Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 847: The show begins, infighting

"The national teacher presents his majesty's birthday gift."

As Qin Shang's figure walked in from outside the hall, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Qin Shang, wearing a white robe, still wore a wooden mask on his face, and walked in awe-inspiringly.

Behind Qin Shang, there were two carrying a large cauldron.

"Wish your Majesty live longer than Nanshan." Qin Shang stopped in front of the hall.

Because of Qin Shang's performance in the sacrifice ceremony, many people looked at the national teacher with unspeakable awe.

"This is the divine water that has been refined by the minister for twenty years. It was finally refined three days ago after the deity's instructions. Only one cup can extend your majesty's life."

The queen raised her brows and looked very interested.

"Come on, Gu will taste it now."

The maid stepped forward to open the cauldron, and a fresh faint medicine chest floated out of the cauldron.

In the cauldron there is a gold leaf the size of two human heads, Shenshui, inside.

Drink it to prolong life, it sounds really tempting!

Many people looked straight, and even the eyes of Feng Wang looking at the gold leaf became greedy.

The palace lady walked to the queen with a glass of fairy water, and the queen eagerly took it and drank it.

The cold divine water slipped past the tip of the tongue and invaded the body and mind a little bit. At that moment, the queen really felt that she was about to fly.

And her appearance seemed to be several years younger instantly after that cup of divine water!

This change shocked everyone!

Even the empress herself was pleasantly surprised. In this short period of time, the national teacher gave her too many surprises!

"Your Majesty still likes ministers' gifts?"

"Okay, okay, I really like it! Rewards, the national teacher has many rewards!"

"Queen, such a good thing, how about letting us taste it?"

It is impossible to see the queen's face changing at a speed visible to the naked eye in a moment, saying that they are not greedy.

"Yes, Queen, there is a lot of divine water, and it should be enough for one of us."

Since some people are in their early days, there is no reason for those behind them not to cater to them.

Xiao Zhan slowly picked up the wine glass on the table and took a light peck.

"Uncle Emperor, what do you think it is?"

Xiao Rui sat below Xiao Zhan and asked in a low voice when he saw this.

"Naturally it is Shenshui." There was no trace of emotion on Xiao Zhan's face, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

"Shen Shui? Drinking it can really make people live longer?"

Xiao Zhan glanced at Qin Shang faintly, and did not answer Xiao Rui's words.

Give divine water to these people?

The empress is 10,000 unwilling!

The national teacher also said that this Shenshui will have to be refined for 20 years before it has that little. How could she be willing to do so.

"This one……"

"It's okay for your Majesty to let all the monarchs have a taste."

Before the queen refused to say it, Qin Shang spoke first.

The national teacher wants to give divine water to those people? !

The empress's eyebrows were dyed with a slight anger, but she did not dare to embarrass Qin Shang at this time.

"Master, isn't this Shenshui more than that?"

"No, the minister has only refined so much in twenty years."

Then you dare to take charge and share it with these damned people!

The empress wanted to get angry, but suddenly felt that the eyes of the national teacher looking at her were very infiltrating, full of pressure that she did not dare to resist, so she swallowed her refusal.

"Come here, send Shenshui to the tables of all the guests."

The maid of the palace stepped forward to fill the divine water and poured it into the wine glasses on the tables of those people one by one.

The quantity is limited, and only the heads of countries brought by the national division are what they can drink, not even the king.

This greatly stimulated the nerves of the king!

If she is the queen, these divine waters are all hers, all hers!

"Huo", Feng Wang stood up.

Because her actions were too sudden, many people looked at her.

"Feng Wang, what are you doing?"

There was a fire in her heart, and the queen couldn't find an outlet to vent, and Feng Wang broke into the barrel of the fire.

"The national teacher has already given such a great gift, and the minister naturally cannot fall behind."

To give a gift, the queen couldn’t scold her anymore, but said in a rather unkind tone, “Okay, I want to see what you want to give to me.”

The corners of Feng Wang's lips raised. "Come on."

The confidant of the king came up with a lacquered wooden box.

"Compared to your Majesty seeing this gift, you will definitely be very happy, because this is what your Majesty has wanted for many years!"

Feng Wang walked to the lacquered wooden box and looked at the queen with a smile.

When the empress saw her like that, her heart sank, her eyes narrowed and she looked at the box.

Feng Wang lifted his hand and opened the box!

Because of the king's words, everyone looked at the box curiously, wondering what the queen wanted for years!

Feng Wang took out a bright yellow scroll from the box and held it up!

"Your Majesty, do you remember what this is?"

When the queen looked at the scroll, her pupils shrank and she stood up suddenly!

"That is……"

"This is the imperial edict of the mother emperor back then!"

"What? The decree of the first queen?"

"Isn't that imperial edict in your majesty's hands, why? How could it be in the hands of the king?"

"Yeah, what the **** is going on?"

Rong Zhen's veterans are all boiling, some are the veterans of the two dynasties, and some are even the veterans of the three dynasties. The weight in the Rong Zhen court is very heavy!

As long as they questioned, even the queen could not stop it.

The monarchs of various countries saw that Rong Zhen's rhythm was infighting, and they sat silently and prepared to watch the show.

Yueli, who was sitting among the ministers, knew that today's great show was about to begin!

"Your Majesty, dare not to take out the false decree in your hand?!" Feng Wang glared at the empress and shouted!

"Back then, you took the imperial decree and said that the mother emperor passed the throne to you, but the third emperor wanted to usurp the throne! I believed your lie and led the troops to capture the third emperor, but I didn't know it. It turns out that your purpose is not only to Putting the Third Sister to death, I even want to get the real decree of her position!

"The last emperor's edict was to pass the throne to the third and the third emperor?" An old official stood up excitedly, staring at the king in shock.


"Nonsense! Xiao Xinlan, you spread rumors at the feast of the lonely, just trying to give your treason an excuse not to be scolded by the world! Do you think that lonely doesn't know what you have done all these years?" Looking at the king, he had already seen through the look of certainty.

The queen is not stupid, she doesn't know the actions behind the king, it's just that there is no time to clean her up.

Unexpectedly, this made her stare!

Well, today I will catch all alone!

"Your Majesty has a guilty conscience, is it true? As long as you read this edict, you will know!" Feng Wang was not afraid at all. Since he has decided to do it, there is no turning back!

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