Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 181: Angry, her emotions

"Not coming in yet!"

Yue Li's arrival was indeed later than the agreed time.

It's no fault of others. She ate a little too much during dinner. She couldn't keep the goods in her stomach when she was far away, and she was about to free up space. There was no way, she could only go back and release her willful instinct.

When I came again, it was a quarter of an hour late.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the past, but I don't know how Xiao Zhan cares so much today.

Her own fault was first, Yue Li took the medicine box and pushed open the study door honestly. It's just that it's dark inside, and she can only walk in slowly by the moonlight.

"Lord, can someone come in and light the lamp?"

As soon as she entered, she felt a strong chill over her. This shows that the mood of Living Hades is not good at the moment!

"Why are you here now?"

"It was I who read the wrong time, and I ask the prince to forgive me."

Yue Li's deliberately humble words and deeds made the brows under Xiao Zhan's mask slightly frowned, and calmly let her step forward.

However, Yue Li put down her medicine box at the table and turned around to go out.

"Where are you going!" The tone was obviously heavy. Xiao Zhan didn't like this feeling very much, and the sparseness of the woman's words made him very upset!

"My lord, how can I treat you with black lights?"

Even if Yue Li forced herself not to think about it, her brain would always uncontrollably pop out the words she heard in the other courtyard.

Xiao Zhan and her are in an equal cooperative relationship, not a subordinate relationship. Why does she have to let him cooperate with him everywhere, and why can't she have her own little emotions?

Yue Li admits that she is a **** horn, but in this world, who can be any woman who will not **** with a person who has a good impression of herself? Especially that person always does things that make her misunderstand?

She always showed up to protect her when she was in danger, and tolerated her to help her in many things, making her think that this man was really interesting to her to do such things.

Now, all the imaginary bubbles have all turned into bubbles. Can't she be emotional while laughing at herself for being passionate?

Fortunately, she didn't fall deep, which is the only thing to be thankful for.

"Are you angry with this king? The Qi king left you at the Junshan Courtyard?" Xiao Zhan stood up from the soft couch and approached her step by step. Although he asked, he didn't think there was anything wrong with doing that. He has left someone to protect her. What is her dissatisfaction?

A person with a strong aura, even if he did not deliberately release it, the deterrence is enough to suppress people.

Yue Li felt like a cheetah slowly approaching behind her, making her subconsciously want to escape and avoid.

"No, the prince is worried too much." She didn't have an angry position.

As a collaborator, Xiao Zhan did a good job in many aspects.

"Master, today is the full night of the fifteenth month. It is the heaviest yin qi of the month. This is the time when toxins are most active. Taking advantage of the treatment now will get twice the result with half the effort."

Xiao Zhan ignored her endorsement, and directly raised her chin, locking his eyes on her. "Isn't angry? Are you so good to be a three-year-old kid?"

Yue Li only raised her eyes and looked at him directly.

"If the prince dies, then I will come back tomorrow." Reached out, trying to break Xiao Zhan's hand away, but where is she his opponent.

The hand strength on her chin gradually increased, and Yue Li frowned with pain.


"It's boring!" Xiao Zhan let go of her fiercely, with a bit of strength, and made her staggered back two steps before barely standing firm.

"The king is dead tonight, go out."

Yue Li pursed her lips and went forward to take her medicine box, no longer looked at Xiao Zhan, turned and left.

A Si, who was guarding outside, saw that Yueli had left so quickly, and gave A San a faint glance.

"The prince's wound hasn't been bandaged yet?" A Sanyi looked worried.

"So fast, there shouldn't be enough time for bandaging..."

In the study, Xiao Zhan clenched his fists slightly, and through the faint moonlight, he could see drops of bright red blood dripping from the sleeve of his right hand.

Just now, he also held Yue Li's chin with this hand.

But the **** woman didn't even find him hurt! Still having trouble with him!

Ah Si and Ah San couldn't hear the movement inside, and they were a little worried. Finally had to bite the bullet and step forward. "Master, your hand hurt yesterday, so your subordinates should find Miss Yue to bandage you."

When Xiao Zhan confronted Xiao Shen in Junshan Courtyard yesterday, he was distracted by Xiao Shen's words and hurt his right hand. At that time, Xiao Zhan only tapped acupuncture points to stop the bleeding. He has not treated the wound until now.

The genius doctor returned to the palace tonight, thinking that the prince would let him treat the wound, but the genius doctor Ye was driven out of the palace after only a few words in the study.

Just now, Miss Yue only went in for a while...


The two of them trembled because of the low and deep voice, but they didn't dare to leave and could only keep farther...

With a sigh of relief in her chest, Yue Li returned to her yard. After sitting down, she felt that she was a little too impulsive.

She locked the door backwards, took off her dress and got into the quilt, and went straight into the space.

She still has a lot to do. Keeping herself busy is the best way to forget her troubles.

"Master, women who don't sleep in the middle of the night will grow old quickly." The robot said that the machine also needs to rest.

"My mother is a girl now!"

"Girl host, what do you want to do?" The robot was kind.

"The reagents studied last time need to be re-experimented. Come and help."

"...Yes, master."


"Miss Yue, there is a woman outside who claims to be your cousin who says she wants to see you for something important." Ruyan walked in with lunch, glanced at Yueli who was not in good spirits and whispered.

Yue Li rubbed her eyes tiredly. She didn't go to bed until early in the morning last night. She woke up hungry before she had enough sleep.

"Auntie Biao..." It was Hu Lanhua. How did she find the Palace of the Regent?

She knew that Xiao Zhan was afraid that Hu Lanhua would have been known for a long time, otherwise he wouldn't let people come in and pass it on.

"I know, tell her to wait outside the door, and I will go out to see her right away."

Yue Li's answer surprised Ruyan slightly, why didn't she let people enter the palace to see...

But they didn't dare to ask about this, they just came forward to change her clothes.

Yueli put on her veil before walking towards the gate of the palace. As soon as I walked outside the side door, I saw Hu Lanhua with a worried look standing there, more aged and desolate than before.

"Auntie Cousin." She stepped forward and whispered.

When Hu Lanhua heard this, she turned around and knelt down and pleaded with her. "Rong,, you must help Cousin..."

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