Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 869: Disappear forever

"Queen, Queen..."

Li Shuang'er sat in the room dazedly, looking at himself in the bronze mirror in a daze.

Right here, a milky voice came from outside the house, accompanied by hurried footsteps.

After a while, the door of the house was pushed open, and a small figure panting quickly ran in.

Before she could see it clearly, she threw herself into her arms.

"Mother, queen, Wang'er really misses you..."

Smelling the familiar smell of Li Shuang'er, Xiao Wang's little hands were not willing to let go.

Li Shuang'er felt the soft little person in his arms, and for a while forgot to react.

"Mother, what's the matter with you? Don't you remember Wang'er? You are the favorite of Wang'er. How could you forget Wang'er?"


Li Shuang'er looked at the small soft face in front of him, and his heart felt as if he had been hit by a sudden violent force, making her suffocated with discomfort.

"Mother, you have been away from Wang'er for so long, do you not want to see it?"

The big tears in Xiao Wang's eyes flowed out, and she looked at Li Shuang'er with a choked voice, and her heart was softened.

"Wang'er, you are my child..." Li Shuang'er's head hurt so much that she wanted to yell, but she still subconsciously held Xiao Wang tightly in her arms.

"I have a child, Wanger is my child..."

Yueli stood by the window, frowning as she watched the scene inside the house.

"Little Qi, is it true that the emperor's uncle uses internal force to help Shuang'er remove the congestion in her brain, so that she can restore her memory?"

Xiao Rui looked at Li Shuang'er in the room with an urgent expression.

He just wants Li Shuang'er to recover his memory quickly.

Seeing that she still had a strong feeling for Xiao Wang's subconscious, his heavy heart gradually relaxed.

Yue Li raised her eyes to Xiao Zhan.

In fact, the blood congestion in Li Shuang'er's mind is very small. With the cooperation of Xiao Zhan's internal strength and assisting the silver needle, it is not a problem to disperse within a few days.


She looked at Li Shuang'er's struggling eyes and suddenly hesitated, wondering if it would be good or bad for her to restore her memory.

"Xiao Rui, you go and wait first, let's go in and have a look."

"Okay." Xiao Rui wanted to stay, but he was afraid that he would affect Yue Li's treatment, so he could only endure and wait in the side hall.

When Yue Li and Xiao Zhan walked in, Li Shuang'er still held Xiao Wang and didn't move.

The little guy will follow Yue Li obediently every day since Li Shuang'er disappeared, because Xiao Rui told him that as long as he obediently followed Aunt Yue, his mother and queen would return.

Sure enough, his father did not lie to him.

Xiao Wang cried and fell asleep, Li Shuanger carefully picked him up.

Hearing Yue Li and the others coming in, he raised his eyes to look at them.

"Shuang'er, do you want to restore your memory?" Yue Li looked at her and asked softly.

Li Shuang'er lowered his eyes and gently stroked Xiao Wang's face.

"I want to restore my memory."

Do you want, not think, do you not want to even remember your children...

"it is good."

Yue Li let the court lady come in and carried Xiao Wang out.

Only three of them are left in the house.

Xiao Zhan walked up to Li Shuang'er and moved his palm, and a powerful internal force gradually pushed from Li Shuang'er's veins to his head.

Yueli looked at the timing and moved the silver needle in her hand to pierce the acupuncture points on Li Shuanger's head quickly and accurately.

During the whole process, Yueli was very careful and serious. This treatment is very simple, but because the place to disperse blood stasis is the brain, if you are not careful, you may hurt other veins. What accidents will happen then is not her ability. As expected.

It took an hour before Yue Li closed the needle.

Xiao Zhan regained his internal strength and gently wiped the fine sweat beads on her forehead. "I'll go see Wan'er and the others."

"Okay~" Yue Li pouted a little while looking at his leaving back.

Since the birth of the two daughters, Xiao Zhan at least divided one-third of his energy into the two grinning little fairies!

Forget the small one, and the big one especially likes relatives!

Every time Xiao Zhan only hugs her, even if she is sleeping, she can always wake up the first time, causing Yue Li to wonder many times whether this woman is so special that she has traveled!

However, several verifications proved that she thought too much.

Yue Li put the silver needle away, and Li Shuang'er slowly opened his eyes.

"This is the first time. You will remember some things one after another, but don't force yourself to think about it. It hurts too much."

Li Shuang'er raised his eyes to look at her, no longer as unfamiliar as when they first met. Just now, a lot of pictures of memories flashed into her brain, which caught her off guard.


"Hungry, I will let them bring in some food."

"it is good."

As soon as Yue Li pushed out, Li Shuang'er got up from the bed.

She looked at the sky gradually sinking, but she thought of another person in her heart.

He is ready to wait for her in the small courtyard...

"Shuang'er, how are you feeling?" Xiao Rui walked into the room and reached out and held her hand affectionately.

Li Shuang'er raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes blurred.

"Xiao Rui..."

Upon hearing the sound, Xiao Rui Yixi hugged her directly. "Shuang'er, do you remember?"

Li Shuang'er broke away from his embrace and shook his head. "Just remembered some vague fragments."

Xiao Rui's expression was dim.

"It doesn't matter, Xiao Qi said, you can remember the past in a few days."

Li Shuang'er did not speak, and Xiao Rui didn't know what to say for a while.

"Shuang'er, what's wrong with you?"

"I want to go out of the palace." Li Shuang'er raised his eyes and looked at him.

In a word, Xiao Rui's expression sank instantly, and his beautiful eyebrows were all furrowed together.

"Who do you want to meet?" After finding Li Shuang'er, he followed the clues left by Li Shuang'er and found the small courtyard where she lived before. At the same time, his people also found that they had been with Li Shuang'er for so long. Man!

That man...damn it! ! !

"Shuang'er, no matter what has happened in the past few months, I can be treated as if nothing happened. You are still my Queen of Chu State. After you recover your memory, we will return to Chu State immediately, you know. , Father-in-law and they are also very worried about you."

Although Li Shuang'er was struggling, looking at the reality today, she and the man in front of her were husband and wife.

She is not a three-year-old kid, so why can't she understand what he meant.

A face instantly flushed with anger!

"What nonsense are you talking about! I'm innocent and nothing!"

When Xiao Rui heard her screaming so affectionately, she felt a powerful jealous fire burning in her chest.

"Shuang'er, you are the queen of Chu, and your home is in Chu. As for that man, he will only disappear forever, do you understand?!"

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