had already remembered a lot of things during the second acupuncture.

Only inexplicably want to choose to forget.

After applying the needle, Li Shuang'er grabbed Yue Li's hand that wanted to withdraw.

"Li'er, I want to see him."

Yueli paused her hand and looked at her.

She knew who Li Shuang'er called "he".

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Yue Li didn't know what method Xiao Zhan used to get Jun Qingyan over from Xiao Rui.

But one thing can be guaranteed, Jun said lightly that he was still alive.

Li Shuang'er walked on the palace road behind Yue Li.

The two of them walked to the last yard in the empty harem before stopping.

"He's inside, you can go in." Yue Li finished speaking, and walked aside.

Li Shuang'er pushed open the courtyard door. At this time, his heartbeat accelerated unconsciously.

After only a few days, she felt like many years had passed...

Li Shuang'er hooked her lips, and the corners of her lips were stained with a bitter smile.

As soon as I walked into the room, I saw a thin back in the room.

Hearing the sound of someone coming in, the figure seemed stiff. I want to look back, but I can't move.

"Shuang'er, is that you?" The faint voice couldn't hide the eagerness in my heart.

Li Shuang'er's eyes flushed suddenly, only to feel something stuck in his throat, making no sound.

"Shuang'er, Shuang'er?!"

Li Shuang'er took a deep breath and quickly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and stepped forward.

"Quitely, it's me..."

At the moment when he saw Jun Qingyan, the tears that Li Shuang'er had just wiped could not stop streaming out.

"How come, how could this happen, speak lightly to you..." She looked at his thin cheeks and sunken eye sockets, distressed beyond words.

She stretched out her hand tremblingly, trying to touch his face, but just as she stretched out her hand in the air, she stopped abruptly.

She... can't do it now!

Because she has no qualifications!

Jun Qingyan watched her pause in the air, a sad sadness flashed across her gray face.

"Shuang'er, I'm okay, don't cry, you should not look good after crying."

Jun said lightly but didn't know it, the more softly spoken comfort, the more it could make her cry.

"Jun Qing, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I..."

Li Shuang'er was so sad that she couldn't help herself. She hated that nothing happened, and she hated that she couldn't remember anything.

But if that's the case, what should she do?

How could she have the heart to let Wang'er live in the cannibal harem without the protection of her biological mother? !

"Fool, what's the excuse me, what did you do wrong? Tell me about it, let me see if there is a big unforgivable mistake?"

The more brisk the tone is, the more people can appreciate the blood and tears in it.

"Simply, forget me and start your life again."

I don't know how long he has been crying, Li Shuang'er finally raised his red and swollen eyes to look at him.

"Forget about you..." Jun looked at her lightly, no reaction for a while.

"Yes, forget me Qingjun, as if things haven't happened in the past few months..."

Jun Qingyan looked at Li Shuang'er who was sobbing and suddenly smiled softly.

It's just that it's too sad and heartbreaking.

"Li Shuang'er, you are so cruel, do you know how cruel what you just said?!"

Li Shuang'er grabbed his sleeve and couldn't say a word.

"Forget about you, how can I do it..." Jun Qingyan slowly stretched out his hand, and gently landed on Li Shuang'er's head, as he did before, gently caressing.

"I am the queen of Chu, Jun said lightly, do you know that I am the queen of Chu!"

Jun lightly looked at her, but his expression was unusually calm.

"I know."

Li Shuang'er was slightly startled. "how do you know?"

"I knew it when I first saw you."

"You... knew it a long time ago."

When I saw her for the first time, it was in Dongyu years ago.

"Why..." She thought about the encounter between them, always feeling that there was no such coincidence in this world.

"When I saw you back then, I thought you were very similar to my sister..."

"younger sister?"

Jun lightly brushed her eyebrows with his fingertips and said, "Well, my sister who was separated from me by a natural disaster ten years ago, when I saw you back then, I really thought that my sister appeared and she was about to return to me. But I found out that you are not."

"I thought that the intersection between us was nothing more than this, but God prefers to make fun of people, so that we meet again. Since then, I can't help but want to watch and pay attention to everything about you. Even if you know that you are the queen of Chu."

Li Shuang'er listened quietly, and his emotions gradually calmed down in his light voice.

"You saved me over and over again, including the kindness to me afterwards, all... because I look like your sister?" Li Shuang'er found that when she asked this sentence, she was a little frightened.

What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of getting answers you don't want?

Jun lightly looked at her expectant eyebrows, only feeling the pain in his chest was about to suffocate, he closed his eyes gently, and didn't want to look at her again. "Yes."

A word that is neither light nor heavy, instantly knocked all Li Shuanger's affection into the bottom!

She staggered to her feet, looking sadly at the pale and weak face in front of her.

"It turned out that I thought too much about everything... It turned out that it was because I looked like your sister!"

"Shuang'er, you are the queen of Chu State. If you are willing, you are also my gentleman, my eternal sister."

"Yes!" Li Shuang'er smashed his neck and turned and rushed out of the house!

Jun Qingyan listened to her messy footsteps drifting away, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He looked sadly at the blood blossoms blooming on the snow-white robe, grinning...

Shuang'er, you are the best memory of my life, how am I willing to forget you...

If you really want to forget, then you can forget me...

Yue Li slowly walked into the house, watching Jun's thin back, suddenly didn't want to explore why this man approached Li Shuang'er in the first place.

Because she could see that his love for Li Shuang'er was absolutely beyond his imagination.

"Your Majesty, the Chu Kingdom has sent someone here." The guard stepped forward and whispered.

Xiao Rui sent someone to take the king's fate...

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