Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 860: Truth, faith collapsed

"Your Majesty, what conditions did you promise the barley family?"

Yue Li looked at the Zhezi sorted out by Tudor and touched her belly. "What the hell?"

Tudor smiled silently, only looking at her.

Yue Li frowned. "how?"

Before, she went to win over He's family, and indeed asked He's family to pay when she did it, but who knew that things went so well without friends, it would be useful.

However, since it was the one who was gathered by her, the He family is still very useful in the current situation where the court is unstable.

"The Patriarch of the He family said that he hopes to see your Majesty."


"Naturally, we should talk and do."

Yue Li threw the folder on her hand. "Spread the word down and bring people into the temple."

Yue Li did not expect that it was not the Patriarch of the He family who was waiting, but Ji Qin!

She was as quiet as she had seen it for the first time, with a soft complexion standing there. If it weren't for the hatred in her eyes, Yue Li would really think that the relationship between the two should get along more harmoniously.

Everyone in the hall pushed out, leaving only Yue Li and Ji Qin.

Ji Qin glanced at Yueli's bulging belly, her expression even colder. "Unexpectedly, you won in the end."

Yue Li walked to the dragon chair and sat down, looking at her condescendingly.

"I didn't expect you to be able to do nothing in the end."

Looking at Yueli sitting on the dragon seat, Ji Qin was so angry! How angry, just like Yue Li said, she can't sit on anything now!

Looking at her savage expression, Yue Li suddenly felt a little ridiculous.

No matter how many years she was, whether it was because of selfishness or because she wanted to avenge the people of the Ji family, she always thought that revenge had always been her self-righteous belief.

Today, she will see what she will be like when this belief collapses!

"You hate my grandmother, but you just think she killed the Ji family." Yue Li looked at her and spoke lightly.

Ji Qin trembled with anger when she saw her indifferent appearance!

"Hmph, for you, it may be worthless fate, but for me, those are my dearest and beloved family members! It was she who destroyed my home and the entire Jizu people!"

"Back then, your Ji family secretly supported Xiao Yazheng, but you didn't know that you had been targeted in secret."

The emotion on Ji Qin's face glared at her. "What do you mean?"

Yue Li took out a folder from the desk and threw it in front of her.

"Take a good look at yourself."

With doubts, Ji Qin picked up the folder on the ground and opened it.

As she gradually read the contents of the fold, the look on her face gradually became more gloomy and terrifying.

"No, this is impossible, I don't believe it!" Ji Qin threw the zhezi to the ground, glaring at Yueli and roaring.

If Yueli's fingertips seem to be rubbing on the desk.

"Yue Li, you are, you are forged, you lied to me! That is not true at all!"

Yue Li smiled at her, raised her eyebrows and glanced at Zhezi on the ground. "I faked it to deceive you? Ji Qin, don't take yourself too seriously. What benefit can I get if I lie to you? Do I need you? Do I need it?"

Ji Qin shook her head, her face turned pale. "I want to see them, I want to see them!" She looked at Yue Li and shouted.

Yue Li naturally knew who they were in her mouth.

"it is good."

Outside Rong Zhen's palace, on the most western open space, is Rong Zhen's tightest prison.

The whole prison is divided into three levels. Generally, as long as people enter this prison, it is mostly impossible to get out alive.

Yue Li brought Ji Qin to the first floor of the prison, which was also buried deep in the cell. It was intricately arranged and secretly arranged a lot of organs. Even people with high martial arts skills and those who did not understand organs could not escape it.

In the deepest part of the cell, there are two rooms connected together, separated by a thick iron wall.

In the gloomy cell, there was a figure sitting on the ground crouching, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

Open the door.

The three officers and soldiers stepped forward at the same time and turned the keys in order to open the door.

This door requires three keys to open. One of them makes a mistake and the whole cell will think of the alarm.

Ji Qin, wearing a black cloak, walked into the cell and looked at the figure.

As if feeling someone coming in, the figure looked up at her.

"Why, are you going to take me to the execution ground now? Oh, like I have tolerated for so many years, and finally lost to a latecomer, really unwilling!"

Feng Wang was wearing a prison uniform, and there was no harm to his body, just a mess, where the scenery was like before.

She thought that Yue Li would do something to her.

Ji Qin tore off the hat on his head and looked at Feng Wang with red eyes.

"Xiao Xinlan, what happened to the Ji family back then was the ghost of you behind!?"

Suddenly hearing Ji Qin's voice, Xiao Xinlan was stunned and raised his eyes to look at her.

She frowned when she saw her.

Hearing what she asked and thinking about her current situation, she immediately laughed.

"Ji Qin, what happened so many years ago, your Ji family are boneless, what's the point of asking now?"

Ji Qin clenched his fists in his sleeves.

"I, yes, know the truth! The truth!"

Xiao Xinlan laughed out loud.

"the truth?"


"Back then, you told Xiao Nianen about the things that the Ji family did behind the scenes for Xiao Yazheng? Asked her to participate in a copy of the Ji family in front of the first queen before she was copied by the whole family?!"

"Yes, I told Xiao Nian'en."

Hearing this, Ji Qin staggered and almost fell to the ground!

She stared at Xiao Xinlan in a daze, and was so shocked that she could not speak.

"Why, why, you are all doing things for Xiao Yazheng, why!"

"Because they listen to Xiao Yazheng too much."

Xiao Xinlan actually wanted to pull her from that position after Xiao Yazheng grabbed the throne.

But people are not as good as heaven, she did not catch Xiao Nian'en, did not get the imperial edict and jade seal in her hands.

In addition, her power back then was indeed inferior to Xiao Yazheng, so she chose to temporarily retreat to a dormant fief.

I don't want to, dormant, waiting for her is not a one-shot success, but a dark imprisonment.

Ji Qin didn't know how she got out of the prison, until she sat on the carriage of the He family, she still couldn't get back to her senses.

The faith that she had insisted on for many years collapsed in an instant. How could this make her stand? !

He Qihua glanced at her faintly and sighed in his heart. This time, I believe she will never think of Jue Du coming again.

"Get ready to set off, and you must send the lady back to the barley safely."

"Yes, master."

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